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Tachyon Turbo BBA - New Set 3 Teaser

Posted on 18th June, 2021 at 4:39pm CST
Friday rolls around again, which means its time for the weekly Set 3 teaser article, talking about a new unit's setting and hints at its card design.

Tachyon Turbo BBA
Illustrator: JAIBON

Unit Setting

I asked for speed. I noticed that I just kept running. Even if its impossible, I wanted to surpass "that guy" someday.

She challenged "that guy", and picked up speed. Going beyond the law of physics, and overtook "that guy"; Light itself.

Card Design Notes

The winner of the "Something from Space Contest", Zuba's "Tachyon Turbo BBA", will finally be made into a card.

Its based on the yokai "Turbo-Granny", so naturally it will have the "Supernatural" attribute.

We can't talk about it in detail yet, but it will have the ability to move zones during the opponent's turn! Its a card whose usage will make you want to shout "Cut it out!".

Edited by HunterSerge on 18th June, 2021 at 4:40pm CST