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Yobuko Full Card Reveal!

Posted on 22nd October, 2020 at 6:33am CST
A Japanese blog,, published a new article on the Gate Ruler Starter Decks featuring updated sample images of the Starter Decks! It seems they also reported on the original images from the deleted tweet, and Ikeda sent them updated sample images to post.

These replace the cover card with the correct ones that Ikeda mentioned, as we covered in our previous article. We also see the proper cards for both Vastorus Rex and Yobuko. This image of Vastorus Rex is still too blurry to translate, but user Hauooo from our discord did identify the last effect as "You cannot put this card in the Defensive zone". Yobuko, on the other hand, is fully readable!

Late-night Police Officer, Yobuko (2020GS01-???)
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Superior, Military
Attack: 2
HP: 2
Strike: 1
Effect: [OD] You may look at the top card of your deck, and Set any card that can be Set. If you do not Set it, put it on the bottom of your deck.
Flavor Text: The night world was given to them. The youkai decided they would do their best to protect that regained world.

A potentially very powerful Overdrive effect, able to get a free Event Set onto your field. Of course, with only checking the top card, it is likely this will have a success rate of 50% or less. Still, its one of the better payoffs we've seen from an Overdrive effect. We've seen "deal 1 damage to an enemy unit", which can remove a threat but only very vulnerable ones with low health, "put the top card of your deck on the top or bottom", an effect good for setting up more Overdrives and a general consistency booster but not very powerful in and of itself, and "Destroy an enemy Field card", which will likely be relatively niche.

Of course, a chance based effect activated through a chance based mechanic might not be the most appealing thing, but it could create some good clutch moments, its the sort of thing that would be lots of fun to see go off. Coming on a Level 0 will likely be a plus as well.

A new illustration was also shown! One of the Vtubers who is a part of the Ambassador program made a video talking about Yomajin Front lore in which he showed off this brand new illustration, so be sure to give it a click:
Edited by HunterSerge on 22nd October, 2020 at 6:33am CST