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Ambassador Progam & New Reveal!

Posted on 20th October, 2020 at 10:47pm CST
Influencer Support

Gate Ruler supports Youtubers, Vtubers, and Bloggers!

You can try out Gate Ruler with all the cards in virtual space. You can shoot battles like in anime! Active creators can be promoted to official ambassadors!


There's also a registration form linked in this tweet, but obviously this is just for Japanese creators for the time being. Hopefully this program comes to English closer to the release of the English game.

"A new card game to start with friends, like in those days"

  • Rules that even TCG beginners can understand in 5 minutes

  • Depth for TCG veterans to enjoy

    A new trading card game in development Japanese, English, and Chinese.

  • ---
    Physical card game, but also available to play online through virtual space!

    It's as if you're living in a card game anime!

    Influencer support system currently in development!

  • All cards are available inside this Virtual Space.
  • Can be used for video content.
  • Content creators will be listed on the Home Page.
  • Introducing Rank-Up System! Promotion for ambassadors is also included!

  • ---
    Gate Ruler welcomes derivative works! Show us your creations!

    Show us your creative decks made with your favorite Rulers with the twitter hashtag #GateRulerDeck

    Post fan arts of your favorite Gate Ruler Units with the twitter hashtag #GateRulerArt

    Vtuber becomes a voice actor? Call out flavor texts and technique names! There is an open call for participants on Twitter at the hashtag #GateRulerVoice

    Works submitted to the above hashtags can be used by crediting the creator by the official pages and ambassadors. We're also considering formal requests from the official page. We look forward to your participation.

    In these images we also have our first look at the Ruler card frame and the card back. We'll talk about Rulers more in a moment, but the card back has a very distinctive red and black, with the logos we've seen all over the twitter and official page for a bit at this point.

    Introduction of Influencer Support

    TCG x Vtuber?!
    We're releasing a virtual space that any creator can use!

    Please use it for the creation of videos for Gate Ruler! Active users can be promoted to official ambassadors! VR competitions are also being planned!


    Also in this video is some gameplay of some Vtubers using the Virtual Space version of Gate Ruler, that gave us significant infromation about Rulers by giving us a closer look at World Master α.

    On our 1st image here, we can see a close up of the Ruler frame. On our example here we see 3 circles for stats. The two bunched together seem to be Attack and Strike (it was previously said that Rulers wouldn't have a defensive stat), while the yellow one on the other side seems to be the Life stat we've long suspected existed that determines how much damage you can take. Interestingly, we can clearly make out that its 11 in other images, so the 10 damage displayed in the playmat's damage zone is not any sort of maximum, as even one of the Rulers in the free Trial Deck goes higher.

    Also of note is the different colored arrows on the art box. These likely represent which of the Unit and Set zones the player can use. The blue arrow represents the defensive zone (aka the center), red arrows represent attacking zones, and yellow arrows represent the Set zones. Different Rulers can likely have different amounts of all of these, and these arrows will provide a quite reference to which of these zones your Ruler gives you access to.

    The other image of note (at 0:16 as the image shows, so feel free to check it for yourself) is when one of the players uses a "Double Drive" where they take 2 cards from their deck (probably from the top). This seems to be the "Drive" mechanic we've seen from early cards, and it appears to actually be similar to Vanguard's Drive check effect, making [OD] effects our Drive Trigger effects. As seen with this Double Drive, there even seems to be a way to emulate Vanguard's Twin Drive. Since there are not Units on board and the Ruler is rested, its pretty safe to assume this activates, as one would expect, when the Ruler attacks. Whether the Drive cards go to hand after being revealed or some other place is unknown, but going to hand with the Double Drive would give players a staggering 4 additional cards in hand each turn!

    As always with Gate Ruler, remember that how Drive works could differ depending on the Ruler you are using.

    Nature of Cherry Blossoms (GB01-068 3*)
    Faction: Yomajin Front
    Card Type: Unit
    Level: 1
    Attribute(s): Apparition
    Attack: 5
    HP: 1
    Strike: 1
    Effect: [OD] Choose one of your opponent's Field cards and destroy it.
  • "Obstacle" When combat damage is dealt to this, select an enemy unit and deal the same damage to it.
    Flavor Text: It blossoms every spring. It scatters every spring.

  • ---
    We are now recruiting official influencers!
    Shops and Shop clerks that have the ability to announce, Youtubers, Bloggers, SNS, etc. people with experience hosting TCG events like CS...
    Anyone who has the ability to help spread Gate Ruler is welcome!

    We will give you exclusive right to reveal a card! More details tonight!


    Nature of Cherry Blossoms makes for a timely reveal, since we now have a fairly good idea of how [OD] works. This card seems quite good. Its Obstacle ability makes it a threatening unit to place in the center, if our assumption that the only restriction on units in that special zone is always being rested. Due to the MtG combat system, its ability allows it to take out 2 opposing units at once for attacking into it, or take out a single beefy Level 3 unit that a card of its Level would normally be unable to threaten, or even threaten a unit with first strike!

    It can also be used on the attacking zones for similar effect, but its offensive presence doesn't seem very threatening, so I don't think it would be very good at pressuring the opponent into dealing with it via combat. Of course, in that position, you can simply have it swing in itself to quickly clear 2 opposing units or 1 Level 3. Its big weakness is only having 1 HP. While it is very threatening when dealt with in combat, even the smallest damage effect will clear it instantly, and on an Event that can be revealed on the opponent's turn, this can be done before it can even do anything, even if you use its effect more aggressively.

    Of course, on top of all this it comes packaged with a nice little effect for when you drive it, to remove a Field. The current assumption is a Field is an Event that remains on the board after being activated, to continue providing some effect. Its likely that not all decks will even use Field cards, making this effect fairly niche, but its a nice bonus all the same, and will be very powerful if activated at the right time against any deck with reliance on Field all the cards in virtual space.
    Edited by HunterSerge on 21st October, 2020 at 4:58am CST