For the first of yesterday's influencer card reveals is ATLAS Event "Buster Arm!", from Clea's video! Clea is a member of the Gate Realize discord and has multilingual subtitles on their videos, so be sure to give their video a watch!
Buster Arm!
Card Number: 2020GB01-040 ★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Military, Wild Force
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 6 damage to it!
Flavor Text: I'll make a trophy with your neck!
A powerful removal card for ATLAS! Since we already knew Buster Arm was a big Level 3 CNT Event, some of us had already assumed it would be a big removal card for ATLAS, similar to "Destiny Sword" in Exvaders. Of course, its weaker than that, since this deals damage, but 6 will still remove most opposing units, and it can of course be further buffed with "Guns & Gold Weapons Arsenal" to clear targets it can't already clear, or to give you safety from HP buffing Events.
Yesterday's 2nd influencer reveal is Wonderverse Unit "Horror Corps, Hannibal Razor" from Itokom's video.
Horror Corps, Hannibal Razor
Card Number: 2020GB01-113 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Crimenauts, Apparition
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: [TD] [OD] Your opponent discards a card from their hand.
Flavor Text: He wants to make others smile like he does. Its not his fault that his smile is scary.
The first reveal for the Horror Corps of Crimenauts! Horror Corps seems to fit into the overall control themes of Crimenauts as the hand control side of the attribute. Hannibal Razor allows any Ruler to force your opponent to discard 1. However, this is likely to be relegated to sideboard, assuming we have one. Not only does your opponent get to choose the card, Drive Rulers also are completely immune. Still, assuming sideboards exist, it will be very powerful against Hand Rulers.
Yesterday's last influencer reveal was Yomajin Front Unit "Black Kappa, Genkuro", from 47 Bandoro's blog post.
Black Kappa, Genkuro
Card Number: 2020GB01-086 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Apparition, Darkness
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: [OD] Play "Rock-Paper-Scissors" with your opponent until someone wins. The player who loses takes 1 damage. If you were the one who lost, you may send this card to the cemetery. If you do, redo this effect.
Flavor Text: Do you eat fish or eat people?
Honestly, this card doesn't seem very impressive. About half the time you're going to end up taking 1 or more damage yourself, and only really seems super good when you get the burn after the initial effect and still have it on field to attack with. Similar results can be achieved with the natural STK 2 of "Jinrai" in the same faction. It'll definitely be a fun card at the very least, and unlike "Jinrai", it is a target for "Tenrou the Ushi-oni".
And now we come to today's 1st influencer reveal, we have another Crimenauts card, in the Wonderverse Unit "Horror Corps Leader, Gachihorror", revealed by a video from Ogino Nobu.
Horror Corps Commander, Gachihorror
Card Number: 2020GB01-099 ★★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Crimenauts
Attack: 4
HP: 5
Strike: 1
Effect: [TD] [OD] Choose one of the following effects:
・Discard 1 card from your opponent's hand at random.
・Choose 1 of your opponent's set cards, and destroy it.
Flavor Text: He is a telepath and thinks of others, so he became a public figure chief who is trusted by everyone.
Definitely earning the title of "Leader" within the hand control archetype, Gachihorror's discard effect is a straight improvement of Hannibal's, while having a set destroying option to still minus Drive Ruler opponents. In addition, its statline makes it a very solid defensive unit, which can create a resilient defensive zone when combined with Badmans.
With that, on to Ikeda's reveals and tweets!
With the online influencer focus of Gate Ruler's advertisement, and how Ikeda talked about advertising Gate Ruler in the past, it comes as a bit of a surprise that Gate Ruler is using the traditional magazine card reveal advertisement methods. Regardless, that reach is still good for the game.
On Hobby Search, we can see this preview page, though all the cards are too small to read. But from it we can see "Imperial Wizard, Shiori Rhodia" and "Norwegian Forest Cait Sith" from GB01 as well as "Jack the Ripper" and "Dökkálfar" from GS02.
While we don't yet have good images of the magazine, we do have a leak of "Imperial Wizard, Shiori Rhodia", who will talk about first, since she's pretty important to understanding many of the other reveals.
Imperial Wizard, Shiori Rhodia
Card Number: 2020GB01-006 ★★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Wizard
Attack: 3
HP: 3
Strike: 2
Effect: [TD] [OD] You may choose 1 unit with [Familiar] in your cemetery, and special summon it.
[Creation Summon] Normal: Use this & 1 or more «Wizard» or «Warrior» units as material and put them to the bottom of your deck, and special summon 1 «Dragon» or «Warrior» unit from your deck whose Level is equal or lower than the total Level of the materials.
Flavor Text: For practical testing of modern equipment, the Empire accepted the technology testing team.
Creation Summon is finally known! As Ikeda said, it functions very similarly to Synchro Summon from Yugioh, and looks to be very powerful. As we'll see with the later reveals in this article, Shiori's ability to revive a [Familiar] on play allows her to instantly summon any Level 3 Dragon or Warrior from your deck, including the powerful Legend Card "Magvarius" to clear the board, or the "Platinum King, Albafort" to recover life and Penetrate your opponent's center line.
Hydra Familiar
Card Number: 2020GB01-029 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Beast
ATK: 2
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [Familiar] (Normal: This unit gets any attribute until end of turn.)
■ Normal: This card becomes a Level 1 until end of turn.
Flavor Text: Familiars are creatures that have been bred at magical workshops to become a spiritual and magical booster for a wizard.
The first Familiar we saw a partial card of is now fully revealed! Thanks to its level modulation ability, it makes for an ideal target for Shiori, since being from the same faction as Volnar means you'll always be able to run him. Also of course worth keeping an eye on any abilities that care about attribute while on the field, but the only one we've seen so far is "Tiger of Id" who cares about the Beast attribute that "Hydra Familiar" and all the other [Familiar] reveals already have.
Hell Fang Beast, Cerberios
Card Number: 2020GB01-018 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Beast, Traitor, Darkness
ATK: 5
HP: 3
STK: 3
Flavor Text: There are honest people in every world. Someone who is honest with his desires.
3 STK makes it certainly notable, though its stat allocation is notably inferior to "Raguo the Ushi-oni". However, unlike Raguo, it can fit into a Beast deck using Volnar and Wonderverse for access to both "Forest of Killers" and "Tiger of Id". Also, it has the Darkness attribute, so it could be useful in Abyss Summon decks. Perhaps even some mix deck between Darkness and Beast could be possible?
Space Sphinx
Card Number: 2020GB01-106 ★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Apparition, Beast, Bipoverse
Attack: 3
HP: 4
Strike: 1
Effect: [Counterattack] (When this card was attacked by your opponent's unit and wasn't destroyed, deal damage to that unit equal to this card's ATK.)
Flavor Text: If the opponent is caught by the strong forefeet, they'll be trapped in the quiz show. You cannot escape until you get 100 correct answers.
With this, we know for sure that [Counterattack] functions about the same as Buddyfight's! Technically, the phrasing here says "if it wasn't destroyed" rather than "if its still on the field", but we've been told it still does work with [Soulguard], so functionally identical. It loses the target choice, of course, since link attacks are gone. I'm sure there will be plenty of confusion in the future caused from being thinking it is "combat damage" due to having "attack" in its name, as we dealt with in Buddyfight. Ideally, I'd like the official localization at least could change the name to avoid that confusion from happening again.
Moving on to the card itself, natural Counterattack with this good defensive stat allocation seems very solid! The ability seems to cost 2 stat points. Being a Beast, Counterattack is able to be made much more effective through "Forest of Killers"! Its an Apparition as well, and being both would make it fit into an Apparition + Beast build that is seeming more and more viable, and is in general a great target for the ability of "Tenrou the Ushi-oni".
Golden Dog
Card Number: 2020GB01-022 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Light, Beast
ATK: 4
HP: 2
STK: 2
Effect: [Familiar] (Normal: This unit gets any attribute until end of turn.)
Flavor Text: As long as people who continue to fight, this species will continue to evolve. Because that is the kind of pact that was made long ago.
Another [Familiar] unit! Being another Level 1 in Volnar, its another revival target that allows Shiori to go into any Level 3 or lower Dragon or Warrior. Another plus of it is that unlike many other [Familiar] units we'll be seeing, it being a natural Level 1 nets it much better stats, so its much more useful as a normal unit rather than just as material.
Selkirk Cait Sith
Card Number: 2020GB01-048 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): OWL, Apparition, Beast
ATK: 3
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: [Intercept] (When this is attacked, it deals damage equal to its ATK to the attacking unit before combat damage calculation.)
[Familiar] (Normal: This unit gets any attribute until end of turn.)
Flavor Text: A gun is faster than magic.
Not only a [Familiar], but Selkirk also possesses another powerful new keyword! We first heard about [Intercept] quite a while back, and its mention made it seem like we'd have mutual combat damage like in MtG, but that turned out to not be the case, and now we see [Intercept] is a purely defensive version of what it is in MtG, allowing a unit to deal damage to the unit attacking it before it takes damage. Frankly, its a strictly better [Counterattack], but it also does cost more stat points naturally.
However, as a trade-off, the card's incredibly low HP makes it vulnerable to effect damage in a way that "Space Sphinx" is not. This is especially concerning as a [Creation Summon] material, as it could be destroyed by an Immediate Event or Ability before you can [Creation Summon].This is particularly a weakness of [Familiar] cards. Like in Buddyfight, when you summon a unit, there is no timing for your opponent to use an Immediate after its on the field until you use another ability or card. However, activating [Familiar] to make your unit a compatible attribute will give your opponent that timing. While they could do the same to Shiori by responding to her [TD]/[OD] effect, but her 3 HP makes her much harder to kill than a 1 or 2 HP [Familiar] unit. (This analysis is now incorrect due to additional ruling information)
Calico Cait Sith
Card Number: 2020GB01-087 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Apparition, Beast, Wizard
ATK: 2
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: [Familiar] (Normal: This unit gets any attribute until end of turn.)
Normal: This card's Level becomes 1 or 2 until end of turn.
Flavor Text: Cait Sith are all over the world. Maybe your cat is secretly one of them.
Calico's level modulation is a bit of an oddity right now, since there'd be no reason to make it a Level 2 when using [Creation Summon] with "Shiori Rhodia". However, its likely there's a 2nd weaker, lower Level summoner, and for that Calico suddenly becomes among the best [Familiar] units, allowing a Level 1 summoner to bring out a Level 3. Also, even with "Shiori Rhodia", Calico has a really important trait. Being a Wizard naturally, Calico is a target for Shiori's revival that also doesn't use to activate a Normal to be used to [Creation Summon].
Sudden Wormhole
Card Number: 2020GB01-121 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Accident
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 enemy unit, and rest it.
Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it when an enemy unit attacks, if there is a unit in your attack zone.
■ Choose 1 ally unit, and change the target of the attack target of the enemy unit to that ally unit's line.
Flavor Text: "The design of the frame of this card opens up the folded extra space" Adriano said. "That's what I've come to feel. The card becomes a "gate"."
A cool new defensive Event for Wonderverse! Its default effect can be a bit situational, but forcing your opponent into a high HP high Level unit is pretty solid, or even better forcing the attack into a [Intercept] or [Counterattack], or even "Obstacle" unit. Very appreciated that its [CNT] rests a unit instead of doing anything involving its main effect, allowing its [CNT] to be useful even with an empty board.
Flying Shield
Card Number: 2020GB01-016 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: Use Timing: Set this, and play it when you or an ally unit would be damaged.
■ Reduce the next damage by 2.
Flavor Text: "A flashy welcome, Ms. Shiori!"
"It could be said to be Volnar style, but the military troop was supposed to welcome us if it moved as planned."
"Then, this is imperial territory...?!"
And the last of yesterday's Ikeda reveals! Flying Shield is an incredibly versatile non-[CNT] defensive Event. Unlike HP boosting Events like "Desperate", "Do-or-die Defense Battle", and "All Things Must Die", this card is also able to defend you from direct attacks. Of course, it has the weakness of a more limited timing making it vulnerable to removal, but since all set removal we've seen has been Level 2 or higher, that is pretty limited and definitely not enough of a weakness to hamper its versatility. Particularly, within [Creation Summon], it also gives you a native to Volnar tool to keep your materials alive through attempts to remove them before you can activate [Creation Summon].
Next up, Ikeda's reveals from earlier today!
Explosive Arts, Wolf
Card Number: 2020GB01-010 ★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Fire, Wizard
ATK: 2
HP: 1
STK: 2
Effect: [TD] Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 2 damage to it. ([TD] is an ability that activates when a unit enters play from hand.)
Flavor Text: Originally, this magic was just enough to stagger the verman.
Originally, it was good that the magic was that strong...
Huescalot Empire Imperial Footsoldier
Card Number: 2020GB01-014 ★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Warrior
ATK: 2
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [TD] "Energy Boost [Turn(1)]" Choose 1 energy, and activate it. (Abilities with the same name as an ability with [Turn(1)] can only be used once per turn.)
Flavor Text: Volnar's greatest force, the Huescalot Empire, is a successful example of unity and cooperation, effectively leveraging the strengths of various races to confront various foreign enemies.
"With mainly [OD] reveals, are there too few [TD] reveals that support Knight?"
I was worried about that, so today I'm showing some [TD] cards!
Effect damage that can be timed, unlike Ed, so its strong! The STK is 2 as well!
Huescalot Empire Imperial Footsoldier
A highly desired effect!
By the way, the "Millenium Huescalot Empire" is a great empire of the human race, which boasts the greatest force in Volnar, and is the group that made contact with Earth.
Although it says "empire", the reality is more like the "United Nations" and they are relatively democratic. (The political form is different for each member country) The emperor feels like a symbol.
(Sources: 1 2)
Wolf seems like a very easy staple. 2 damage is pretty significant for a Level 1, doesn't even have [CNT] like Ed, and on top of that its a Wizard making it a material target for Shiori's [Creation Summon]!
Footsoldier's effect on the other hand is incredibly powerful. A card like this will be very valuable to Knight, especially being a Level 0, as it allows you to spend 3 Energy while being able to recover to full on the next turn, or set yourself up to use an Event on your opponent's turn.
We also get confirmation that [Turn(1)] is a once per turn keyword. While this reminder text says its based on name, reminder text in Gate Ruler is specific to the effect in question, as we saw in the [Open Card] reminder text for "Haunting" not mentioning paying as much as possible since there was no cost to pay. In this case, [Turn(1)] being played within the quotation marks for the ability name is likely what makes it based on ability name, and not being placed there, as on "Yamata no Orochi" should allow you to use the same effect twice if you have two copies of the card on the field.
Colonel Big Owl
Card Number: 2020GB01-041 ★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Wild Force
ATK: 2
HP: 5
STK: 1
Effect: [CNT] Draw 1.
■ "Saving Order [Turn(1)]" When your «Wild Force» attacks and damages your opponent, draw 1.
Flavor Text: So, Sergeant Major. No, the army. I think they brought my stomach medicine in cartons?!
Senior Soldier, Recon Deer
Card Number: 2020GB01-058 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military, Wild Force
ATK: 3
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: [TD] [OD] "Observe and Prepare" Look at the top card of your deck, and put it on the top or bottom of your deck.
Flavor Text: Earth. This is our new battlefield. We won't let it die, like our home did.
Commander of the Wild Force is here! He's always dealing with expired stomach medicine!
He doesn't have [TD], but it has a draw effect. You can see that Wild Force has many cards suitable for Knight.
They largely speak for themselves, but its nice to confirm that Wild Force has archetypal support to tie it together in this 1st set. And Big Owl is incredibly powerful draw support to boot. Taking [CNT] slots is well deserved, and its [CNT] effect itself is pretty fantastic too. High Defense will make it a pain for your opponent to deal with as well.
Meanwhile, Recon Deer is in many ways a superior Levan, who has proven to be a potent card in the Demo Deck. Being able to set-up [CNT]s is powerful, and being on a Level 0 and within an archetype with this powerful draw power is rather nice, as is being able to run 8 copies of this effect is you want.
Also of note is that Owl is a new card that cares about attributes on the field, so it has compatibility with [Familiar] units. Selkirk is a decent unit in its own right, so it seems like a prime option for that.
Guiding Holy Swordsman
Card Number: 2020GB01-028 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Wind, Warrior, Light
ATK: 3
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [TD] Set this card's Level to 1 until end of turn. ([TD] is an ability that activates when a unit enters play from hand.)
Flavor Text: Everyone on Earth, one of the Fell Dragon Quadrachs seems to be targeting you!
Marine Corps, Daring Trooper
Card Number: 2020GB01-043 ★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military
ATK: 2
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [TD] "Energy Boost [Turn(1)]" Choose 1 energy, and activate it. (Abilities with the same name as an ability with [Turn(1)] can only be used once per turn.)
Flavor Text: ATLAS is an abbreviation for ATLantic Alliance Sentinels, and is also the name of a mythical giant who supported the world.
Additional cards with [TD] Touchdown! These are the last for today.
I think that the possibilities for Knight have come to light now. Even before this, Busterkong's [TD] is dangerous.
You can see how useful "Guiding Holy Swordsman" is by looking at the new issue of Card Gamer magazine!
While "Guiding Holy Swordsman" has a decent level modulation ability, with as many Familiars as we can that are Level 1 or can set themselves to Level 1, it seems rather unnecessary. Maybe his Wind and Light attributes will become relevant?
On the other hand, Daring Trooper is very exciting! From very early in Buddyfight, the design space of having multiple cards with the same named ability that are all restricted by the same once per turn, is one I found interesting and hoped would be explored in the future. Unfortunately, in Buddyfight, it took until Time Dragons, about this time last year, for this to be explored. It makes me very excited to see this design space being utilized so early on, and using it to give you 8 copies of a powerful effect like this while still preventing you from using it more than once in a turn.
Footsoldier and Daring Soldier are some of the units that scream staple status the most of what we've seen to me.
Black Knight, Geist
Card Number: 2020GS02-005
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Warrior, Traitor, Darkness
ATK: 4
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: When this card is put from your deck or field to your cemetery, put the top card of your deck into your cemetery.
Flavor Text: Black Knights. Those who traded their human soul to gain a cursed and immortal body.
And for our last new card, a new card from Starter Deck 2! This was leaked and the tweet has since been deleted, so we don't have a source to provide. Regardless, this provides a very powerful mill tool, not as good as Follower, but still quite potent, and boasting much better unit clearing stats than Follower.
And last up, we have some Ikeda quotes of interest to go through.
For those who are unaware, "Hundred Demons" were the first of Buddyfight's "attribute flags" (and the only one from Ikeda's run) that allowed you to use cards from many different Worlds that shared an attribute in one deck. I imagine that's what Ikeda means, rather than the burn playstyle of Buddyfight's Hundred Demons.
It seems likely that "Traitor" could be units who betray their home world to the Exvaders, so perhaps these will be tied together in a Ruler that allows you to use Exvaders as well as all Traitor cards. Ultimately, we'll have to wait and see, but this is definitely an attribute to keep an eye on.

Card Number: 2020GB01-040 ★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Military, Wild Force
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 6 damage to it!
Flavor Text: I'll make a trophy with your neck!
A powerful removal card for ATLAS! Since we already knew Buster Arm was a big Level 3 CNT Event, some of us had already assumed it would be a big removal card for ATLAS, similar to "Destiny Sword" in Exvaders. Of course, its weaker than that, since this deals damage, but 6 will still remove most opposing units, and it can of course be further buffed with "Guns & Gold Weapons Arsenal" to clear targets it can't already clear, or to give you safety from HP buffing Events.
Yesterday's 2nd influencer reveal is Wonderverse Unit "Horror Corps, Hannibal Razor" from Itokom's video.

Card Number: 2020GB01-113 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Crimenauts, Apparition
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: [TD] [OD] Your opponent discards a card from their hand.
Flavor Text: He wants to make others smile like he does. Its not his fault that his smile is scary.
The first reveal for the Horror Corps of Crimenauts! Horror Corps seems to fit into the overall control themes of Crimenauts as the hand control side of the attribute. Hannibal Razor allows any Ruler to force your opponent to discard 1. However, this is likely to be relegated to sideboard, assuming we have one. Not only does your opponent get to choose the card, Drive Rulers also are completely immune. Still, assuming sideboards exist, it will be very powerful against Hand Rulers.
Yesterday's last influencer reveal was Yomajin Front Unit "Black Kappa, Genkuro", from 47 Bandoro's blog post.

Card Number: 2020GB01-086 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Apparition, Darkness
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: [OD] Play "Rock-Paper-Scissors" with your opponent until someone wins. The player who loses takes 1 damage. If you were the one who lost, you may send this card to the cemetery. If you do, redo this effect.
Flavor Text: Do you eat fish or eat people?
Honestly, this card doesn't seem very impressive. About half the time you're going to end up taking 1 or more damage yourself, and only really seems super good when you get the burn after the initial effect and still have it on field to attack with. Similar results can be achieved with the natural STK 2 of "Jinrai" in the same faction. It'll definitely be a fun card at the very least, and unlike "Jinrai", it is a target for "Tenrou the Ushi-oni".
And now we come to today's 1st influencer reveal, we have another Crimenauts card, in the Wonderverse Unit "Horror Corps Leader, Gachihorror", revealed by a video from Ogino Nobu.

Card Number: 2020GB01-099 ★★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Crimenauts
Attack: 4
HP: 5
Strike: 1
Effect: [TD] [OD] Choose one of the following effects:
・Discard 1 card from your opponent's hand at random.
・Choose 1 of your opponent's set cards, and destroy it.
Flavor Text: He is a telepath and thinks of others, so he became a public figure chief who is trusted by everyone.
Definitely earning the title of "Leader" within the hand control archetype, Gachihorror's discard effect is a straight improvement of Hannibal's, while having a set destroying option to still minus Drive Ruler opponents. In addition, its statline makes it a very solid defensive unit, which can create a resilient defensive zone when combined with Badmans.
With that, on to Ikeda's reveals and tweets!
Special news!
This month's issue of Card Gamer magazine will reveal important cards for the first time! The system of "Creation Summon" that acts as a counterpart to "Abyss Summon"! In fact, it has the ridiculous ability to special summon Magvarius from your deck!
Shiori Rhodia, a former Japanese otaku girl who reincarnated in Volnar 30 years ago, is a ★★★★! It has tremendous strength. Buy an issue of Card Gamer and check it out!
(Sources: 1 2)
This month's issue of Card Gamer magazine will reveal important cards for the first time! The system of "Creation Summon" that acts as a counterpart to "Abyss Summon"! In fact, it has the ridiculous ability to special summon Magvarius from your deck!
Shiori Rhodia, a former Japanese otaku girl who reincarnated in Volnar 30 years ago, is a ★★★★! It has tremendous strength. Buy an issue of Card Gamer and check it out!
(Sources: 1 2)

On Hobby Search, we can see this preview page, though all the cards are too small to read. But from it we can see "Imperial Wizard, Shiori Rhodia" and "Norwegian Forest Cait Sith" from GB01 as well as "Jack the Ripper" and "Dökkálfar" from GS02.
While we don't yet have good images of the magazine, we do have a leak of "Imperial Wizard, Shiori Rhodia", who will talk about first, since she's pretty important to understanding many of the other reveals.

Card Number: 2020GB01-006 ★★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Wizard
Attack: 3
HP: 3
Strike: 2
Effect: [TD] [OD] You may choose 1 unit with [Familiar] in your cemetery, and special summon it.
[Creation Summon] Normal: Use this & 1 or more «Wizard» or «Warrior» units as material and put them to the bottom of your deck, and special summon 1 «Dragon» or «Warrior» unit from your deck whose Level is equal or lower than the total Level of the materials.
Flavor Text: For practical testing of modern equipment, the Empire accepted the technology testing team.
Creation Summon is finally known! As Ikeda said, it functions very similarly to Synchro Summon from Yugioh, and looks to be very powerful. As we'll see with the later reveals in this article, Shiori's ability to revive a [Familiar] on play allows her to instantly summon any Level 3 Dragon or Warrior from your deck, including the powerful Legend Card "Magvarius" to clear the board, or the "Platinum King, Albafort" to recover life and Penetrate your opponent's center line.

Card Number: 2020GB01-029 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Beast
ATK: 2
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [Familiar] (Normal: This unit gets any attribute until end of turn.)
■ Normal: This card becomes a Level 1 until end of turn.
Flavor Text: Familiars are creatures that have been bred at magical workshops to become a spiritual and magical booster for a wizard.
The first Familiar we saw a partial card of is now fully revealed! Thanks to its level modulation ability, it makes for an ideal target for Shiori, since being from the same faction as Volnar means you'll always be able to run him. Also of course worth keeping an eye on any abilities that care about attribute while on the field, but the only one we've seen so far is "Tiger of Id" who cares about the Beast attribute that "Hydra Familiar" and all the other [Familiar] reveals already have.

Card Number: 2020GB01-018 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Beast, Traitor, Darkness
ATK: 5
HP: 3
STK: 3
Flavor Text: There are honest people in every world. Someone who is honest with his desires.
3 STK makes it certainly notable, though its stat allocation is notably inferior to "Raguo the Ushi-oni". However, unlike Raguo, it can fit into a Beast deck using Volnar and Wonderverse for access to both "Forest of Killers" and "Tiger of Id". Also, it has the Darkness attribute, so it could be useful in Abyss Summon decks. Perhaps even some mix deck between Darkness and Beast could be possible?

Card Number: 2020GB01-106 ★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Apparition, Beast, Bipoverse
Attack: 3
HP: 4
Strike: 1
Effect: [Counterattack] (When this card was attacked by your opponent's unit and wasn't destroyed, deal damage to that unit equal to this card's ATK.)
Flavor Text: If the opponent is caught by the strong forefeet, they'll be trapped in the quiz show. You cannot escape until you get 100 correct answers.
With this, we know for sure that [Counterattack] functions about the same as Buddyfight's! Technically, the phrasing here says "if it wasn't destroyed" rather than "if its still on the field", but we've been told it still does work with [Soulguard], so functionally identical. It loses the target choice, of course, since link attacks are gone. I'm sure there will be plenty of confusion in the future caused from being thinking it is "combat damage" due to having "attack" in its name, as we dealt with in Buddyfight. Ideally, I'd like the official localization at least could change the name to avoid that confusion from happening again.
Moving on to the card itself, natural Counterattack with this good defensive stat allocation seems very solid! The ability seems to cost 2 stat points. Being a Beast, Counterattack is able to be made much more effective through "Forest of Killers"! Its an Apparition as well, and being both would make it fit into an Apparition + Beast build that is seeming more and more viable, and is in general a great target for the ability of "Tenrou the Ushi-oni".

Card Number: 2020GB01-022 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Light, Beast
ATK: 4
HP: 2
STK: 2
Effect: [Familiar] (Normal: This unit gets any attribute until end of turn.)
Flavor Text: As long as people who continue to fight, this species will continue to evolve. Because that is the kind of pact that was made long ago.
Another [Familiar] unit! Being another Level 1 in Volnar, its another revival target that allows Shiori to go into any Level 3 or lower Dragon or Warrior. Another plus of it is that unlike many other [Familiar] units we'll be seeing, it being a natural Level 1 nets it much better stats, so its much more useful as a normal unit rather than just as material.

Card Number: 2020GB01-048 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): OWL, Apparition, Beast
ATK: 3
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: [Intercept] (When this is attacked, it deals damage equal to its ATK to the attacking unit before combat damage calculation.)
[Familiar] (Normal: This unit gets any attribute until end of turn.)
Flavor Text: A gun is faster than magic.
Not only a [Familiar], but Selkirk also possesses another powerful new keyword! We first heard about [Intercept] quite a while back, and its mention made it seem like we'd have mutual combat damage like in MtG, but that turned out to not be the case, and now we see [Intercept] is a purely defensive version of what it is in MtG, allowing a unit to deal damage to the unit attacking it before it takes damage. Frankly, its a strictly better [Counterattack], but it also does cost more stat points naturally.
However, as a trade-off, the card's incredibly low HP makes it vulnerable to effect damage in a way that "Space Sphinx" is not. This is especially concerning as a [Creation Summon] material, as it could be destroyed by an Immediate Event or Ability before you can [Creation Summon].

Card Number: 2020GB01-087 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Apparition, Beast, Wizard
ATK: 2
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: [Familiar] (Normal: This unit gets any attribute until end of turn.)
Normal: This card's Level becomes 1 or 2 until end of turn.
Flavor Text: Cait Sith are all over the world. Maybe your cat is secretly one of them.
Calico's level modulation is a bit of an oddity right now, since there'd be no reason to make it a Level 2 when using [Creation Summon] with "Shiori Rhodia". However, its likely there's a 2nd weaker, lower Level summoner, and for that Calico suddenly becomes among the best [Familiar] units, allowing a Level 1 summoner to bring out a Level 3. Also, even with "Shiori Rhodia", Calico has a really important trait. Being a Wizard naturally, Calico is a target for Shiori's revival that also doesn't use to activate a Normal to be used to [Creation Summon].

Card Number: 2020GB01-121 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Accident
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 enemy unit, and rest it.
Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it when an enemy unit attacks, if there is a unit in your attack zone.
■ Choose 1 ally unit, and change the target of the attack target of the enemy unit to that ally unit's line.
Flavor Text: "The design of the frame of this card opens up the folded extra space" Adriano said. "That's what I've come to feel. The card becomes a "gate"."
A cool new defensive Event for Wonderverse! Its default effect can be a bit situational, but forcing your opponent into a high HP high Level unit is pretty solid, or even better forcing the attack into a [Intercept] or [Counterattack], or even "Obstacle" unit. Very appreciated that its [CNT] rests a unit instead of doing anything involving its main effect, allowing its [CNT] to be useful even with an empty board.

Card Number: 2020GB01-016 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: Use Timing: Set this, and play it when you or an ally unit would be damaged.
■ Reduce the next damage by 2.
Flavor Text: "A flashy welcome, Ms. Shiori!"
"It could be said to be Volnar style, but the military troop was supposed to welcome us if it moved as planned."
"Then, this is imperial territory...?!"
And the last of yesterday's Ikeda reveals! Flying Shield is an incredibly versatile non-[CNT] defensive Event. Unlike HP boosting Events like "Desperate", "Do-or-die Defense Battle", and "All Things Must Die", this card is also able to defend you from direct attacks. Of course, it has the weakness of a more limited timing making it vulnerable to removal, but since all set removal we've seen has been Level 2 or higher, that is pretty limited and definitely not enough of a weakness to hamper its versatility. Particularly, within [Creation Summon], it also gives you a native to Volnar tool to keep your materials alive through attempts to remove them before you can activate [Creation Summon].
Next up, Ikeda's reveals from earlier today!

Card Number: 2020GB01-010 ★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Fire, Wizard
ATK: 2
HP: 1
STK: 2
Effect: [TD] Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 2 damage to it. ([TD] is an ability that activates when a unit enters play from hand.)
Flavor Text: Originally, this magic was just enough to stagger the verman.
Originally, it was good that the magic was that strong...

Card Number: 2020GB01-014 ★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Warrior
ATK: 2
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [TD] "Energy Boost [Turn(1)]" Choose 1 energy, and activate it. (Abilities with the same name as an ability with [Turn(1)] can only be used once per turn.)
Flavor Text: Volnar's greatest force, the Huescalot Empire, is a successful example of unity and cooperation, effectively leveraging the strengths of various races to confront various foreign enemies.
"With mainly [OD] reveals, are there too few [TD] reveals that support Knight?"
I was worried about that, so today I'm showing some [TD] cards!
Effect damage that can be timed, unlike Ed, so its strong! The STK is 2 as well!
A highly desired effect!
By the way, the "Millenium Huescalot Empire" is a great empire of the human race, which boasts the greatest force in Volnar, and is the group that made contact with Earth.
Although it says "empire", the reality is more like the "United Nations" and they are relatively democratic. (The political form is different for each member country) The emperor feels like a symbol.
(Sources: 1 2)
Wolf seems like a very easy staple. 2 damage is pretty significant for a Level 1, doesn't even have [CNT] like Ed, and on top of that its a Wizard making it a material target for Shiori's [Creation Summon]!
Footsoldier's effect on the other hand is incredibly powerful. A card like this will be very valuable to Knight, especially being a Level 0, as it allows you to spend 3 Energy while being able to recover to full on the next turn, or set yourself up to use an Event on your opponent's turn.
We also get confirmation that [Turn(1)] is a once per turn keyword. While this reminder text says its based on name, reminder text in Gate Ruler is specific to the effect in question, as we saw in the [Open Card] reminder text for "Haunting" not mentioning paying as much as possible since there was no cost to pay. In this case, [Turn(1)] being played within the quotation marks for the ability name is likely what makes it based on ability name, and not being placed there, as on "Yamata no Orochi" should allow you to use the same effect twice if you have two copies of the card on the field.

Card Number: 2020GB01-041 ★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Wild Force
ATK: 2
HP: 5
STK: 1
Effect: [CNT] Draw 1.
■ "Saving Order [Turn(1)]" When your «Wild Force» attacks and damages your opponent, draw 1.
Flavor Text: So, Sergeant Major. No, the army. I think they brought my stomach medicine in cartons?!

Card Number: 2020GB01-058 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military, Wild Force
ATK: 3
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: [TD] [OD] "Observe and Prepare" Look at the top card of your deck, and put it on the top or bottom of your deck.
Flavor Text: Earth. This is our new battlefield. We won't let it die, like our home did.
Commander of the Wild Force is here! He's always dealing with expired stomach medicine!
He doesn't have [TD], but it has a draw effect. You can see that Wild Force has many cards suitable for Knight.
They largely speak for themselves, but its nice to confirm that Wild Force has archetypal support to tie it together in this 1st set. And Big Owl is incredibly powerful draw support to boot. Taking [CNT] slots is well deserved, and its [CNT] effect itself is pretty fantastic too. High Defense will make it a pain for your opponent to deal with as well.
Meanwhile, Recon Deer is in many ways a superior Levan, who has proven to be a potent card in the Demo Deck. Being able to set-up [CNT]s is powerful, and being on a Level 0 and within an archetype with this powerful draw power is rather nice, as is being able to run 8 copies of this effect is you want.
Also of note is that Owl is a new card that cares about attributes on the field, so it has compatibility with [Familiar] units. Selkirk is a decent unit in its own right, so it seems like a prime option for that.

Card Number: 2020GB01-028 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Wind, Warrior, Light
ATK: 3
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [TD] Set this card's Level to 1 until end of turn. ([TD] is an ability that activates when a unit enters play from hand.)
Flavor Text: Everyone on Earth, one of the Fell Dragon Quadrachs seems to be targeting you!

Card Number: 2020GB01-043 ★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military
ATK: 2
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [TD] "Energy Boost [Turn(1)]" Choose 1 energy, and activate it. (Abilities with the same name as an ability with [Turn(1)] can only be used once per turn.)
Flavor Text: ATLAS is an abbreviation for ATLantic Alliance Sentinels, and is also the name of a mythical giant who supported the world.
Additional cards with [TD] Touchdown! These are the last for today.
I think that the possibilities for Knight have come to light now. Even before this, Busterkong's [TD] is dangerous.
You can see how useful "Guiding Holy Swordsman" is by looking at the new issue of Card Gamer magazine!
While "Guiding Holy Swordsman" has a decent level modulation ability, with as many Familiars as we can that are Level 1 or can set themselves to Level 1, it seems rather unnecessary. Maybe his Wind and Light attributes will become relevant?
On the other hand, Daring Trooper is very exciting! From very early in Buddyfight, the design space of having multiple cards with the same named ability that are all restricted by the same once per turn, is one I found interesting and hoped would be explored in the future. Unfortunately, in Buddyfight, it took until Time Dragons, about this time last year, for this to be explored. It makes me very excited to see this design space being utilized so early on, and using it to give you 8 copies of a powerful effect like this while still preventing you from using it more than once in a turn.
Footsoldier and Daring Soldier are some of the units that scream staple status the most of what we've seen to me.

Card Number: 2020GS02-005
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Warrior, Traitor, Darkness
ATK: 4
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: When this card is put from your deck or field to your cemetery, put the top card of your deck into your cemetery.
Flavor Text: Black Knights. Those who traded their human soul to gain a cursed and immortal body.
And for our last new card, a new card from Starter Deck 2! This was leaked and the tweet has since been deleted, so we don't have a source to provide. Regardless, this provides a very powerful mill tool, not as good as Follower, but still quite potent, and boasting much better unit clearing stats than Follower.
And last up, we have some Ikeda quotes of interest to go through.
For those who are unaware, "Hundred Demons" were the first of Buddyfight's "attribute flags" (and the only one from Ikeda's run) that allowed you to use cards from many different Worlds that shared an attribute in one deck. I imagine that's what Ikeda means, rather than the burn playstyle of Buddyfight's Hundred Demons.
It seems likely that "Traitor" could be units who betray their home world to the Exvaders, so perhaps these will be tied together in a Ruler that allows you to use Exvaders as well as all Traitor cards. Ultimately, we'll have to wait and see, but this is definitely an attribute to keep an eye on.
In a conversation with a wife, we decided a setting of Shiori's death anniversary on Earth would be exciting. (Shiori died at the age of 20 and reincarnated on Volnar)
Gate Ruler Trivia.
80% of the people who thought Apprentice was just "turning over the top card" and that "the level of thinking was too small for a TCG" changed their mind after playing it once.
"This is deeper than I imagined" they said, starting to build an Apprentice deck.
80% of the people who thought Apprentice was just "turning over the top card" and that "the level of thinking was too small for a TCG" changed their mind after playing it once.
"This is deeper than I imagined" they said, starting to build an Apprentice deck.
"There are two cards with hand destruction in the 1st booster pack, isn't it too hard on Knight?"
Please be assured. Hand destruction isn't as strong as you might think in a game where you draw 2 every turn. The impression of people who lost their hand was "I'll manage somehow". Also, the Abyss Summon deck continues to progress its strategy when their hand is destroyed.
Please be assured. Hand destruction isn't as strong as you might think in a game where you draw 2 every turn. The impression of people who lost their hand was "I'll manage somehow". Also, the Abyss Summon deck continues to progress its strategy when their hand is destroyed.
To everyone who is considering purchasing Gate Ruler.
From looking at data such as the increase in number of orders and the views on game information, we've found the interest in Gate Ruler is increasing rapidly.
Its likely that the products in the 1st shipment will be sold out in many places. Depending on your location, its very likely you won't be able to buy more than you reserve.
From looking at data such as the increase in number of orders and the views on game information, we've found the interest in Gate Ruler is increasing rapidly.
Its likely that the products in the 1st shipment will be sold out in many places. Depending on your location, its very likely you won't be able to buy more than you reserve.
Breaking news!
We've received the 2nd order's data from the distributor. Combined with the 1st order, Gate Ruler's total order between Starter Decks, Booster Packs, and High Rarity Packs is over 140 million yen.
Thank you very much.
To make it easy for users to understand, a TCG that exceeds 100 million yen in sales on the 1st release is sure to become a "mid-sized TCG" where many shops create singles display cases and tournaments are held frequently.
In addition, its expected that the number of stores carrying the game will increase, since TCGs grow significantly when they actually release.
I will do my best to meet your expectations.
(Sources: 1 2)
We've received the 2nd order's data from the distributor. Combined with the 1st order, Gate Ruler's total order between Starter Decks, Booster Packs, and High Rarity Packs is over 140 million yen.
Thank you very much.
To make it easy for users to understand, a TCG that exceeds 100 million yen in sales on the 1st release is sure to become a "mid-sized TCG" where many shops create singles display cases and tournaments are held frequently.
In addition, its expected that the number of stores carrying the game will increase, since TCGs grow significantly when they actually release.
I will do my best to meet your expectations.
(Sources: 1 2)
Edited by HunterSerge on 2nd December, 2020 at 11:57am CST