Since this article has gotten rather large as you wait for our proper card database to be prepared, here are some useful shortcuts you can use to get to different sections of the card list.
[MD] - Start of the Demo Deck
[GS01] - Start of Starter Deck 1 "Giant Mechs & Yokai in Space!"
[GS02] - Start of Starter Deck 2 "Summon the Fell Dragons!"
[GB01] - Start of Booster Pack 1 "Dawn of the Multiverse Alliance"
[GS03] - Start of Starter Deck 3 "With the Dragon King"
[GS04] - Start of Starter Deck 4 "New York Zombie Apocalypse"
[GB02] - Start of Booster Pack 2 "Evil God Invasion"
[GPR] - Start of the Promo cards
[LEGEND] - Every Legend card is marked with this, use this if you want to look at the Legend cards specifically
These cards are from MD, the free distribution trial deck.
Omen Butterfly
Card Number: MD-01
Faction: Exvaders
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Object
Attack: 3
HP: 4
Strike: 1
Flavor Text: Soldiers are the only thing they have in common with the Exvaders.
Its an absolute refusal. Various worlds have tried to communicate with them for thousands of years, and no one has succeeded.
Vampire Soldier, Levan
Card Number: MD-02
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): OWL, Darkness, Military
Attack: 2
HP: 2
Strike: 2
Effect: [OD] [TD] "Future Sight" Look at the top card of your deck, and you may put it back on top or on the bottom of your deck.
Flavor Text: ...You can see it. Strength the defenses of your base. "The Beast of the End" is coming. Specifically, its in the 2nd booster.
Godam Keeper, Gerson
Card Number: MD-03
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Awakened Being, Military
Attack: 4
HP: 4
Strike: 2
Effect: [TD] "One-Man Army" Select 1 enemy unit and deal 1 damage to it. ([TD] is an ability that activates when a unit enters play from hand)
Flavor Text: The dimensional navigational ship "ARK" that appeared over the Atlantic Ocean allied with the Western countries to form the ATLantic Alliance Sentinels (ATLAS) to fight against the Exvaders.
Card Number: MD-04
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military
Effect: Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Select 1 ally unit and it gets ATK+2 and HP+2 until end of turn.
Flavor Text: Unlike the invasions by dimensional fault in Japan, the Exvader attacks on Europe use a phenomenon called "replacement". Suddenly, people will disappear from the edges of the city, and invading troops appear in their place. The whereabouts of the people who disappear are unknown.
Knight of Oath Blade
Card Number: MD-05
Faction: Volnar
Level: 0
Card Type: Unit
Attribute(s): Warrior
Attack: 3
HP: 3
Strike: 1
Flavor Text: Volnar's lifeforms have varying amounts of magical power, and can obtain physical power that surpasses the laws of physics by boosting themselves with magic.
Time-eating Genie
Card Number: MD-06
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Traitor
Attack: 4
HP: 1
Strike: 2
Effect: [CNT] If you have 2 Life or less, end the turn. (Even if you are in the middle of damage calculation, immediately end the current turn)
Flavor Text: World life. Positive. Energy. The worlds targeted by the Exvaders have lost these things.
Absolute Barrier
Card Number: MD-07
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: [CNT] Put this in the graveyard.
Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it while you are attacked. (“You” means your Ruler)
■ That battle damage becomes 0.
Flavor Text: This is not an ice wall. Set all kinetic energy to 0. It is the boundary that stops absolutely.
Master Future Ed
Card Number: MD-08
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Futuremen
Attack: 1
HP: 1
Strike: 1
Effect: [CNT] Use this card's [OD] ability.
[OD] "Atomic Destruction Gun" Select 1 enemy unit and deal 2 damage to it. ([OD] is an effect that is activated when the unit is in the Drive Zone, before it comes into play)
Flavor Text: An authority on space engineering, an adventurous archaeologist who purses the mysteries of the Galaxy Heritage scattered across space. The Crimenauts, a criminal organization who also seek the Galaxy Heritage, are his nemesis.
Photon Torpedo
Card Number: MD-09
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Military
Effect: [CNT] Use this card.
Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Choose one of the following effects.
・Deal 1 damage to your opponent.
・Choose 1 set card on your opponent's field, and destroy it.
Flavor Text: The law is certainly working on the planet. But in a universe so vast, you can only protect yourself.
Absolute Explosion! Cosmo Mimic
Card Number: MD-10
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Apparition
Effect: Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Select 1 enemy unit, and deal 1 damage to it.
■ When this set card is destroyed by your opponent's effect and sent to the graveyard, deal 2 damage to your opponent.
Flavor Text: Cosmo mimics chase their prey at speeds that ordinary spacecraft cannot escape. In other words, it does not match the expectation of disguising itself and waiting for prey.
Mechanized Infantry Battalion "Byakuya"
Card Number: MD-11
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military
Attack: 2
HP: 1
Strike: 1
Effect: [Defender] (At the end of your attack phase, you may move it from the offensive zone to the defensive zone.)
Flavor Text: The Yomajin Front is military alliance against the Exvaders centered in Asia, composed of the allied forces of the "youkai", "demons", and "humans".
Card Number: MD-12
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Oni The Island, Apparition
Attack: 4
HP: 2
Strike: 1
Flavor Text: If the pot of hell opens, its because of us "Oni the Island".
Dragon-type Battle Weapon "Honoikazuchi"
Card Number: MD-13
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Military, Dragon
Attack: 5
HP: 4
Strike: 2
Effect: "Automatic Attack System Blaze" When this card attacks, choose 1 or more units on your opponent's field, and distribute 3 damage among them. (For example, if you attack the center line and this effect destroys the opponent's defending unit, this card will attack the opponent directly.)
Flavor Text: A practical test of the Volnar magic engine was completed with this unit. Next is...Yamato.
World Master α 2020
Card Number: GMD01-L1
Card Type: Ruler
Life: 11
Attack: 3
Strike: 3
Effect: [Game Preparation] Nothing (0 cards in hand, 0 energy)
[Start of your turn] Drive 2 times.
[Rule] The costs of your cards are considered paid. You cannot have a hand.
Flavor Text: Please refer to the QR code for the Play and Deck Construction rules of this Ruler.
Deck Construction Rules:
Deck Level limit: 40.
CNT limit: 16.
You can have up to 12 cards of each faction.
You may use cards with collector number starting with “2020” or “MD”.
Deck must be exactly 50 cards.
You can have up to 4 cards with the same name.
You can’t have any Legend cards.
World Master β 2020
Card Number: GMD01-L2
Card Type: Ruler
Life: 9
Attack: 3
Strike: 3
Effect: [Game Preparation] 2 cards in hand, 3 cards in energy
[Start of your turn] Choose 2 of your energy and activate them, draw 2
[Rule] Summon Cap 2 (During your turn, you can normal summon twice per turn)
Flavor Text: Please refer to the QR code for the Play and Deck Construction rules of this Ruler.
Deck Construction Rules:
Deck Level limit: None.
CNT limit: 16.
You can have up to 12 cards of each faction.
You may use cards with collector number starting with “2020” or “MD”.
Deck must be exactly 50 cards.
You can have up to 4 cards with the same name.
You can’t have any Legend cards.
[GS01] "Giant Mechs and Yokai in Space!""
These cards are from Starter Deck 01 "Youkai & Giant Robo", a beatdown deck featuring Wonderverse and Yomajin Front that features a combining robot strategy and is designed for TCG beginners.
Sky Soldier Type-0 "Sorai"
Card Number: 2020GS01-001
Card Type: Unit
Faction: Yomajin Front
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Military, Robo
ATK: 4
HP: 4
STK: 2
Effect: [Defender] (At the end of your attack phase, you may move it from the offensive zone to the defensive zone.)
Flavor Text: "It can be said that the development of the aerial mobile weapon "Sky Soldier" finished just in the nick of time for the first invasion by the Exvaders. Did the Mikado Cabinet foresee the invasion?" - Reportage Writer, Robata Tamotsu
Land Warfare Expansion Weapon, Masurao 1st Machine
Card Number: 2020GS01-002
Card Type: Unit
Faction: Yomajin Front
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Military, Robo
ATK: 3
HP: 4
STK: 1
Effect: [OD] This gets [Double Attack] until end of turn. ([OD] is an effect that is activated when the unit is in the Drive Zone, before it comes into play)
Flavor Text: Advice! Combined with Masurao 2nd Machine from the booster pack, it will become a huge robot!
Land Warfare Expansion Weapon "Guardian"
Card Number: 2020GS01-003
Card Type: Unit
Faction: Yomajin Front
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Military, Robo
Attack: 3
HP: 4
Strike: 2
Flavor Text: To make a robot...if the design doesn't convince the tax-paying older generation, it would reduce the government's approval rating, right?
Kamaitachi Joe
Card Number: 2020GS01-004
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Apparition, Beast
Attack: 5
HP: 2
Strike: 1
Flavor Text: Impossibly handsome...That's right. I'm sure its him.
Yomajin Front Armored Unit "Jinrai"
Card Number: 2020GS01-005
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Warrior, Military
Attack: 2
HP: 2
Strike: 2
Flavor Text: In Tokyo, which has been attacked by the Exvaders, space-time rifts occasionally occur. Soldiers repel the intruders until a Gate Ruler closes the rift.
Yomajin Front Engineer Unit "Inagi"
Card Number: 2020GS01-006
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military
ATK: 2
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: All your «Military» get HP+1.
Flavor Text: "Inagi". A war word that means a simple defensive wall woven from herbs.
Late-night Police Officer, Yobuko
Card Number: 2020GS01-007
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Apparition, Military
Attack: 2
HP: 2
Strike: 1
Effect: [OD] You may look at the top card of your deck, and Set any card that can be Set. If you do not Set it, put it on the bottom of your deck.
Flavor Text: The night world was given to them. The youkai decided they would do their best to protect that regained world.
Moment of Offense and Defense
Card Number: 2020GS01-008
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Sword Technique
Effect: Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it while an ally unit is being attacked.
■ Choose 1 ally unit, and it gets [Intercept] until end of battle. (When a unit with [Intercept] is attacked, deal damage equal to the ATK of the unit with [Intercept] to the attacking unit before battle damage calculation.)
Flavor Text: Since Destiny Day, there have been no major attacks by the Exvaders, but out of sight of the people, the evil god has been growing.
Do-or-die Defense Battle
Card Number: 2020GS01-009
Card Type: Event
Attribute(s): Tactics
Effect: Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Choose 1 ally unit, and it gets +3 HP until end of turn.
Flavor Text: The dimensional fault disappeared on its own. As it vanished, a message was left for the interception team. "Purgatory...The knights of the lacquer dragon..."
Galactic Swordsman, Grand Galac
Card Number: 2020GS01-010
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Galaxy Heritage, Military, Robo
Attack: 6
HP: 6
Strike: 4
Flavor Text: Galaxy Heritage. Those left behind by an ancient super-civilization that fight the Exvaders of their own will. As if it were their mission.
Cosmo Ninja, Ginga
Card Number: 2020GS01-011
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Crimenauts, Ninja, Robo
ATK: 5
HP: 5
STK: 2
Effect: [OD] "Cosmic Slash!" Choose 1 enemy set card, and destroy it. If this effect destroyed "Cosmo Arthur", this deals 3 damage to your opponent!
Flavor Text: Wasn't it here...where are you hiding? Cosmo Arthur!
Cosmo Phantom Recruiter
Card Number: 2020GS01-012
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Crimenauts, Pepoverse
Attack: 2
HP: 1
Strike: 1
Effect: [CNT] Use this card's [OD] effect.
[OD] You may choose 1 Level 1 or lower enemy unit, and take control of it. Then, your opponent takes control of this card. (The player who takes control of the card decides whether it goes to an attack zone or defensive zone.)
Flavor Text: With your youth, wouldn't you like to hit it big with crime?
Milky Way Coast Guard
Card Number: 2020GS01-013
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Futuremen, Military
ATK: 2
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 enemy unit, and rest it.
Flavor Text: I found a drifter. He would be the first customer from earth. Of course, he doesn't have a passport. For the time being, its being treated as illegal immigration.
Cosmo Dullahan
Card Number: 2020GS01-014
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Apparition, Warrior, Pepoverse
ATK: 4
HP: 2
STK: 1
Flavor Text: Come on, over here! The Wonderverse is lively and always full of intrigue!
Emergency Combinination!
Card Number: 2020GS01-015
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Galaxy Heritage, Technology
Effect: [CNT] Put this into your graveyard.
Use Timing: Set this, and you play this if a «Robo» is on your field.
■ Look at the top four cards of your deck, choose 1 «Robo» or «Military» unit from among them, and put it on top or underneath a «Robo» on your field with no charges. If the unit on top is «Robo», it gets [Charge Shield]. Put the remaining cards on the bottom of your deck.
Flavor Text: I'll be destroyed! I cannot continue! When I thought that! A miraculous combination created a huge comeback!
Blaster Cannon
Card Number: 2020GS01-016
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Military
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Choose one of the following:
・Deal 1 damage to the opponent.
・Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 2 damage to it.
Flavor Text: "You were almost taken to the Earthling camp!" said the alien who destroyed the police car. "If you have nowhere to go...why not join our organization?"
Card Number: 2020GS01-017
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Technology
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Choose 1 ally unit, and move it to an empty zone. (If you use it on a card that was attacked, the attack fizzles. If it was moved away from the defensive zone, that attack becomes a direct attack.)
Flavor Text: An ordinary Japanese comic fan, Adriano Adrick, naturally awakened to the Gate Ruler power, was naturally sucked into a card, and naturally got lost in the universe of another world. Its common.
[GS02] "Summon the Fell Dragons!"
These cards are from Starter Deck 02 "Demon Dragon Summoning", a combo deck featuring Volnar and ATLAS that revolves around the "Special Summon" mechanic and is designed for intermediate TCG players.
Vastorus Rex, Fell Dragon Quadrach of Rough Dust
Card Number: 2020GS02-001
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Dragon Lord, Darkness
Attack: 7
HP: 7
Strike: 2
Effect: [CNT] If you have 2 Life or less, end the turn.
[Abyssal Concerto] Condition: Put 5 "Darkness" cards from your graveyard to the bottom of your deck.
■ When this is [Abyss Summoning], choose 1 card on the field and destroy it. Heal 1 life.
■ This cannot be put to the defensive zone.
Flavor Text: Before my power, everything turns into worthless dust. Iron, life, and even fate.
Priest of Demonic Dragon
Card Number: 2020GS02-002
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Wizard, Darkness
Attack: 4
HP: 2
Strike: 2
Effect: [Abyssal Summoning] Normal: Send this card to the graveyard. If you do, choose 1 unit from your graveyard with [Abyssal Concerto], and you may Special Summon it by fulfilling its conditions.
Flavor Text: Fear the demon dragon. The demon dragon is holding your life.
Card Number: 2020GS02-003
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Dragon, Darkness
ATK: 5
HP: 5
STK: 2
Effect: [Abyssal Concerto] Condition: Put 2 Darkness from your graveyard to the bottom of your deck. (Units with [Abyssal Concerto] can also be summoned normally)
■ During the turn this was [Abyssal Summoning], it gets [Defender]. (At the end of your attack phase, you may move it from the offensive zone to the defensive zone.)
Flavor Text: The dragons who follow the demon dragon are all aiming for that position.
Follower of Demonic Dragon
Card Number: 2020GS02-004
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Traitor, Darkness
Attack: 2
HP: 1
Strike: 1
Effect: "Giving into Darkness" When it attacks, you may send the top card of your deck to your graveyard.
Flavor Text: The powerful flame of the demonic dragon derails the people's fate, and creates an apostle.
Black Knight, Geist
Card Number: 2020GS02-005
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Warrior, Traitor, Darkness
ATK: 4
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: When this card is put from your deck or field to your graveyard, you may put the top card of your deck into your graveyard.
Flavor Text: Black Knights. Those who traded their human soul to gain a cursed and immortal body.
Black Knight, Riha
Card Number: 2020GS02-006
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Warrior, Traitor, Darkness
Attack: 3
HP: 3
Strike: 1
Flavor Text: One of the pillars of the Fell Dragon Quadrach, Rough Dust King Vastorus Rex. He is accompanied by 88 evil dragons and linked black knights.
Army of Darkness
Card Number: 2020GS02-007
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 unit with [Abyss Summoning] in your graveyard, and add it to your hand.
Use Timing: Normal (During the main phase of your turn, play this from hand, set it and play it, or play it when you drive)
■ Put the top card of your deck into your graveyard. Choose 1 unit with [Abyss Summoning] from your damage zone and add it to your hand.
Flavor Text: It is said that when veteran heroes lose their skill, they go to the gate of the demon dragon's army in search of eternal battle.
Absolute Barrier
Card Number: 2020GS02-008
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: [CNT] Put this in the graveyard.
Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it while you are attacked. (“You” means your Ruler)
■ That battle damage becomes 0.
Flavor Text: This is not an ice wall. It is a boundary that stops absolutely, which makes all kinetic energy 0.
Dark Djinn
Card Number: 2020GS02-009
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): OWL, Apparition, Darkness
ATK: 3
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [CNT] Special summon this.
Flavor Text: Not good enough, will it be better than drones?!
Nosferatu Army
Card Number: 2020GS02-010
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): OWL, Apparition, Darkness
ATK: 2
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [Immortal] (Rulers who can pay energy costs, can pay the cost and summon cap to normal summon this from the graveyard)
■ This cannot be put to a defensive zone.
Flavor Text: Legendary beings who participated in the Western military alliance, "ATLAS". They called themselves the "Old World League", or OWL for short.
Unusually Talented, Johan
Card Number: 2020GS02-011
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Wizard
Attack: 2
HP: 2
Strike: 1
Effect: [Abyssal Summoning] Normal: Send this card to the graveyard. If you do, choose 1 unit from your graveyard with [Abyssal Concerto], and you may special summon it by fulfilling its conditions.
Flavor Text: The wizards survived. In London. In Prague. In Samarkland. And a new generation of wizards begins to cast spells.
Midas G. Goldberg
Card Number: 2020GS02-012
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Keyman, Darkness
Attack: 3
HP: 4
Strike: 1
Effect: ■ "Merchant of Death" When you successfully perform [Abyssal Summoning], you recover 1 life.
Flavor Text: To my dear employees of Guns & Gold! We are not traitors of the earth. We are the priests of a great free economy! Come on! To economy!
Jack the Ripper
Card Number: 2020GS02-013
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): OWL, Darkness
Attack: 3
HP: 1
Strike: 1
Effect: ■ "From Hell" When this destroys an enemy unit, you may put the top two cards of your deck into your graveyard.
Flavor Text: A few years after the arrival of the Destiny Sword, the common sense of the world has been disrupted, and many myths, legends, and villains have been resurrected.
Card Number: 2020GS02-014
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): OWL, Apparition, Darkness
Attack: 1
HP: 4
Strike: 1
Effect: ■ "Dark Core" When this is used as a material for [Abyssal Concerto], you may count this as two cards or treat this as any level from 0 to 3.
Flavor Text: Physicians sought to unravel the "mystery". The conclusion is that its a "living Copenhagen interpretation", a de facto defeat.
Card Number: 2020GS02-015
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Firepower, Military
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Choose 1 or more enemy units, and distribute 2 damage among them.
Flavor Text: Guns & Gold supplies weapons to the ATLAS army. It is one of the companies of the munitions industry. Midas, the CEO, is a Gate Ruler capable person and has created a number of dimensional interference technologies with himself as a test subject.
Win Win
Card Number: 2020GS02-016
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Business
Effect: Use Timing: Normal (During the main phase of your turn, play this from hand, set it and play it, or play it when you drive)
■ Draw 1, and both you and your opponent can choose up to 2 their own energy, and activate them.
Flavor Text: Rest assured. The ideology of the earth is just a front. Economic activity takes precedence over everything. Good apostle of Vastorus, we will be good business partners.
Make a Killing
Card Number: 2020GS02-017
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Business
Effect: Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it when your opponent is damaged.
■ Discard a «Darkness» card from your hand. If you do, draw 2.
Flavor Text: A different world! Let us sprinkle hatred, foster war, and sell weapons in this new market! It nourishes the earth and the economy!
K-11 Knight
Card Number: GS02-L ★
Card Type: Ruler
Life: 11
Attack: 3
Strike: 3
Effect: [Game Preparation] 2 card in hand, 3 cards in energy
[Start of your turn] Choose 2 of your energy and activate them, draw 2
[Rule] Summon Cap 2 (During your turn, you can normal summon twice per turn)
Flavor Text: Please refer to the QR code for the Play and Deck Construction rules of this Ruler.
[GB01] (Booster Set 1 "Dawn of the Multiverse Alliance")
Blaster Vortex
Card Number: 2020GB01-002 ★★★★L
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Forbidden Spell
Effect: Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it when an enemy unit attacks.
■ Destroy all enemy units in the front row except the center line.
Flavor Text: Its certain that Volnar once had a powerful civilization, as the relics of numerous "forbidden spirit engines" tell us. Did they get wiped out, or did they "go somewhere"?
Abyss Master, Aligieri
Card Number: 2020GB01-005 ★★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Wizard, Darkness
Attack: 3
HP: 2
Strike: 1
Effect: [TD] Put the top card of your deck into your graveyard.
[Abyssal Summoning] Normal: Send this card to the graveyard. If you do, choose 1 unit from your graveyard with [Abyssal Concerto], and you may Special Summon it by fulfilling its conditions.
Flavor Text: Stare into the abyss. On the other side is the mystery of life.
Imperial Wizard, Shiori Rhodia
Card Number: 2020GB01-006 ★★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Wizard
Attack: 3
HP: 3
Strike: 2
Effect: [TD] [OD] You may choose 1 unit with [Familiar] in your graveyard, and special summon it.
[Genesis Summoning] Normal: Use this & 1 or more Wizard or Warrior units as material and put them to the bottom of your deck. If you do, special summon 1 Dragon or Warrior unit from your deck whose Level is equal or lower than the total Level of the materials.
Flavor Text: For practical testing of modern equipment, the Empire accepted the technology testing team.
Sky King, Aras
Card Number: 2020GB01-007 ★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Wind, Warrior
ATK: 4
HP: 4
STK: 2
Effect: ■ When you [Genesis Summoning] this, recover 1 life.
[Defender] (At the end of your attack phase, you may move it from the offensive zone to the defensive zone.)
Flavor Text: I will not allow the powerless to cry in front of me.
Demonic Dragon of Shadows, Shadraker
Card Number: 2020GB01-008 ★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Dragon, Darkness
ATK: 4
HP: 5
STK: 1
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 of your energy, and activate it.
[Abyssal Concerto] Condition: Put 2 Darkness from your graveyard to the bottom of your deck.
Flavor Text: Demonic dragon. An evil dragon who plots to destroy the world's reason.
Marriage of Gold Rings, Paula
Card Number: 2020GB01-009 ★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Wizard
ATK: 2
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: [TD] Discard 1 card from your hand. If you do, draw 1 card.
[Genesis Summoning] Normal: Use this & 1 or more Wizard or Warrior units as material and put them to the bottom of your deck. If you do, special summon 1 Dragon or Warrior unit from your deck whose Level is equal or lower than the total Level of the materials.
Flavor Text: I'll connect. Everyone's feelings.
Explosive Arts, Bolf
Card Number: 2020GB01-010 ★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Fire, Wizard
ATK: 2
HP: 1
STK: 2
Effect: [TD] "Explosive Fireball" Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 2 damage to it. ([TD] is an ability that activates when a unit enters play from hand.)
Flavor Text: Originally, this magic was just enough to stagger the vermin.
Originally, it was good that the magic was that strong...
Red Dragon, Crimson Syltis
Card Number: 2020GB01-011 ★★
Faction: Volnar
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Dragon, Fire
Attack: 4
HP: 5
Strike: 2
Effect: (unconfirmed, based on very early image) When this is special summoned by [Genesis Summoning], choose 1 enemy unit and deal 3 damage to it.
Flavor Text: Dragons. With virtually infinite lifespan, power, magic, and sometimes even wisdom, they are the pinnacle of the biological world that surpasses humans. However, those who do not know "unity" could never become the leaders of the world.
Star Song
Card Number: 2020GB01-012 ★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: Use Timing: Normal (During the main phase of your turn, play this from hand, set it and play it, or play it when you drive)
■ Draw 2 cards.
Flavor Text: The Yomajin Front troops, who were planning a courtesy visit to the imperial capital, were transported to the territory of the demon dragon Vastorus Rex. Can they escape safely while most weapons, including electronic devices, do not work?
Forest of Killers
Card Number: 2020GB01-013 ★★
Faction: Volnar
Level: 2
Card Type: Field
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: [CNT] Choose one of the following:
・If there is no "Forest of Killers" in your field zone, put this in your field zone.
・Choose 1 Level 0 enemy unit and destroy it.
■ Your «Beast» get ATK+1 and HP+1.
Flavor Text: There is no justice or evil, no holy or demonic. There is just natural life.
Huescalot Empire Imperial Footsoldier
Card Number: 2020GB01-014 ★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Warrior
Attack: 2
HP: 2
Strike: 1
Effect: [TD] "Energy Boost [Turn(1)]" Choose 1 energy, and activate it. (Abilities with the same name as an ability with [Turn(1)] can only be used once per turn.)
Flavor Text: Volnar's greatest force, the Huescalot Empire, is a successful example of unity and cooperation, effectively leveraging the strengths of many races to confront various foreign enemies.
Monster Wolverine
Card Number: 2020GB01-015 ★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Earth, Beast
Attack: 1
HP: 1
Strike: 1
Effect: [CNT] Special Summon this.
Flavor Text: An animal that possesses evil power and soul due to the influence of the Exvaders. They are generally called demon beasts.
Flying Shield
Card Number: 2020GB01-016 ★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it while you or an ally unit would be damaged.
■ Reduce the next damage by 2.
Flavor Text: "A flashy welcome, Ms. Shiori!"
"It could be said to be Volnar style, but the military troop was supposed to welcome us if it moved as planned."
"Then, this is imperial territory...?!"
Hell Fang Beast, Cerberios
Card Number: 2020GB01-018 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Beast, Traitor, Darkness
ATK: 5
HP: 3
STK: 3
Flavor Text: There are honest people in every world. Those who are honest with their desires.
Flame Geyser
Card Number: 2020GB01-019 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Effect
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Fire, Magic
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Choose and destroy 1 level 1 or lower enemy unit.
Flavor Text: Before the Exvader invasion, Volnar was a dangerous world, but the existence of a great evil brought about an alliance of many races and an evolution of magic.
Black Knight, Dister
Card Number: 2020GB01-020 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Warrior, Traitor, Darkness
ATK: 4
HP: 3
STK: 2
Flavor Text: Can you communicate with an evil soul? Many black knights form friendships with their evil dragons.
Card Number: 2020GB01-021 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Earth, Beast
ATK: 4
HP: 4
STK: 2
Flavor Text: "The minotaur is also a myth on the earth. No, its not a modern one, that's true..." Yamada, Commander of the Volnar Dispatch Unit of the Yomajin Front
Golden Dog
Card Number: 2020GB01-022 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Light, Beast
ATK: 4
HP: 2
STK: 2
Effect: [Familiar] (Normal: This unit gets any attribute until end of turn.)
Flavor Text: As long as people continue to fight, this species will continue to evolve. Because that is the kind of pact that was made long ago.
Shield of Shalsana the Light God
Card Number: 2020GB01-023 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Light, Magic
Effect: [CNT] If your life is 4 or less, recover 1 life.
Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it while you are being attacked directly by the opponent's Ruler.
That battle damage becomes 0.
Flavor Text: In Volnar, the gods are real. However, due to disagreements, some grant asylum while others seek to kill.
Card Number: 2020GB01-024 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 enemy set card or field card, and destroy it.
Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it when your opponent plays a level 1 or lower event.
■ Negate that event.
Flavor Text: Almost all modern weapons of the Yomajin Front stopped working due to the phenomenon called "the rules of the world". However, to a member blessed with magical power, that was not the case. "In short, magic is to impose your rules on the world."
Call Lightning
Card Number: 2020GB01-025 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Choose and destroy 1 Level 0 or lower enemy unit.
Flavor Text: "There is no possibility for Yamada to use magic." Shiori continued speaking to Yamada, who was confused. "Your internal magic is zero. In other words, you can't use magic, but on the contrary, most magic won't work on you. Its a peculiar constitution called a displacer."
Interdimensional War
Card Number: 2020GB01-026 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Field
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: [CNT] Put this into your field zone.
■ When you successfully [Genesis Summoning] or [Abyss Summoning], destroy this. If you do, recover 1 life.
Flavor Text: Volnar was a world that had been endlessly fighting amongst itself, but when the Exvaders attacked, they ironically evolved into a collaborative world where various races take advantage of each other's strengths.
Guiding Holy Swordsman
Card Number: 2020GB01-028 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Wind, Warrior, Light
ATK: 3
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [TD] Set this card's Level to 1 until end of turn. ([TD] is an ability that activates when a unit enters play from hand.)
Flavor Text: Everyone on Earth, one of the Fell Dragon Quadrachs seems to be targeting you!
Hydra Familiar
Card Number: 2020GB01-029 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Beast
ATK: 2
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [Familiar] (Normal: This unit gets any attribute until end of turn.)
■ Normal: This card becomes a Level 1 until end of turn.
Flavor Text: Familiars are creatures that have been bred at magical workshops to become a spiritual and magical booster for a wizard.
Yomajin Front & Volnar Allied Troop
Card Number: 2020GB01-030 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Warrior, Military
ATK: 1
HP: 5
STK: 1
Flavor Text: "I've loved reincarnation since I was young. To be honest, I think its wrong to bring a gun into this kind of world. I'm convinced of that. But, if we didn't, we would just be baggage to Shiori..." Yamada, commander of the Yomajin Front's Volnar dispatch unit
Captain Liberty
Card Number: 2020GB01-031 ★★★★L
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Awakened Being, Hero, Military
Attack: 5
HP: 4
Strike: 2
Effect: ■ "United States Forever" Normal: [Remove 3 cards with [CNT] from your graveyard from the game] Special summon this from your hand or graveyard.
Flavor Text: Awakened Beings. They are mankind's defense.
Shadow of Hades
Card Number: 2020GB01-032 ★★★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): OWL, Darkness
ATK: 5
HP: 3
STK: 3
Effect: [CNT] Use this card's "Spies of the Underworld" ability.
[Abyssal Concerto] Condition: Put 3 Darkness from your graveyard to the bottom of your deck.
■ "Spies of the Underworld" When this enters the field, choose 1 level 0 OWL unit from your graveyard, and special summon it.
Flavor Text: I am willing to kill the dead. Because the underworld is overpopulated.
Sergeant Major of the Army, Busterkong
Card Number: 2020GB01-033 ★★★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Military, Wild Force
Attack: 5
HP: 3
Strike: 2
Effect: [CNT] Use this card's [TD] effect.
[TD] "Buster Lariat" Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 4 damage to it.
[Breakthrough] (When this attacks and destroys the unit in your opponent's defensive zone, attack the Ruler)
Flavor Text: Is the equipment ready? I'll give them bullets in cartons!
Intelligence Agent, Becky
Card Number: 2020GB01-034 ★★★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Awakened Being, Warrior, Military
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 2
Effect: ■ "Are you stupid?!" When your opponent plays en event card from hand or field, you may normal summon this card without spending Summon Cap. (Pay the cost)
Flavor Text: When all of humanity has to cooperate, those who would create a Nazi resurrection must be morons.
Alice of the Holy War World
Card Number: 2020GB01-035 ★★★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Awakened Being
Attack: 4
HP: 3
Strike: 0
Effect: [CNT] "Wonderland" Choose 1 of your energy and activate it.
■ "Mirror World" When you are attacked, you may normal summon this from your hand to a defensive zone.
Flavor Text: The veteran warrior who has been fighting with the ARK felt that the battle was approaching its end. "I have to call everyone. My friends."
Guibel of Wales
Card Number: 2020GB01-036 ★★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): OWL, Dragon
Attack: 6
HP: 4
Strike: 2
Effect: [CNT] Use the this card's "Eternal Sleep" ability.
■ "Eternal Sleep" When this enters the field, choose 1 level 1 or lower OWL unit from your damage zone and put it into your graveyard.
Flavor Text: People watched the sun and were struck with their dreams. Oh, the dragon of the story has returned.
Primary Armored Unit, Victor
Card Number: 2020GB01-037 ★★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Military
Attack: 4
HP: 3
Strike: 2
Effect: ■ "Sweep Shot" When this attacks, choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 2 damage to it.
Flavor Text: The ATLAS machine Victor was created by the combined strength of western countries. The engine was made by Germany, the control program was made by America, and the exterior was made by Italy.
Sergeant First Class, Rampart Elephant
Card Number: 2020GB01-038 ★★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Military, Wild Force
ATK: 4
HP: 3
STK: 2
Effect: [TD] "Ten Hut!" Thie gets HP+2 and [Defender] until the beginning of your next turn.
Flavor Text: A calm member of Wild Force who is a well of wisdom. The reason he refuses to transfer to headquarters is so that he can continue fighting alongside Busterkong.
Guns & Gold Weapons Arsenal
Card Number: 2020GB01-039 ★★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Field
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Business
Effect: [CNT] Put this card in your field zone.
■ Give +1 to the original value of effect damage dealt to enemy units by your cards. (When distributing damage across multiple units, apply the +1 first.)
Flavor Text: When I was kid, I was obsessed with mecha anime. Is the development of the "dress" we are presenting to Vastorus progressing?
Buster Arm!
Card Number: 2020GB01-040 ★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Military, Wild Force
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 6 damage to it!
Flavor Text: I'll make a trophy with your neck!
Colonel Big Owl
Card Number: 2020GB01-041 ★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Wild Force
ATK: 2
HP: 5
STK: 1
Effect: [CNT] Draw 1.
■ "Saving Order [Turn(1)]" When your «Wild Force» attacks and damages your opponent, draw 1.
Flavor Text: So, Sergeant Major. No, the army. I think they brought my stomach medicine in cartons?!
Dimensional Navigation Ship, ARK
Card Number: 2020GB01-042 ★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Military
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose 1 level 1 or lower Military unit in your graveyard, and add it to your hand.
Flavor Text: ARK. An Avenger's ark where those whose world was destroyed by the Exvaders gather. They pursue the Exvaders, and appear over the Atlantic Ocean. They offer to fight with the ATLAS army.
Marine Corps, Daring Trooper
Card Number: 2020GB01-043 ★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military
ATK: 2
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [TD] "Energy Boost [Turn(1)]" Choose 1 energy, and activate it. (Abilities with the same name as an ability with [Turn(1)] can only be used once per turn.)
Flavor Text: ATLAS is an abbreviation for ATLantic Alliance Sentinels, and is also the name of a mythical giant who supported the world.
Specialist Soldier, Bullseye Wolf
Card Number: 2020GB01-044 ★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military, Wild Force
ATK: 2
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: ■ Choose one of the following:
・Deal 1 damage to your opponent.
・Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 1 damage to it.
Flavor Text: Why do you fight like that? When you look through the scope, its always a benefit. Its difficult to go back.
Card Number: 2020GB01-045 ★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Accident
Effect: [CNT] You take 2 damage.
Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose 3 energy, and activate them. Draw 1.
Flavor Text: This is what happens when you entrust your destiny to a whimsical bastard like God!
ATLAS Army Normandy Exercise
Card Number: 2020GB01-046 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Military, Wild Force
Effect: Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose a level 2 or lower «Military» card in your damage zone, and add it to your hand.
Flavor Text: The joint exercise in Normandy, which had the goal of a landing operation on the eastern Mediterranean coast, was successful. The operation to recapture the sacred land has begun...!
G&G Unmanned Tank, Turret Turtle
Card Number: 2020GB01-047 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Military
ATK: 4
HP: 4
STK: 2
Flavor Text: Due to the Exvaders, a dome-shaped barrier with a diameter of 1000 kilometers appeared in the Middle East. Since then, it has become a territory contolled by the Exvaders, and the situation inside remains unclear.
Selkirk Cait Sith
Card Number: 2020GB01-048 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): OWL, Apparition, Beast
ATK: 3
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: [Intercept] (When this is attacked, it deals damage equal to its ATK to the attacking unit before battle damage calculation.)
[Familiar] (Normal: This unit gets any attribute until end of turn.)
Flavor Text: A gun is faster than magic.
Werewolf Warrior
Card Number: 2020GB01-049 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): OWL, Beast, Darkness
Attack: 4
HP: 3
Strike: 2
Flavor Text: Thank you, Exvaders. I needed an enemy like you to control my bloodlust.
Vampire Soldier, Levan
Card Number: 2020GB01-050 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): OWL, Darkness, Military
Attack: 2
HP: 2
Strike: 2
Effect: [OD] [TD] "Future Sight" Look at the top card of your deck, and you may put it back on top or on the bottom of your deck.
Flavor Text: ...You can see it. Strength the defenses of your base. "The Beast of the End" is coming. Specifically, its in the 2nd booster.
Corporal, Champ Tiger
Card Number: 2020GB01-051 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Warrior, Military, Wild Force
ATK: 5
HP: 2
STK: 2
Flavor Text: Wild Force's number one warrior and a battle addict who violates orders. On the other hand, he is the record holder for the number of "Anchor Honor Awards" given to those who save the lives of allies.
Card Number: 2020GB01-052 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Firepower, Military
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Choose 1 or more enemy units, and distribute 2 damage among them.
Flavor Text: For the recapture of the sacred land, new weapons are tested and new recruits are trained. At that time, a huge shadow is spotted approaching the advance base, Cyprus.
Magical Soldier, Jake
Card Number: 2020GB01-053 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Wizard, Military
ATK: 4
HP: 3
STK: 1
Flavor Text: The army recognized the existence of magic at an early stage and began to raise talented individuals. Even Jake, who was an ordinary boy, had an amazing talen hidden within him...
Card Number: 2020GB01-054 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): OWL, Apparition, Darkness
ATK: 2
HP: 4
STK: 1
Flavor Text: That day, the earth became foreign. Legendary individuals began to appear. Some are legendary beings, and some have offered to fight alongside mankind.
Norwegian Forest Cait Sith
Card Number: 2020GB01-055 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): OWL, Apparition, Beast
ATK: 2
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: [Familiar] (Normal: This unit gets any attribute until end of turn.)
■ Normal: This card becomes a Level 1 until end of turn.
Flavor Text: Even though he was thought to be an ordinary cat, he was a member of the fairy tribe "Cait Sith". According to legend, they have a deep understanding of witchcraft.
Specialist Soldier, Spotter Giraffe
Card Number: 2020GB01-056 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military, Wild Force
ATK: 2
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: ■ Give +1 to the original value of effect damage dealt to enemy units by your cards.
Flavor Text: Their home was destroyed by the Exvaders, and those who vowed revenge stopped being mere animals. They were reborn as the Wild Force, beast soldiers with a body of steel and a will of iron!
Senior Soldier, Tallyho Dog
Card Number: 2020GB01-057 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military, Wild Force
ATK: 2
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [Intercept] (When this is attacked, it deals damage equal to its ATK to the attacking unit before battle damage calculation.)
Flavor Text: Busterkong! Get us on the battlefield as often as you can!
Senior Soldier, Recon Deer
Card Number: 2020GB01-058 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military, Wild Force
ATK: 3
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: [TD] [OD] "Observe and Prepare" Look at the top card of your deck, and put it on the top or bottom of your deck.
Flavor Text: Earth. This is our new battlefield. We won't let it die, like our home did.
I didn't even feel that!
Card Number: 2020GB01-060 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military, Wild Force
Effect: Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it when an ally unit is damaged.
■ Choose 1 ally unit. Recover as much damage from that unit as it was dealt. (Even if it took lethal damage and is destroyed, it will recover before being placed in the graveyard)
Flavor Text: ♪♪ Oh, the Wild Force, the steel arm that crushes evil. Gatling, the power of the wild, the vaporization bomb of nature. Wisdom is 10% and power is 50%. The remaining 70% is courage. ♪♪
Suppression Fire
Card Number: 2020GB01-061 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Firepower, Military
Effect: Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 2 damage to it.
Flavor Text: Advice!The appeal of ATLAS cards is, of course, unit destruction due to effect damage. Let's make a control deck by using 4 "Guns & Gold Weapons Arsenal" and combining it with Wonderverse's Firepower cards!
Captain Omyger
Card Number: 2020GB01-062 ★★★★L
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Awakened Being, Warrior, Hero
ATK: 5
HP: 5
STK: 3
Effect: [CNT] Use this card's [OD] ability.
[OD] "Mach 883353+ Attack" Choose 1 enemy unit, and destroy it.
Flavor Text: The manga artist, Sakura Maikawa, has transformed into the main character of his own manga. However, due to the eccentric setting and the fatal flaws in his design sense, the future will be difficult... (From Yuuichi Hasegawa's work "Studio Secret Base Theater")
Oni the Island Captain, Kinomiya Kouga
Card Number: 2020GB01-063 ★★★★L
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Oni the Island, Keyman, Warrior
Attack: 4
HP: 3
Strike: 2
Effect: [CNT] Use this card's [OD] ability.
[TD] [OD] "Destiny of the Radiant Gate Ruler" Choose 1 card from your deck, shuffle your deck, and put the chosen card on top of your deck.
Flavor Text: A Gate Ruler Yomajin Front and who leads the demons according to the old contract. A true hero of justice who cuts down the mad family head "Tsukasa the Oni".
Dragon-type Battle Weapon "Aramisaki"
Card Number: 2020GB01-066 ★★★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Dragon, Military
Attack: 5
HP: 5
Strike: 2
Effect: ■ Damage dealt to you becomes 1.
■ "Magical Core Cannon" Normal: [Put an event card from your field to your graveyard] Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 4 damage to it.
Flavor Text: In response to the people's prayers, activate the machine dragon, Aramisaki!!
Sakura no Sei
Card Number: 2020GB01-068 ★★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Apparition
Attack: 5
HP: 1
Strike: 1
Effect: [OD] Choose one of your opponent's Field cards and destroy it.
■ "Obstacle" When battle damage is dealt to this, select an enemy unit and deal the same damage to it.
Flavor Text: It blossoms every spring. It scatters every spring.
Winter General, Mikage
Card Number: 2020GB01-069 ★★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Apparition, Warrior
ATK: 2
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: [CNT] Use this card's [OD] effect.
[OD] "Freezing Crush" Choose 1 enemy unit in a defensive zone, and destroy it.
Flavor Text: The Yomajin Front and the youkai do not have a formal contract, but are connected by old-fashioned traditions and people. Because of that, she is a yuki-onna who is the boss of the northern youkai. I need someone like her.
Setting (beginning) and Name by Nemesis.
Combined Expansion Weapon, Masurao "Kongodai"
Card Number: 2020GB01-070 ★★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Military, Robo
ATK: 5
HP: 4
STK: 1
Effect: [CNT] You may choose any number of "Masurao" from your graveyard, and return them to your deck. Then, shuffle.
[Charge Shield] [Double Attack]
■ This cannot be put in a defensive zone.
Flavor Text: Perfect synchronization of magic and science. That is the power of Masurao.
Card Number: 2020GB01-071 ★★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: -5
Attribute(s): Accident
Effect: [CNT] Play this card.
Use Timing: [Open Card] (When this enters your hand or when you Drive this, reveal and play it)
■ You receive 2 damage.
Flavor Text: Why did you put it in your deck?!
Raguo the Ushi-oni
Card Number: 2020GB01-072 ★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Apparition, Beast
Attack: 4
HP: 5
Strike: 3
Flavor Text: When I looked up at the night sky, there was a strange shape. Oh yeah, I returned to them at night.
Tenrou the Ushi-oni
Card Number: 2020GB01-073 ★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Apparition, Beast
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: [OD] "Parade of Hundred Demons Lv1" Look at the top card of your deck, and if it's a Level 1 or less «Apparition» unit, you may Drive it. If you do not Drive it, put it on the bottom of the deck.
Flavor Text: The youkai said, "Return the night to us. Return the soothing darkness you took."
The governor of Tokyo you replied, "We'll give you rolling blackouts from midnight."
Land Warfare Expansion Weapon, Masurao 2nd Machine
Card Number: 2020GB01-074 ★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Military, Robo
Attack: 3
HP: 3
Strike: 1
Effect: [CNT] Special summon 1 "Land Warfare Expansion Weapon, Masurao 1st Machine" from your deck to your attack zone.
■ "Masurao Union" Normal: If you have this and "Land Warfare Expansion Weapon, Masurao 1st Machine" on your field, special summon 1 "Combined Expansion Weapon, Masurao "Kongodai"" from your deck, and put this and "Land Warfare Expansion Weapon, Masurao 1st Machine" into its charge.
Flavor Text: Succeeded in matching the magic engine and the superconducting plasma engine. Next is the union of three machines using the magic furnace!
Special Nationality Law (Law of Youkai)
Card Number: 2020GB01-075 ★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): History
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Normal (During the main phase of your turn, play this from hand, set it and play it, or play it when you drive)
■ Recover 1 life.
Flavor Text: A landscape with youkai. Occasional Exvader attacks. Even such extraordinary things will be accepted as the new normal. That may be the strength of people.
Mr. Dead Language
Card Number: 2020GB01-076 ★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Warrior, Hero
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: "Smile I want to hit" When this is in your attack zone, battle damage dealt to you is 0.
Flavor Text: Now (dead language), young (dead language), and a great hit (dead language)!! Its Mr. Dead Language. Celebrity (dead language)!!
All Things Must Die
Card Number: 2020GB01-077 ★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Combat Technique
Effect: [CNT] Put this in the graveyard.
Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Choose 1 ally unit, and it gets ATK+2, HP+2, and [Retaliate] until end of turn.
Flavor Text: Impermanence. Or at least the body ends.
Dragon-type Battle Weapon "Honoikazuchi"
Card Number: 2020GB01-078 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Military, Dragon
Attack: 5
HP: 4
Strike: 2
Effect: "Automatic Attack System Blaze" When this card attacks, choose 1 or more units on your opponent's field, and distribute 3 damage among them.
Flavor Text: Powered by the "Ifrit Engine" that combines Volnar's magic with Japanese mechanical science. A decisive weapon that has the power to dominate the battlefield with a single machine.
Woman Tengu, Mizukaze
Card Number: 2020GB01-079 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Apparition, Wind
ATK: 3
HP: 1
STK: 2
Effect: "Falcon" All your «Apparition» get [Defender].
Flavor Text: "As an observer, I was asked for my opinion, as I was a folklorist before the fall. Its impossible that the hypothesis that "youkai are information creatures" would be accepted so easily." - Folklorist writer, Yukiji Tono
Tank Type-100
Card Number: 2020GB01-080 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Military
ATK: 4
HP: 4
STK: 2
Flavor Text: 100 prototypes were chosen as testbeds for Volnar's magic technology. Various experimental machines will continue to be made in the future.
The First Dimensional Defense Battle
Card Number: 2020GB01-081 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): History
Effect: Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it while an ally unit is being attacked.
■ Choose 1 ally unit, and it gets ATK+2 and [Intercept] until end of battle. (When a unit with [Intercept] is attacked, deal damage equal to the ATK of the unit with [Intercept] to the attacking unit before battle damage calculation.)
Flavor Text: With the fall of the Destiny Sword, the Exvaders emerged. Alongside reinforcements from another world that appeared at the same time, humans repelled the first Exvaders attack. Its been a few years since then.
All Sides Purification
Card Number: 2020GB01-082 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Normal (During the main phase of your turn, play this from hand, set it and play it, or play it when you drive)
■ Choose 1 field card or set card, and destroy it.
Flavor Text: Onigaki family. A family that has isolated the demon world and have magically protected Kyoto in secret for generations. They have a two-sided relationship with the Kinomiya family.
Art of Hardening
Card Number: 2020GB01-083 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it while you or an ally unit would be damaged.
■ The next damage becomes 0.
Flavor Text: The border of the world has been broken. The curse of good luck is not some useless occult thing, but has the physical power to shoot bullets.
Yukinko, Peony
Card Number: 2020GB01-085 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Apparition
ATK: 2
HP: 3
STK: 2
Black Kappa, Genkuro
Card Number: 2020GB01-086 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Apparition, Darkness
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: [OD] Play "Rock-Paper-Scissors" with your opponent until someone wins. The player who loses takes 1 damage. If you were the one who lost, you may send this card to the graveyard. If you do, redo this effect.
Flavor Text: Do you eat fish or eat people?
Calico Cait Sith
Card Number: 2020GB01-087 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Apparition, Beast, Wizard
ATK: 2
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: [Familiar] (Normal: This unit gets any attribute until end of turn.)
Normal: This card's Level becomes 1 or 2 until end of turn.
Flavor Text: Cait Sith are all over the world. Maybe your cat is secretly one of them.
Mechanized Infantry Battalion "Byakuya"
Card Number: 2020GB01-089 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military
Attack: 2
HP: 1
Strike: 1
Effect: [Defender] (At the end of your attack phase, you may move it from the offensive zone to the defensive zone.)
Flavor Text: The Yomajin Front is military alliance against the Exvaders centered in asia, composed of the allied forces of the "youkai", "demons", and "humans".
Supply Unit "Aburuma"
Card Number: 2020GB01-090 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Warrior, Military, Robo
ATK: 2
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [OD] You may look at the top card of your deck, and set any card that can be set. If you do not set it, put it on the bottom of your deck.
Flavor Text: Many members of the transport unit are also private carriers. They run to protect people's lives at all times and to protect people's lives during the war.
Invitation of Strength
Card Number: 2020GB01-091 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Combat Technique, Magic
Effect: Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Choose 1 ally unit, and it gets ATK+2, HP+2 until end of turn.
Flavor Text: Great power, stay within me. Power of the people, manifest in me.
Purification Rite
Card Number: 2020GB01-092 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: [CNT] You may choose 1 ally unit, and put it in a defensive zone.
Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ All ally units get HP+2 until end of turn.
Flavor Text: "I think that magic and spiritual techniques are manifested by belief. Its not because its correct. I'm certain that the laws of physics in the world have changed to respond to human thoughts.
That's Koga's ability as Gate Ruler, right?"
Invasion Emperor
Card Number: 2020GB01-093 ★★★★L
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Crimenauts, Hero
ATK: 2
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: [CNT] Use this card's [OD] ability.
[OD] "Charisma Wave" Choose 1 level 2 or lower enemy unit, and take control of it.
Flavor Text: A mysterious monster who claims to be the Emperor of Quiet Space was accepted as a member of the Crimenauts. You can feel the sympathy in his head design.
Space Knights of the Round Table, Cosmo Arthur
Card Number: 2020GB01-094 ★★★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Galaxy Heritage, Hero, Robo
Attack: 6
HP: 4
Strike: 0
Effect: [CNT] If your life is 2 or less, set this.
■ This can be normal summoned, and also can be set.
■ "Final Guardian [Game(1)]" When your life becomes 0, you may normal summon this from the set zone. Then, when this enters the field, recover 1 life, and end the turn.
Flavor Text: When the people of space are in a pinch, he appears out of nowhere and saves them. Is he a person, a god, or an UMA-like thing?
Tiger of Id
Card Number: 2020GB01-095 ★★★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Beast
ATK: 7
HP: 5
STK: 2
Effect: [CNT] Put this into your graveyard.
■ "Tiger, Tiger" If another Beast is on your field, your opponent cannot activate [CNT] from this unit's damage.
Flavor Text: The air responds to your fear. You are the devil.
Great Leader, Malevolus Prime
Card Number: 2020GB01-096 ★★★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Crimenauts
Attack: 3
HP: 5
Strike: 2
Effect: [OD] Put the top two cards of your deck into its charge.
■ When another Crimenauts would be put from your field to your graveyard, put it into this card's charge instead.
■ "Devas Beam" Immediate: [Put 1 of this card's charge at the bottom of your deck] Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 2 damage to it.
■ This cannot get [Charge Shield].
Card Number: 2020GB01-097 ★★★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Firepower, Magic
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Choose 1 or more enemy units, and distribute 6 damage among them.
Flavor Text: Space rogue, zap reporter, lost earthling, and criminal organization recruiter. There was a sense of companionship among this rag-tag group.
Schrodinger's Cat
Card Number: 2020GB01-098 ★★★y
Card Type: Event
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Accident
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 card in your damage zone and 1 card in your graveyard, and swap them.
Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose 1 card in your damage zone, and play it without paying its cost or summon cap. (The unit's [TD] or [OD] effect does not activate because it was not played from hand or drive zone.)
Flavor Text: In the absence of an observer, the true existence of anything cannot be proven.
Horror Corps Commander, Gachihorror
Card Number: 2020GB01-099 ★★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Crimenauts
Attack: 4
HP: 5
Strike: 1
Effect: [TD] [OD] Choose one of the following effects:
・Discard 1 card from your opponent's hand at random.
・Choose 1 of your opponent's set cards, and destroy it.
Flavor Text: He is a telepath and thinks of others, so he became a public figure chief who is trusted by everyone.
Cosmo Journalist, Christel
Card Number: 2020GB01-100 ★★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Futuremen
Attack: 2
HP: 2
Strike: 1
Effect: [TD] [OD] Look at the top two cards of your deck, and you may set 1 card card among them that can be set. Put the remaining cards on the bottom of your deck.
Flavor Text: She realizes that the mysterious King Arthur's battles center around the Velocto. She forces her way into the ship to investigate.
Solar System Backpacker
Card Number: 2020GB01-101 ★★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Futuremen
ATK: 4
HP: 4
STK: 1
Effect: Normal: [Send 1 card from your field to the graveyard] Normal summon this from your damage zone. You take 1 damage.
Flavor Text: Distance in Wonderverse is determined by your "image". You can take 2 days to get to Mars, 3 days to get to Mercury, and go around the solar system in a week.
Sudden Blackhole
Card Number: 2020GB01-102 ★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Accidents
Effect: Use Timing: [Open Card] (When this card is in your hand or when you Drive, reveal and play it. Pay as much of the cost as possible.)
■ Destroy all enemy units.
Flavor Text: "I wonder if he's been sucked into many blackholes in his life."
"I'm used to it."
Cosmocraft, Velocto
Card Number: 2020GB01-103 ★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Galaxy Heritage, Futuremen
ATK: 4
HP: 5
STK: 3
Flavor Text: The fastest fighter ship in the universe, designed and built by the space adventurer Ed who said he found the "Holy Grail". Its power is unknown. It is said that the secret of the Holy Grail is hidden within it.
Horror Corps, Object Elm of X Street
Card Number: 2020GB01-104 ★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Crimenauts
ATK: 3
HP: 5
STK: 2
Effect: [Retaliate] (When this card was attacked by your opponent's unit and wasn't destroyed, deal damage to that unit equal to this card's ATK.)
Flavor Text: Crimenauts break the law and solve everything with violence. Spreading less addictive drugs to planets dominated by drug organizations and destroying them, invading a dictator's planet to free the people and open up markets, can do whatever you want.
Cosmo Criminal Organization, Crimenauts
Card Number: 2020GB01-105 ★★
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Crimenauts
Effect: [CNT] "Phantom Regeneration" Choose 1 level 1 or lower Crimenauts from your graveyard, and special summon it.
Use Timing: Normal
■ Look a the top four cards of your deck, choose up to one Crimenauts card from among them, and drive it. Put the remaining cards on the bottom of your deck.
Flavor Text: Youth. Have ambitions. For the time being, grab the globe.
Cosmo Sphinx
Card Number: 2020GB01-106 ★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Apparition, Beast, Pepoverse
Attack: 3
HP: 4
Strike: 1
Effect: [Retaliate] (When this card was attacked by your opponent's unit and wasn't destroyed, deal damage to that unit equal to this card's ATK.)
Flavor Text: If the opponent is caught by the strong forefeet, they'll be trapped in the quiz show. You cannot escape until you get 100 correct answers.
Magic Blaster
Card Number: 2020GB01-107 ★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Firepower, Magic
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 3 damage.
Flavor Text: Ed "The positive energy of an Earthling is extraordinary. You can master this legendary gun."
Double Excalibur!
Card Number: 2020GB01-109 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Pepoverse
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 4 damage to it. If "Cosmo Arthur" is on your field, destroy that enemy unit instead.
Flavor Text: Christel "Excalibur! There's only one in the universe, a legendary sword made out of the mysterious ore, Knight Calibur!"
Adriano "But there are two?!"
Horror Corps, Samerian
Card Number: 2020GB01-110 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Crimenauts, Shark, Beast
Attack: 3
HP: 2
Strike: 2
Effect: If your opponent has 1 or less cards in hand, this gets ATK+2 and HP+2.
Flavor Text: The Horror Corps is a terrifying group feared even by their allies. However, all the members have excellent personalities.
Magic Innovator
Card Number: 2020GB01-111 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Futuremen, Wizard
Attack: 3
HP: 2
Strike: 2
Effect: [OD] Choose up to two cards with [CNT] from your graveyard, and return them to your deck. Then, shuffle it. ([OD] is an effect that is activated when the unit is in the Drive Zone, before it comes into play)
Flavor Text: Wonderverse's magic is "conceptual magic". If you think of it, it will become reality."
Universal Robo, Pojimu
Card Number: 2020GB01-112 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Futuremen, Robo
ATK: 2
HP: 5
STK: 2
Flavor Text: Recruiter "What! Isn't that a P-ZM type? Robonica's only failed product with a flaw in its language center? I can't believe it hasn't been collected!"
Pojimu "This green guy is going out the airlock."
Horror Corps, Hannibal Razor
Card Number: 2020GB01-113 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Crimenauts, Apparition
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: [TD] [OD] Your opponent discards a card from their hand.
Flavor Text: He wants to make others smile like he does. Its not his fault that his smile is scary.
Cosmo Lizardman
Card Number: 2020GB01-115 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Warrior, Pepoverse, Beast
ATK: 3
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [OD] This gets ATK+2 until end of turn. ([OD] is an effect that is activated when the unit is in the Drive Zone, before it comes into play)
Flavor Text: "Are you a member of the Crimenauts?" The recruiter rushed towards Cosmo Lizardman, who spoke with a smile. He didn't know that the lizardfolk's smile represented anger.
Neptune Yuki-onna
Card Number: 2020GB01-116 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Apparition, Pepoverse
Attack: 4
HP: 3
Strike: 1
Flavor Text: Adriano "Women with cold hands have a warm heart."
Yuki-onna "Well. The Earth is good."
Recruiter "I have to do this. Adriano is frozen."
Pojimu "If you plunge him into the power furnace, he'll be cured."
Galaxy Ittanmomen
Card Number: 2020GB01-117 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Apparition, Cloth, Pepoverse
Attack: 2
HP: 4
Strike: 1
Flavor Text: Adriano "Its like Japan's youkai ittanmomen"
Ed "That's good. He didn't have a name. Let's call it that."
Christel "I think he liked it too."
Crimenauts Combatant, Badmans
Card Number: 2020GB01-118 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Crimenauts, Pepoverse
Attack: 3
HP: 2
Strike: 1
Effect: ■ "Spirit of Love" When your other «Crimenauts» would be damaged, you may destroy this. If you do, that damage becomes 0.
Flavor Text: 2 days off a week. 6 working hours a day. Enhanced recreational services. They have more accurate personnel evaluation than anywhere else. Its a bad organization, but its good for its members.
Ether Field
Card Number: 2020GB01-119 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it while you are directly attacked.
■ That battle damage becomes 0.
Flavor Text: The recruiter wanted to return to the Crimenauts, but the Crimenauts and Ed are nemeses. In the midst of 100% combat, there is no chance to escape.
Sudden Wormhole
Card Number: 2020GB01-121 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Accident
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 enemy unit, and rest it.
Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it when an enemy unit attacks, if there is a unit in your attack zone.
■ Choose 1 ally unit, and change the target of the attack target of the enemy unit to that ally unit's line.
Flavor Text: "The design of the frame of this card opens up the folded extra space" Adriano said. "That's what I've come to feel. The card becomes a "gate"."
Capture Beam
Card Number: 2020GB01-122 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military
Effect: Use Timing: Normal (During the main phase of your turn, play this from hand, set it and play it, or play it when you drive)
■ Choose 1 level 0 unit from your graveyard, and put it into your hand or special summon it. (Special summons do not activate [TD] or [OD])
Flavor Text: The two lost in space were rescued by the adventurer, Ed. Recruiter had no choice but to keep secret that he was a member of the Crimenauts.
Destiny Sword
Card Number: 2020GB01-124 ★★★
Faction: Exvader
Card Type: Event
Level: 3
Attribute(s): History
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Choose 1 enemy unit, and destroy it.
Flavor Text: From the day this place was struck by the challenge from another world...It will never return to the way it was.
Card Number: 2020GB01-125 ★
Faction: Exvader
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Object
Attack: 4
HP: 4
Strike: 2
Effect: ■ "Where the soul ends" When this enters the field, put an enemy unit into this unit's charge. When this leaves the fieldv, your opponent gains control of that unit.
Flavor Text: What are you. Where are you going to take me?!
Card Number: 2020GB01-126 ★
Faction: Exvader
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): DWM
Attack: 2
HP: 2
Strike: 1
Effect: ■ "Collective Lifeform" If there are 3 or more Exvaders in your graveyard, this gets ATK+2 and STK+2.
Flavor Text: Neither Volnar nor the ARK have had any communication with the Exvaders. Everyone who has read their hearts has gone mad.
Hellfire of Magvarius
Card Number: 2020GB01-S ???
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Dragon, Fire
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 enemy unit in an attack zone, and destroy it.
Use Timing: Normal
■ Destroy all level 2 or lower enemy units in attack zones.
Flavor Text: Not only what you want to do, but also what you should do for the reason of the world. That's what determines how a king should act.
K-11 Knight
Card Number: 2020GB01-L2b ★
Card Type: Ruler
Life: 11
Attack: 3
Strike: 3
Effect: [Game Preparation] 2 card in hand, 3 cards in energy
[Start of your turn] Choose 2 of your energy and activate them, draw 2
[Rule] Summon Cap 2 (During your turn, you can normal summon twice per turn)
Flavor Text: Please refer to the QR code for the Play and Deck Construction rules of this Ruler.
[GS03] - Starter Deck 3 "With the Dragon King"
Golden Sword Dragon Findar, Dragon Lord Pentarch of Holy Blade
Card Number: 2021GS03-001
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Dragon, Dragon Lord, Light
ATK: 7
HP: 5
STK: 1
Effect: [Enhance] Level 2 or higher Dragon (When this would enter the field, you may choose one of your level 2 or higher Dragon units and put it into this card's Charges.)
[Double Attack] [Charge Shield]
Flavor Text: My friend, who is now far away, a time traveler next to a green dragon. I'll imitate it. I'll become friends with earthlings and become a buddy.
Explosive Dragon King, Detonizer
Card Number: 2021GS03-002
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Dragon Lord, Fire, Water
ATK: 7
HP: 7
STK: 2
Effect: [Enhance] Level 2 or higher Dragon (When this would enter the field, you may choose one of your level 2 or higher Dragon units and put it into this card's Charges.)
■ "Explosion" Immediate [Put one card from its Charges into your graveyard] Destroy the unit that is attacking this card.
Flavor Text: My little friend will be a conqueror. Your possibilities are invincible!
Name & Setting by Takeda Soichiro
Velgaster of Thunderous Wings
Card Number: 2021GS03-003
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Wind, Dragon, Dragon Lord
ATK: 4
HP: 7
STK: 2
Effect: ■ When you normal summon a Dragon, you pay 1 less energy for its cost.
Flavor Text: A Dragon Lord is a dragon who has achieved "dragonic enlightenment", and whose body has evolved into a super lifeform.
Variere of Mirror Scales
Card Number: 2021GS03-004
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Dragon
ATK: 4
HP: 4
STK: 2
Effect: ■ Effect damage dealt to this becomes 0.g
Flavor Text: In a world where magic exists, there exist creatures that can counter magic.
Mysterion of White Fog
Card Number: 2021GS03-005
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Dragon, Darkness
ATK: 6
HP: 1
STK: 2
Effect: ■ "Valagora" When special summoned, choose 1 level 1 or lower enemy unit, and destroy it. If you do, recover 1 life.
Flavor Text: Undead dragons are not Dragon Lords. Although its still a terrifying supernatural being.
Garris the Ice Breaker
Card Number: 2021GS03-006
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Dragon, Beast, Water
ATK: 6
HP: 1
STK: 2
Effect: [CNT] Send this to the graveyard.
■ "Frozen Hell" When enters the field, choose 1 of your opponent’s set cards or field cards and destroy it.
Flavor Text: Gate Ruler, show us your pride. We will not move by anyone's mundane words, but by your words alone.
Verklight of Raging Flame
Card Number: 2021GS03-007
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Dragon, Fire
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 2
Effect: ■ "Fire Dragon Whirlwind" When this is special summoned, choose 1 or more enemy units and distribute 3 damage among them.
Flavor Text: Humans who command dragons, stop laughing! Be careful not to be trampled! Now, what should I burn?
Golden Sword
Card Number: 2021GS03-008
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Combat Technique
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it at any time, if you have a level 3 or higher Dragon on your field.
■ Choose 1 level 3 or lower enemy unit. It loses all abilities, and is destroyed.
■ While this event is on the Gate, neither player can play cards nor activate abilities.
Flavor Text: The sword saint transforms into a golden sword. No, he himself is the invincible holy sword.
Card Number: 2021GS03-009
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Combat Technique
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Immediate
■ Choose 1 level 2 or lower enemy unit, and if you have a level 2 or greater Dragon on the field, destroy it.
Flavor Text: There is no such thing as tampering with a dragon's attack.
Dragon of Id
Card Number: 2021GS03-010
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Dragon, Beast
ATK: 4
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 non-Legend Dragon or Beast unit from your graveyard, and add it to your hand. If you do, deal 1 damage to yourself.
■ "Dragomagra" Your opponent cannot activate [CNT] from this unit's damage.
Flavor Text: The one who slays a dragon, has a dragon in their heart.
Heavenly Kirin
Card Number: 2021GS03-011
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Dragon, Beast, Pepoverse
ATK: 3
HP: 1
STK: 2
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 of your energy, and activate it.
■ [TD] You may look at the top 3 cards of your deck, choose 1 Dragon from among them, reveal it, add it to your hand, and put the remaining cards on the bottom of your deck.
Flavor Text: Hello, Gate Ruler. The Dragon deck is cool, but its difficult to master. I'll help you out, if you'd like.
Card Number: 2021GS03-012
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Milky Way Heritage
ATK: 2
HP: 4
STK: 0
Effect: ■ When you normal summon a Dragon, you pay 1 less energy for its cost.
Flavor Text: In Wonderverse's mythology, there is a beautiful story that an angel in the shape of a dragon flies in all directions, and defined the world's width...what's up and down?
Space Raptor
Card Number: 2021GS03-013
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Beast, Pepoverse
ATK: 3
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: ■ "Kupazun Drahan" Normal: [Remove this card from the game] Special summon 1 level 2 or lower Dragon from your hand.
Flavor Text: Dragons are very popular in Wonderverse. Some races believe that if you worship a dragon as a god and lead a good life, you can reincarnate as a dragon.
Space Cave
Card Number: 2021GS03-014
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Famous Location
Effect: [CNT] Choose your opponent’s Ruler or an enemy unit, and rest it.
Use Timing: Set this, and use it when you are damaged.
■ Reduce that damage by 2.
Flavor Text: The dimensional rift known as the Space Cave, has been used for a long time as either an iron-walled fortress or a convenient garbage dump. That it, until it was discovered to be connected to Volnar.
Butterfly Effect
Card Number: 2021GS03-015
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Paranormal
Effect: Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose 1 Dragon on your field, and send it to the bottom of the deck. Then, choose 1 non-Legend Dragon of the same Level from your deck, and special summon it.
Flavor Text: Phenomenon that can bring about change in another world. Quantum could call it fate.
Cosmo Carthage
Card Number: 2021GS03-016
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Famous Location
Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time.)
■ Choose 1 of your level 3 or higher units, and send it to the graveyard. If you do, recover 1 life.
Flavor Text: A planet close to the Space Cave that was developed into a trading post with Volnar. Its first job was to dispose of the trash that had been unknowingly dumped into Volnar, but it ended up being used as material.
Ice Flame Mineral
Card Number: 2021GS03-017
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Object, Gem
Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it when your unit is chosen by an opponent's event or ability, if you have a Fire or Water on your field.
■ Negate that event or ability.
Flavor Text: The Space Cave produces a unique ore that combines elements of Volnar and Wonderverse.
K-11 Knight
Card Number: GS03-L ★
Card Type: Ruler
Life: 11
Attack: 3
Strike: 3
Effect: [Game Preparation] 2 card in hand, 3 cards in energy
[Start of your turn] Choose 2 of your energy and activate them, draw 2
[Rule] Summon Cap 2 (During your turn, you can normal summon twice per turn)
Flavor Text: Please refer to the QR code for the Play and Deck Construction rules of this Ruler.
[GS04] - Starter Deck 4 "New York Zombie Apocalypse"
G&G Combat Helicopter, Luft Tigger
Card Number: 2021GS04-001
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Military
ATK: 4
HP: 4
STK: 2
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 3 damage to it.
Flavor Text: The source of the zombie apocalypse is the Newtech HQ building. All personnel, search the main building!
Zombie Rider
Card Number: 2021GS04-002
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Zombie, Hero, Military
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 2
Effect: [Breakthrough]
■ This card gets ATK+1 and HP+1 for each Military or Zombie attribute among other units on the field. (Units that are both Zombie and Military count twice.)
Flavor Text: I saw the blood turn green, and I knew everything. Don't be fooled by justice or evil anymore! Its clear, the world is awesome!
Zombie Caesar
Card Number: 2021GS04-003
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Zombie
ATK: 7
HP: 2
STK: 2
Effect: [Enhance] Zombie (When this would enter the field, you may choose one of your Zombie units and put it into this card's Charges.)
■ "Caesar Knuckle [Turn(1)]" Normal: [Put one of the Charges from your cards to the bottom of the deck] This card gets STK+1 until the end of turn.
■ This cannot be put to the defensive zone.
[Charge Shield]
Flavor Text: Its a boss character. Would you like to try clearing this with a knife?
Dimensional Rift Interception Corps, Captain Craig
Card Number: 2021GS04-004
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Military
ATK: 4
HP: 2
STK: 2
Effect: [TD] "Clear Strategy" If you have another Military on your field, draw 1 card, put 1 card from your hand on the top of your deck.
Flavor Text: As you know, dimensional faults have begun to occur in New York, like in Tokyo. We have no choice but to deal with it. We don't have any Youkai friends, so we have to search for it ourselves.
Card Number: 2021GS04-005
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Apparition, Zombie
ATK: 4
HP: 4
STK: 2
Flavor Text: Did the Newtech employees also do cosplay events?
Zombie Soldier
Card Number: 2021GS04-006
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Apparition, Zombie, Military
ATK: 5
HP: 2
STK: 2
Flavor Text: Fortunately, the zombie virus isn't airborne, but that wasn't much help to the soldiers overwhelmed by dense hordes of zombies.
Young Security Officer
Card Number: 2021GS04-007
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Military
ATK: 1
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: [TD] Look at the top card of your deck, if its a Military card, you may reveal it to the opponent and add it to your hand.
Flavor Text: I came to work after a date. But she came to see me! ...I have a bad complexion.
Heavily-armed Soldier
Card Number: 2021GS04-008
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Military
ATK: 3
HP: 5
STK: 2
Flavor Text: "Its not just a bunch of New Yorkers walking around pissed off because they're tired of staying home. Its a real zombie apocalypse. Good luck, boys. Get those headshots you're used to from FPS games." Captain Craig
Overeating Zombie
Card Number: 2021GS04-009
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Zombie
ATK: 3
HP: 4
STK: 2
Effect: [TD] [OD] Put up to 1 Zombie from your graveyard into this card's charges.
Flavor Text: Hey, someone tell me to do it.
Dynamite Zombie
Card Number: 2021GS04-010
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Zombie
ATK: 2
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 2 damage to it.
■ "Blowing Up" When this card is sent from the field to the graveyard, choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 2 damage to it.
Flavor Text: If you think about it, he's still doing his job.
Cheerleader Zombie
Card Number: 2021GS04-011
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Zombie
ATK: 3
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: ■ All your other Zombie get ATK+1 and HP+1.
Flavor Text: "It seems that as time goes by, it looks more like a human being." "Is it the same as your Kami?"
Mutirred Goblin
Card Number: 2021GS04-012
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): OWL, Apparition, Zombie
ATK: 2
HP: 2
STK: 2
Flavor Text: "Isn't that the goblin unit from OWL that plunged into the dimensional fault?" Craig said, pointing to a mutated former comrade. "Evidently, the salary on the other side is better.
Zombie Researcher
Card Number: 2021GS04-013
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Science, Zombie
ATK: 2
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: ■ "Biohazard" All units on the field get Zombie attribute.
Flavor Text: "The white collar workers caused it! I knew it!" Captain Craig
Card Number: 2021GS04-014
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Accident, Technology
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose up to two Zombie units from your graveyard with a total Level of 2 or less, and special summon them to the attacking zone.
Flavor Text: 3 years ago, a dimensional fault in the suburbs of New York unleashed a terrifying zombie virus. Although it was sealed by a group of devoted soldiers and Captain Liberty, the zombie virus has been unleashed again by a dimensional fault in a Newtech facility...!
Newtech Laboratory
Card Number: 2021GS04-015
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Zombie, Technology
Effect: Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose up to 2 Zombie units from your graveyard with a total level of 1 or less, and special summon them.
Flavor Text: Newtech, who had succeeded in cultivating the zombie virus that leaked from the dimensional fault, secretly planned to use the virus for military purposes, and as you'd expect, they caused this disaster.
War Merit Investigation
Card Number: 2021GS04-016
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Military
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose 1 Medal event in your damage zone from your damage zone, and set it.
Flavor Text: "The more war merit investigation I do, the more proud I am of you, because there aren't records of many of your acts in battle. On the other hand, your negative traits aren't in the records either. I remember all of them."
Card Number: 2021GS04-017
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Technology
Effect: [CNT] Play this
Use Timing: Immediate
■ Choose 1 level 0 Zombie from your graveyard, and special summon it to a defensive zone.
Flavor Text: Newtech's military technology using zombies was amazing. Thus, when it went out of control, the damage was enormous.
Medal of Honor
Card Number: 2021GS04-018
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Military, Medal
Effect: [CNT] Set this.
Use Timing: Set this, and you may play this when your Military unit deals damage to your opponent.
■ Choose 1 level 1 or lower Military unit in your damage zone, and special summon it. Then, put this in your damage zone.
Flavor Text: Medal of Honor. It is given to military personnel who have shown bravery in battle above and beyond their duty, or to those who have shown self-sacrifice.
Silver Star
Card Number: 2021GS04-019
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military, Medal
Effect: [CNT] Set this.
Use Timing: Set this, and you may play this if you destroyed 2 or more enemy units during your turn.
■ Choose 1 level 2 or lower Military card in your damage zone, and add it to your hand. Then, put this in your damage zone.
Flavor Text: Silver Star emblem. Awarded to soldiers who have shown courage in engaging with hostile armed forces.
Zombie Cannon
Card Number: 2021GS04-020
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Zombie, Military
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Immediate
■ Choose one of the following effects.
・Send 1 of your Zombie to the graveyard. If you do, deal 1 damage to the opponent.
・Choose 1 enemy unit, and send 1 of your Zombie to the graveyard. If you do, deal 4 damage to that card.
Flavor Text: Its clear. Those Newtech guys had rotten brains even before becoming zombies.
Kamaitachi Joe in New York
Card Number: 2021GS04-021
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Apparition, Military
ATK: 5
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: [OD] "Uchioroshi" Choose 1 enemy unit in a defensive zone, and destroy it.
Flavor Text: I'm glad I didn't bring my brothers. I'm no good with horror.
Yomajin Front New York Support Unit
Card Number: 2021GS04-022
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Military
ATK: 4
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: ■ Your other Military get ATK+1.
Flavor Text: The Yomajin Front Support Unit, which landed in the Upper New York Bay, led by elite troops who excel in martial arts, established a beachhead.
Mechanized Infantry Battalion "Byakuya"
Card Number: 2021GS04-023
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military
ATK: 2
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: [Defender] (At the end of your attack phase, you may move it from the offensive zone to the defensive zone.)
Flavor Text: I was waiting for an opportunity like this. We'll pay back the debt we owe for Operation Tomadochi.
Yomajin Front Engineer Unit "Inagi"
Card Number: 2021GS04-024
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military
ATK: 2
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: ■ All your Military get HP+1.
Flavor Text: Even though its a zombie, newly turned zombies just look like a sick person. Most of the Yomajin Front soldiers are not used to shooting other humans...
A-1 Apprentice
Card Number: 2020GS04-L ★
Card Type: Ruler
Life: 12
Attack: 4
Strike: 3
Effect: [Game Preparation] Nothing (0 cards in hand, 0 energy)
[Start of your turn] Drive 2 times.
[Rule] The costs of your cards are considered paid. You cannot have a hand.
Flavor Text: Please refer to the QR code for the Play and Deck Construction rules of this Ruler.
Deck Construction Rules:
Level Limit: 50
CNT Limit: 16
Legend Limit: 2
Cards from up to 2 factions can be used
K-11 Knight
Card Number: GS04-L ★
Card Type: Ruler
Life: 11
Attack: 3
Strike: 3
Effect: [Game Preparation] 2 card in hand, 3 cards in energy
[Start of your turn] Choose 2 of your energy and activate them, draw 2
[Rule] Summon Cap 2 (During your turn, you can normal summon twice per turn)
Flavor Text: Please refer to the QR code for the Play and Deck Construction rules of this Ruler.
Deck Construction Rules:
Level Limit: N/A
CNT Limit: 16
Legend Limit: 2
Cards from up to 2 factions can be used
[GB02] - Booster Pack 2 "Evil God Invasion"
Dragonic Armageddon
Card Number: 2021GB02-001 ★★★★L
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Dragon, Fire
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 level 2 or lower card on your opponent’s field, and destroy it.
Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose 1 card on your opponent’s field, and destroy it. Choose 1 another card on your opponent’s field, and, if you have a level 2 or higher Dragon on your field, destroy it.
Flavor Text: Once upon the time, when the ruler of the earth and sky was a dragon...
Its said that the world was once destroyed by war, and most of dragonkind perished.
What kind of battle was it, and who did they fight against? The details have long since been lost to the passage of time.
Holy Swordsman of Golden Scales
Card Number: 2021GB02-004 ★★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Warrior, Dragon
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 2
Effect: ■ "Protection of Golden Scales" This cannot be chosen by your opponent's events and card abilities.
■ "Infinite Combat Technique [Energy Ability]" When this attacks, choose up to 1 Combat Technique event from your graveyard and play it by paying Energy. Then, put that event on the bottom of the deck instead of the graveyard. (You don't pay any energy for level 0 events.)
Flavor Text: The war god's blessings are bestowed upon those with a worthy soul.
Socially Withdrawn Demon Lord, Merill Strauss
Card Number: 2021GB02-005 ★★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Dungeon, Demon Lord
ATK: 0
HP: 1
STK: 0
Effect: ■ "Withdraw to the Dungeon" While this card in an attacking zone, it cannot be attacked or chosen by units' abilities.
■ "Idea Desire [1/turn]" Normal [Rest this card] Choose one of your Energy and activate it.
■ Your Summon Cap becomes 3.
Flavor Text: Merill "I'd be happy to help. Of course, I won't say anything about your military secrets either."
He'd already lost count of how many times he'd broken military regulations. Yamada had already given up on advancing his career.
Dark Mother
Card Number: 2021GB02-006 ★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Traitor, Wizard, Darkness
ATK: 3
HP: 5
STK: 2
Effect: ■ Normal [Discard 1 Wizard with [Abyssal Summoning] from your hand] Perform [Abyssal Summoning]. ([Abyssal Summoning] means to choose 1 unit from your graveyard with [Abyssal Concerto], and you may Special Summon it by fulfilling its conditions.)
Flavor Text: Come on, everyone. You can take as many lives as you want.
Warfare Wizard, Alketter
Card Number: 2021GB02-007 ★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Wizard
ATK: 1
HP: 4
STK: 0
Effect: [CNT] Put this into the graveyard.
[Genesis Summoning] Normal: Use this & 1 or more Wizard or Warrior units as material and put them to the bottom of your deck. If you do, special summon 1 Dragon or Warrior unit from your deck whose Level is equal or lower than the total Level of the materials, draw 1 card, and for this turn your Summon Cap becomes 3.
■ Level 0 Warrior on your field can be treated as level 1.
Flavor Text: Oh big sister Shiori, where did you disappear to?
Dragon Blood Princess, Chimerala
Card Number: 2021GB02-008 ★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Warrior, Dungeon
ATK: 4
HP: 2
STK: 2
Effect: [TD] "Memory Transfer [Energy Ability]" Choose up to 1 Combat Technique event from your graveyard and play it by paying Energy. Then, put that event on the bottom of the deck instead of the graveyard. (You don't pay Energy for level 0 events.)
([Energy Ability] can only be played if you have Energy.)
Flavor Text: A mid-level commander of Meryl's dungeon, a hybrid demon with the blood of various combat races. She is a secret counselor of the dungeon. She is actually 16 years old.
Named by Mayunoma Nuritate
Balam Rem Rex (My soul is one with the darkness)
Card Number: 2021GB02-009 ★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Normal
■ Perform [Abyssal Summoning]. ([Abyssal Summoning] means to choose 1 unit from your graveyard with [Abyssal Concerto], and you may special summon it by fulfilling its conditions.)
Flavor Text: If you lay down on the ground, you will die and your soul will be saved. It seems these earthlings have chosen that path, and have become Master Rex's lowly posessions!
Leuva the Lion King
Card Number: 2021GB02-010 ★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Earth, Beast
ATK: 3
HP: 5
STK: 3
Effect: ■ "King's Word" Choose 1 of your opponent's energy cards, and rest it.
■ When this is [Genesis Summoning], choose 1 enemy unit in a defensive zone, and destroy it.
Flavor Text: The southern region of Huescalot is known as the Beast King Area, a wild world dominated by beasts with power that surpasses human intelligence.
Card Number: 2021GB02-011 ★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Earth, Beast, Darkness
ATK: 4
HP: 4
STK: 2
Effect: [CNT] Use this card’s "Motion Sensor" ability.
[OD] "Motion Sensor" Choose 1 enemy unit with [Defender], and destroy it.
Flavor Text: Don't move. Don't even breathe. This is your end.
The Legendary Beast Summoning Master
Card Number: 2021GB02-012 ★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Earth, Wizard
ATK: 3
HP: 4
STK: 1
Effect: [Genesis Summoning] Normal: Use this & 1 or more ally Beast units as material and put them to the bottom of your deck. If you do, special summon 1 Beast or Warrior unit from your deck whose Level is equal or lower than the total Level of the materials.
Flavor Text: Genesis Summoning is a magic technique where the summoner's body embodies the image of the target, and when the magic ends, the body returns to its original state. In general, the embodied image is more powerful than the original body.
Power Ray Maximum
Card Number: 2021GB02-013 ★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 4
Attribute(s): Forbidden Spell
Effect: [CNT] Rest your opponent's ruler and all enemy units.
Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it at the end of your opponent's turn.
■ [Energy Ability] Select 1 or more enemy units, and distribute 8 damage among them. Then, deal 2 damage to your opponent. ([Energy Ability] can only be used if you have energy)
Flavor Text: Advice! If your ruler is Wizard, and you leave all of your energy activated, you will be able to pay 4 energy on your opponent's turn.
Demon Lord Merrill's Magical Calculation Program
Card Number: 2021GB02-014 ★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Technology
Effect: Use Timing: Immediate
■ Reveal 1 card from your hand to your opponent, and send it to the bottom of your deck. If you do, draw 2 cards.
Flavor Text: "In short, Earth and Volnar's laws of physics work on a completely different OS from each other." Contrary to his appearance, Merrill's tone was that of a complete nerd. "You'll be able to operate the experimental weapon, but only in the right conditions."
Jailer Dragon King, Voltona
Card Number: 2021GB02-016 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Dragon, Dragon Lord, Darkness
ATK: 5
HP: 3
STK: 2
Effect: [TD] You may choose 1 "Viola Fluvdus" and 1 level 0 Darkness unit from your deck, and send them to your graveyard.
■ [Abyssal Summoning] Normal: Send this card to the graveyard. If you do, choose 1 unit from your graveyard with [Abyssal Concerto], and you may special summon it by fulfilling its conditions.
Flavor Text: The forces of the Rough Dust King have learned enough about the combat strength of Earth through the Volnar dispatch unit. With that, they've outlived their usefulness.
Card Number: 2021GB02-017 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Dragon, Fire
ATK: 5
HP: 5
STK: 2
Effect: [TD] “Heating-up” This gets ATK+2, and HP+2 until the end of this turn.
Flavor Text: Yamada: "Fire dragons are constantly burning, but wouldn't that kill them?"
Shiori: "Its closer to a spirit than a living being. The body is not a pure substance, but a compound of magical power."
Yamada: "...Would I get some magical power if I ate it?" He still hadn't given up on getting magic.
Anubis Look-alike
Card Number: 2021GS02-018 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Warrior, Earth, Wizard
ATK: 4
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: ■ "Judgement of the Underworld" When this is destroyed, look at your opponent's hand. Choose 1 card from among them and discard it.
Flavor Text: No. I have nothing to do with the god of the afterlife. No, I don't give autographs!
Black Knight, Zahar
Card Number: 2021GB02-019 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Warrior, Traitor, Darkness
Attack: 2
HP: 2
Strike: 2
Effect: [Breakthrough]
■ This gets ATK+1 for each "Black Knight" in your graveyard.
Flavor Text: The grudge of the decayed warriors dwells.
Black Knight, Gastel
Card Number: 2021GB02-020 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Warrior, Traitor, Darkness
ATK: 3
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: ■ When used as a material for [Abyssal Summoning], it can be treated as any level from 0 to 2.
Flavor Text: This never ending battle is what I want. Do not pity me. The realm of Shura is a fine place to live.
Ragdoll Cait Sith
Card Number: 2021GB02-021 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Earth, Beast
ATK: 0
HP: 3
STK: 0
Effect: [CNT] Special summon this, and send this to the graveyard at the end of this turn.
[Familiar] (Normal: This unit gets any attribute until end of turn.)
■ Normal: This card becomes a level 1 until end of turn.
Flavor Text: "On the day OWL was founded, some domestic cats stood up on two legs, and said "We're actually Cait Sith"...I'm sure cat lovers had mixed feelings about it." Yamada had a complicated expression on his face.
Beastman Warrior
Card Number: 2021GB02-022 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Warrior, Earth, Beast
ATK: 5
HP: 1
STK: 1
Flavor Text: Humans are not the only civilized race in Volnar, so the earthlings were easily accepted. However, are they weak, or are they worth fighting for, that's the thing that will be coldly determined.
Yomajin Survival Squad
Card Number: 2021GB02-023 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Warrior, Military
ATK: 3
HP: 5
STK: 0
Flavor Text: "The demon dragon's goal is to determine the strength of earthlings by attacking the squad again and again until they die..."
Unable to escape, unable to negotiate. As captain, Yamada made a decision.
"Let's show them ourselves. The power of Super Earthlings."
Barzo Dorba (Revert the life)
Card Number: 2021GB02-024 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Magic, Darkness
Effect: Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose 1 level 1 or lower enemy unit, and destroy it. If you do, recover 1 life.
Flavor Text: With his body untouchable due to the "10 Billion Year Wall", the Rough Dust King's offensive capabilities are limited. The weapons of Earth could become the key to his supremacy...Midas and the Dust King are in agreement on that.
Isk Haan (War God's Blow)
Card Number: 2021GB02-025 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Combat Technique
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Immediate
■ Choose 1 level 1 or lower enemy unit and, if you have a Warrior on your field, destroy it.
Flavor Text: In the art of swordsmanship, there is no such thing as a mysterious victory or a mysterious defeat.
Earth Jewel
Card Number: 2021GB02-026 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Normal
■ If you have 3 or more Earth cards in your graveyard and you have an Earth unit on your field, recover 1 life.
Flavor Text: Merill: "Its a recovery medicine ordered from the south. Its like a SENZU."
Shiori: "Could you stop using manga analogies every time? Its hard to understand."
After hearing that conversation, Yamada became convinced. "I see, its like a sibling rivalry."
Break Through the Enemy
Card Number: 2021GB02-027 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Combat Technique
Effect: Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose one of the following effects.
・Choose 1 of your opponent's set cards or field cards, and destroy it.
・Your Ruler gets ATK+3 until the end of turn.
Flavor Text: "He's not someone I want to owe a debt to," Shiori said, with a hesitant look. "But there must be a dungeon belonging to Demon Lord Merill around here. Let's ask for help."
Foregaiser (Forging the soul)
Card Number: 2021GB02-028 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Combat Technique
Effect: Use Timing: Immediate
■ Perform one of the following.
・Choose 1 of your Warrior or Wizard units and it gets ATK or HP +3 until the end of this turn.
・Your Ruler gets ATK +3 until the end of this turn.
・Your Ruler gets [Breakthrough] and STK -2 until the end of this turn.
Flavor Text: Advice! Only the Ruler can safely attack a unit without getting hit by [Retaliate]. If you buff your Ruler and attack with it, you don't have to fear high level enemy units!
To Mega Therion
Card Number: 2021GB02-029 ★★★★L
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Dragon, Beast
ATK: 7
HP: 5
STK: 3
Effect: ■ During the attack of this, your opponent cannot play set cards.
Flavor Text: The Beast of the End attacked the advance base, Cyprus, which had been preparing to retake the sacred land. The monster that defeated the newest weapons developed by ATLAS like it was a toy is certainly the Beast of the End.
Hell Diver, Red Crusher
Card Number: 2021GB02-030 ★★★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Dragon, Military, Wild Force
ATK: 3
HP: 5
STK: 2
Effect: [TD] "Iron Rain" Choose 1 or more enemy units, and distribute 4 damage among them.
■ When you would play this from hand, you may send 2 Wild Force cards from your graveyard to the bottom of your deck to play this as a 2 cost.
Flavor Text: Wild Force's Sky Corps, which is composed of sculpted beasts. They have the nickname of "Hell Diver", the special attack unit from hell.
Demon of Deserts, Pazuzu
Card Number: 2021GB02-032 ★★★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): OWL, Beast, Wizard
ATK: 5
HP: 2
STK: 2
Effect: ■ "Dust Barrier" Immediate: [Pay 1 energy] If this card is in an attacking zone, the next damage it would be dealt becomes 0.
Flavor Text: "They haven't been resurrected. Our world and the divine world have been fused somehow." - Paraphysicist, Siren Prophecy
A7 Terminator Jabberwock
Card Number: 2021GS02-034 ★★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): A7, Dragon, Beast
ATK: 6
HP: 5
STK: 3
Effect: ■ At the end of your turn, if you do not have another A7 or Alice on your field, destroy this card.
■ This cannot be put in a defensive zone.
Flavor Text: He was the strongest and last remaining warrior of his lost world. Having lost his body, he now lives in the spiritual world of Alice and her friends, and is able to manifest as a ghost with physical power.
Trobairitz Valerie
Card Number: 2021GB02-035 ★★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Awakened Being, Military
ATK: 2
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [TD] You may choose 1 level 1 or lower Military from your hand, and special summon it.
[OD] Choose 1 of your Military. It gets "[1/turn] When this unit attacks and destroys an enemy unit, activate this card" until end of turn.
Flavor Text: Songs are magic. She made it into reality.
Oath from Childhood
Card Number: 2021GB02-036 ★★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Field
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: [CNT] Put this card into the field zone.
■ "Oath of the Wizard" If you are Wizard, your Summon Cap becomes 3.
■ "Oath of the Hero" If you are Berserker, when your ruler attacks an enemy unit in a defensive zone, it gets [Breakthrough] and STK-2 until end of turn.
■ Immediate: [Put this into the graveyard] Reduce the next damage dealt to you by 1.
Flavor Text: Johan: "I will create revival magic."
Jake: "I will be a hero who can understand the hearts of weak people."
It became a vow to support the two young boys. But from now on, it will become a curse.
The Secret Weapon
Card Number: 2021GB02-037 ★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Technology
Effect: Use Timing: Normal
■ Discard 1 card from your hand, and draw 1 card. Use the discarded card's [CNT].
Flavor Text: "I wanted to lay down some more groundwork before going public." Midas said, while adjusting the control equipment of the Abyss Gate. "But it looks like my business partner's entry into soceity is going to be a bit more spectacular than planned."
Heavily-armed Victor
Card Number: 2021GB02-038 ★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Military, Robo
ATK: 4
HP: 5
STK: 2
Effect: ■ "Bolt Gun" When this attacks, choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 3 damage to it.
■ "Electromagnetic Armor" When effect damage is dealt to this, the damage is reduced by 2.
Flavor Text: Victor, who is called a "fighting work of art", appears like this under the US Military's specifications.
First Class, Daring Rhino
Card Number: 2021GB02-039 ★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Beast, Military, Wild Force
ATK: 4
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: [TD] "Ammunition Supply" Choose 1 level 1 or lower Firepower event card from your graveyard, and add it to your hand.
Flavor Text: He runs around the battlefield as an ammunition supplier, and fills that role perfectly. However, he has the fatal flaw of being unable to remember how much ammo is left.
Darklord Levan
Card Number: 2021GB02-040 ★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): OWL, Military, Darkness
ATK: 4
HP: 4
STK: 1
Effect: ■ "Immortal King" During the turn this was special summoned from the graveyard it gets [Defender].
■ "Quiet Coffin" This can be treated as a level 0 while in the graveyard.
Flavor Text: "A new kind of Ruler will appear," His gaze was timeless. "It has a hand, but doesn't pay costs...Its the story of the 3rd booster pack."
Unexplored Power, Jake
Card Number: 2021GB02-041 ★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Warrior, Wizard
ATK: 3
HP: 2
STK: 2
Effect: [TD] Put the top 2 cards of your deck into the charges of this.
■ This cannot get [Charge Shield].
Flavor Text: Positional energy, the source of all possibilities. He had an extraordinary amount of it. However, because no one among humankind knew how to use this power...
Go! Wild Force Go!
Card Number: 2021GB02-042 ★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Military, Wild Force
Effect: [CNT] You may choose 1 Wild Force from your hand and special summon it to an attacking zone. ([TD] does not activate.)
Use Timing: Normal
■ Look at top 4 cards of your deck, choose 1 Wild Force card among them and special summon it. Put the remaining cards to the bottom of the deck. If that unit has [TD], use it.
Flavor Text: Unbeknownst to most, the Exvaders "replacement" attack in the jungle was already under way. Without the Wild Force defeating every attacker who appeared there, the Exvaders would have breached the human sphere.
Card Number: 2021GB02-043 ★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Tactics
Effect: [CNT] Set this.
Use Timing: Immediate
■ During this turn, all damage dealt to enemy units is doubled.
Flavor Text: When fighting against the terrifying Beast of the End, no one was a human being. Because all the chiefs knew that this was the holy war depicted in legends of the apocalypse and that they were becoming a part of the myth.
Godam Keeper, Gerson
Card Number: 2021GB02-044 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Awakened Being, Military
Attack: 4
HP: 4
Strike: 2
Effect: [TD] "One-Man Army" Select 1 enemy unit and deal 1 damage to it.
Flavor Text: ATLAS Army Major Gerson. With a "hangar in a different dimension" behind him, he is called the "Sokoban", and always fights alongside the forces he commands.
Armored Unit, Vulcanius
Card Number: 2021GB02-045 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Military, Robo
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 2
Effect: [TD] Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 2 damage to it.
Flavor Text: ATLAS military weapons are constantly being updated.
Midas's Secretary, Haze
Card Number: 2020GB01-046 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): OWL, Darkness
ATK: 2
HP: 5
STK: 1
Effect: ■ "Data Falsification" When you would use a Darkness unit in your graveyard as material for [Abyssal Concerto], you may treat it as any level from 0 to 3.
Flavor Text: "Sir Midas's charity to the oppressed is now hypocrisy. What troubles him the most is that not all people are given equal opportunities, and that its stupidity to take take advantage of your opportunities."
Third Sergeant, Iron Bull
Card Number: 2021GB02-047 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Beast, Military, Wild Force
ATK: 2
HP: 4
STK: 1
Effect: ■ "RPG" Normal [Pay 1 Energy] Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 2 damage to it.
Flavor Text: Also, we don't have enough bullets in stock. Won't the stress rip a hole in the commander's stomach?
Wizard of Skyscrapers
Card Number: 2021GB02-048 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Wizard
ATK: 2
HP: 4
STK: 0
Effect: [Abyssal Summoning] Normal: Send this card to the graveyard. If you do, choose 1 unit from your graveyard with [Abyssal Concerto], and you may special summon it by fulfilling its conditions.
Flavor Text: You won't be able to master magic if you worry about things like reproducability, evidence, and statistically significant data. However, those who would twist the facts for their own convenience will find themselves judged by the theory of magic.
A7 Hungry Dumpty
Card Number: 2021GB02-049 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): A7, Robo
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 0
Effect: [TD] You may put this card into the Charges of 1 level 2 or lower Awakened Being unit.
■ "Guardian Shake" The unit with this in its Charges gets [Charge Shield].
Flavor Text: Every member of A7 is the last survivor of a world destroyed by the Exvaders. They gathered under Alice and chose codenames to imitate her story.
A7 Mad Hatter
Card Number: 2021GB02-050 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): A7, Awakened Being
ATK: 3
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: [TD] "Blitz Picnic" Choose 1 ally unit, and it gets HP+3 until end of turn.
Flavor Text: Of course we will cooperate, Alice. If we aren't true, we'll have already lost this game. I can continue because you stand up.
G&G Produced Machine Drone "Hell Kite"
Card Number: 2021GB02-051 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military
ATK: 2
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: [CNT] Special summon this to an attacking zone.
Flavor Text: An unmanned combat machine made by Guns & Gold. The power source is an experimental magic system that aims to achieve an crazy new level of silent movement.
Demolition Salamander
Card Number: 2021GB02-052 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Beast, Military, Wild Force
ATK: 2
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: ■ "Demolition" When it deals damage to the opponent, choose 1 enemy set card, and you may pay 1 Energy. If you do, destroy the chosen card.
Flavor Text: A soldier cannot work as a specialist in one thing. A soldier cannot be part of a functional unit without reaching the minimum specifications.
Card Number: 2021GB02-053 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): OWL, Apparition, Wind
ATK: 1
HP: 5
STK: 0
Effect: ■ “Summer Night Dream” When this is destroyed, if the attacking unit has [Breakthrough], damage dealt by that [Breakthrough] becomes 0.
Flavor Text: We were almost the same size as humans until the pictures of Cottingley village were released, remember? Faeries being small was just a rumour.
Defense Battle at Cyprus Base
Card Number: 2021GB02-054 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Technology
Effect: [CNT] Send this to the graveyard.
Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it at the beginning of your opponent’s attack phase.
■ For this turn, all damage you take becomes 1. (0 doesn’t become 1.)
Flavor Text: Despite the power of the latest weapons, To Mega Therion's rampage continued. However, at the Cyprus Base, there was a new super weapon from Guns & Gold nearing completion.
Burst Mode
Card Number: 2021GB02-055 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Firepower, Military
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Immediate
■ Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal damage to it equal to the number of “Burst Mode” in your graveyard + 1.
Flavor Text: The Victor series was extremely successful in combat, and many derivative machines were created. That said, armies are still searching for the next generation primary aircraft unit.
Heaven's Vengeance Comes Swiftly
Card Number: 2021GB02-056 ★★★★L
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): History
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 enemy unit and destroy it.
Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it while you are being attacked by an enemy unit.
■ That battle damage becomes 0, and destroy the attacking unit.
Flavor Text: The people who were on the scene when Cthulhu said "It appeared as a human, like a mirage". The laws of physics were distorted, and the area around Shinjuku Station became a demonic world. Gashadokuro confronted the monster, and he fights well, but he cannot gain power from the people trapped in fear, and he falls. And there...the guardian machine god appears!
Type-10 Super Sky Soldier "Tenrai"
Card Number: 2021GB02-057 ★★★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Military, Robo
ATK: 6
HP: 6
STK: 2
Effect: [Defender] [Retaliate]
Flavor Text: Humanoid weapons with the ability to fly were called Sky Soldiers. These new machines, which have expanded its range of capabilities to space, was given the title Super Sky Soldier.
Dragon-type Battle Weapon "Naruikazuchi"
Card Number: 2021GB02-058 ★★★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Dragon, Military
ATK: 4
HP: 5
STK: 2
Effect: ■ "Electrobarrier" When it attacks, choose 1 level 1 or lower enemy unit and destroy it.
■ "Lightning Strike [Turn(1)]" Immediate: Choose 1 level 0 enemy unit and destroy it. This ability can only be used during your opponent's turn.
Flavor Text: The Ikazuchi Project. Due to Honoikazuchi's success in combat, the Yomajin Front created the 8 types of thunder god-based weapons the cornerstone of the capital's defense force.
Card Number: 2021GB02-059 ★★★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Apparition, Wind, Beast
ATK: 5
HP: 4
STK: 2
Effect: [Forced Standby] (This card can only be played in the set zone. This unit is set and used as an event.)
■ When you are dealt damage, you may normal summon this card from a set zone without spending Summon Cap. (You still pay the cost.)
Flavor Text: In the sky of the dark red war, Nue roars. Tremble, Exvaders. Your supremacy ends today.
United Sacred Treasure God, Daijinki
Card Number: 2021GB02-060 ★★★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Sacred Treasure, Military, Robo
ATK: 7
HP: 6
STK: 2
Effect: [Open Card]
■ "Failed Combination" When this would enter the field, if this wasn't played by "Sacred Treasure Combination", put this card to the bottom of your deck instead.
■ This is unaffected by your opponent's card effects.
[Double Attack] [Defender]
Flavor Text: The 3 engines synchronize, and the Guardian Machine God stands up!
Oni Dragon, Magatsuhi
Card Number: 2021GB02-061 ★★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Apparition, Dragon
ATK: 6
HP: 6
STK: 2
Effect: ■ “Storm of Magatsu” When attacks, choose one of the following:
・Choose 1 set card, and destroy it.
・Choose 1 of your opponent’s energy cards, and rest it.
Flavor Text: "You've released a monster like this...what will you do if the gate to hell opens?" Despite the swordsman's words, there was a smile on Kinomiya's mouth.
Card Number: 2021GB02-062 ★★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Apparition, Earth, Darkness
ATK: 5
HP: 3
STK: 2
Effect: [OD] “Dance of Grief” This gets “Cannot be attacked” until the beginning of your next turn.
■ This cannot be put to a defensive zone.
Flavor Text: Even if he was defeated, he'd stand back up, and continue to fight even in death, and even if he was decapitated and buried, he would not be forgotten.
Card Number: 2021GB02-063 ★★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Apparition
ATK: 3
HP: 4
STK: 2
Effect: [Forced Standby] (This card can only be played in the set zone. This unit is set and used as an event.)
■ When you are attacked by a unit, you may normal summon this from the set zone to a defensive zone. (Pay the cost. No Summon Cap is spent during the opponent's turn.)
Flavor Text: The rain is over.
Innocent Heart
Card Number: 2021GB02-064 ★★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 3
Attribute(s): History
Effect: [CNT] Rest your opponent's ruler and all enemy units.
Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose all of your opponent's set zones or your opponent's field zone, and destroy all cards in the chosen zones.
Flavor Text: The old Japanese thought that evil was not something born from the flesh, but something that latches onto the body through opportunity. That is why it can be broken, just like the night.
Card Number: 2021GB02-065 ★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Apparition, Military
ATK: 4
HP: 3
STK: 2
Effect: [CNT] "Stay away from me" Rest an enemy ruler.
■ "Vangolo!" Your other units get ATK+1.
Flavor Text: The fusion of youkai and mecha, which is possible because of being information life forms, has become a trend among youkai...but for human fans of youkai, it's all or nothing.
CROW the Bird Tengu
Card Number: 2021GB02-066 ★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Apparition, Beast, Military
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: [CNT] Use this card's [OD] ability.
[OD] Choose 1 enemy unit, and send all charges of that unit to the graveyard.
Flavor Text: He works part-time as a window cleaner, but he has difficulty suppressing his artistic urges.
Card Number: 2021GB02-067 ★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Apparition, Beast
ATK: 3
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: [Standby] (A unit with [Standby] can be set into set zones.)
■ "Documentation" When this unit would leave the field by an opponent, you may set it instead.
■ This can be normal summoned from the set zone.
■ This cannot be put in a defensive zone.
Flavor Text: The youkai are aware of something. That's why I've been "waiting".
The Three Godmothers
Card Number: 2021GB02-068 ★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Apparition, God
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 of your opponent's set cards, and destroy it.
[OD] Choose 1 of your opponent's energy cards, and rest it.
■ Your opponent cannot special summon.
Flavor Text: Prime Minister Mimon "Thank you. Please do what you feel you should freely, without being bound by human reason. We will support you as much as possible." - From a diplomatic comment to the Chinese Youkai representative
Wetland Mermaid, Shizukuhime
Card Number: 2021GB02-069 ★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Apparition, Beast
ATK: 2
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [CNT] Use this card's [OD] ability.
[OD] Choose up to 2 cards from your opponent's graveyard, and remove them from the game.
Flavor Text: Calm, calm, sink.
Card Number: 2021GB02-070 ★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Technology
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose 1 enemy unit in a defensive zone, or that has [Defender], and destroy it.
Flavor Text: A sword that cuts through swords, Yaegeki that prevents evil, and the demon of Kusanagi to wipe away hellfire. With the will of the clouds covering the heavens, now is the time to defeat the enemy! Dai Jin Zan!
Yamata no Orochi
Card Number: 2021GB02-071 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Apparition, Dragon
ATK: 0
HP: 6
STK: 1
Effect: ■ Normal [Turn (1)] Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 2 damage to it. (This effect can be used even in the defensive zone.)
Flavor Text: I feel...that the day of my return is near. Resurrection for those with unfinished business!
Spirit of Old Trees
Card Number: 2021GB02-072 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Apparition
ATK: 4
HP: 5
STK: 2
Effect: ■ Your other Apparition get ATK+1, and HP+1.
Sacred Treasure #1, Kusanagi
Card Number: 2021GB02-073 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Sacred Treasure, Military, Robo
ATK: 5
HP: 1
STK: 2
Effect: [OD] Look at the top 4 cards of your deck, choose up to 1 "Sacred Treasure #2, Mikagami" or "Sacred Treasure #3, Yasaka", and special summon it. Put the remaining cards to the bottom of your deck.
Flavor Text: Equipped with Volnar's treasure, the "Ifrit Engine", the 1st machine challenges the enemy with its powerful aerial combat abilities.
Sacred Treasure #3, Yasaka
Card Number: 2021GB02-074 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Sacred Treasure, Military, Robo
ATK: 3
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [CNT] Choose up to 1 level 2 or lower Sacred Treasure unit from your deck or graveyard and special summon it. Destroy it at the end of your main phase.
■ "Sacred Treasure Combination" Normal: Put this, 1 "Sacred Treasure #1, Kusanagi", and 1 "Sacred Treasure #2, Mikagami" to the bottom of your deck. If you do, choose 1 "Sacred Treasure United God, Daijinki" from your deck, and special summon it. Then, Drive 1.
Flavor Text: Due to the messy nature of the magic furnace, the three types of engines were able to synchronize, and combining them into Daijinki became possible.
Spirit of Autumn Leaves, Yumeno Watashi
Card Number: 2021GB02-075 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Vtuber, Guest
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 2
Effect: [OD] "Autumn Leaves Fan" This gets ATK+3 until the end of turn.
Flavor Text: A spirit who has walked the path of destruction and rebirth many times before. Because of her fiery crimson, she would eventually be called the "phoenix".
Dimensional Crushing Unit "Jakkou"
Card Number: 2021GB02-076 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Military
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 2
Effect: ■ "Fault Crusher" When attacks a defensive zone, it gets ATK+3 until the end of this turn.
Flavor Text: Dimensional faults appear to be cracks in space, but they are actually complex structures. Thus, rather than blocking it, you need to break it.
Sacred Treasure #2, Mikagami
Card Number: 2021GB02-077 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Sacred Treasure, Military, Robo
ATK: 2
HP: 4
STK: 1
Effect: [OD] Choose 1 level 2 Sacred Treasure from your graveyard and special summon it. Destroy it at the end of your main phase.
■ Your Sacred Treasure cannot be chosen by your opponent's events or card abilities.
Flavor Text: The 2nd machine is equipped with the power of science, the "superconducting plasma engine", and can emit a beast killing ray with the Yata no Kagami on its turret.
Card Number: 2021GB02-078 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Apparition, Beast
ATK: 1
HP: 1
STK: 0
Effect: [CNT] Use this card's [OD].
[OD] "Parade of Hundred Demons Lv1" Look at the top card of your deck, and if its a Level 1 or lower Apparition unit, you may Drive it. If you do not Drive it, put it to the bottom of the deck.
Flavor Text: A city where giant swords stand up, giant robots are placed in various places, and youkai roam. It has been several years since the First Dimensional Defense Battle, and since then, Tokyo has been reconstructed into the best tourist city in the world.
Supertransporter, Danny
Card Number: 2021GB02-079 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military, Robo
ATK: 0
HP: 5
STK: 0
Effect: [OD] Look at the top card of your deck. You may set it if it can be set. If you do not set it, put it on the bottom of your deck.
Flavor Text: Right before leaving for Volnar, Yamada was given some experimental weapons. A transportation machine that was a test run for a prototype magic engine. As well as the special reinforced clothing "Tsukikage".
Baishou Ittan-momen
Card Number: 2021GB02-080 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Apparition, Cloth
ATK: 1
HP: 4
STK: 1
Effect: [Standby] (A unit with [Standby] can be set into set zones.)
■ This can be normal summoned from the set zone.
Flavor Text: "Youkai fill the space with information and make it a pseudo-material to obtain a physical form. Even if it is destroyed, it will be shortly rewritten. It will be revived soon. After all, ghosts don't die, right?" - Folklorist Writer, Yukiji Tono
Daijinki Project
Card Number: 2021GB02-081 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Technology
Effect: Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose up to 2 level 2 or lower Sacred Treasure units from your graveyard, and special summon them. Destroy them at the end of your main phase.
Flavor Text: The weapons that receive the people's thoughts and feelings show power beyond their specifications. If that's the case, then a super robot that uses the famous three sacred weapons as its power course will be the most powerful weapon, as long as its fighting in Japan. The project that began from this idea would eventually lead to the creation of the most powerful machine god that used the full power of the Yomajin Front.
Shinjuku Ticket Gate
Card Number: 2021GB02-082 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Technology, Famous Location
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 of your energy, and activate it.
Use Timing: Normal
■ Draw 2 cards.
Flavor Text: Guide "We'll be taking a bus from here."
Capital Defense
Card Number: 2021GB02-083 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Military
Effect: [CNT] Look at the top card of your deck. You may set it if it can be set. If you do not set it, return it to the top of your deck.
Use Timing: Immediate
■ Cards in your set zones and your field zone cannot be destroyed until the end of this turn.
Flavor Text: While there were still many victims, the evacuation of Tokyo citizens was completed quickly using the underground hypertube. From here, the entirety of Shinjuku will become a battlefield. Warriors of the Yomajin Front, fight with all of your strength!
Journey to Hell
Card Number: 2021GB02-084 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Malediction
Effect: Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it when your unit in an attacking zone is destroyed by battle damage.
■ Destroy the unit that attacked that unit.
Flavor Text: Let's die together.
Marriage Tie
Card Number: 2021GB02-085 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Malediction
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Normal
■ Look at top 3 cards of your deck, and return them in any order.
Flavor Text: Fate is like quantum entanglement. The studies of the genius Onmyoji, Onigaki Koumei, who thought this, gave the Yomajin Front statistically significant results in probably altering techniques.
Evil Spirit Defeated
Card Number: 2021GB02-086 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Malediction, Magic
Effect: [CNT] Send this to the graveyard.
Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time.)
■ The next damage that you or an ally unit would take becomes 0.
Flavor Text: No matter how blasphemous the iterations of the Great Old Ones appeared, it was nothing more than a monster to the Japanese. After all, many Japanese people don't expect much from god, so even if its blasphemous, that part doesn't cross the mind.
God Dragon Activation
Card Number: 2021GB02-087 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Malediction
Effect: Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it when your “Dragon-type Battle Weapon” attacks and becomes rested.
■ Activate that unit.
Flavor Text: The Japanese people have a unique religious perspective. They believe that gods dwell within their creations. This belief, and Volnar's magical technology made for a perfect match.
Flying Spaghetti Monster
Card Number: 2020GB02-088 ★★★★L
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Apparition, God, Pepoverse
ATK: 0
HP: 7
STK: 0
Effect: ■ "Ramen [1/Game]" When this is placed in your damage zone from any locationb, special summon it.
■ When you are attacked, you may normal summon this from the set zone to your defensive zone.
Flavor Text: Do not use the noodle god to deny others. Live in peace, and love as you burn. Ramen.
Card Number: 2021GB02-089 ★★★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): God, Pepoverse
ATK: 4
HP: 5
STK: 2
Effect: ■ "Daruma the Big Bang" When it attacks, Drive 1.
Flavor Text: According to one theory, it is said to be an incarnation of the will of the universe, but research has not progressed due to that theory becoming a widely held belief.
Goddess of the Holy Grail
Card Number: 2021GB02-092 ★★★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Galaxy Heritage
ATK: 4
HP: 4
STK: 1
Effect: ■ When you are attacked, you may normal summon this from your hand to a defensive zone. (Pay the cost. No Summon Cap is spent during the opponent's turn.)
■ "The Great Blessing of the Goddess" All damage dealt to you is reduced by 1.
Flavor Text: When Recruiter went to the engine to learn the secrets of the Velocto, the Goddess appeared before him.
"What is more important to you, the trust of your friends or the Holy Grail?"
"Huh? The Holy it here?!"
"Why did you come here then?!"
Creepydorable Corps Leader, Bearholder
Card Number: 2021GB02-094 ★★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Crimenauts, Beast
ATK: 4
HP: 1
STK: 2
Effect: ■ “I’ve bearseen this~” When this is special summoned from the graveyard, choose 1 of your opponent’s set cards, and destroy it.
Flavor Text: Something shines in his seams...and you...saw something!
Well of Id
Card Number: 2021GB02-096 ★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Galaxy Heritage
Effect: Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose up to 2 cards in your damage zone, and send them to your graveyard. Then, deal 2 damage to yourself.
Flavor Text: The Crimenauts, who reactivated the Well of Id, a Galaxy Heritage that creates embodiments of desire, have created the Tiger of Id, an embodiment of destructive impulses. However, their real plan - to send this disaster at Ed and his comrades, secretly film it, and make it into a movie - brought in huge profits for the organization.
Cosmo Phantom, Flatwoods
Card Number: 2021GB02-097 ★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Beast, Pepoverse
ATK: 5
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [OD] “Captivating Wonderparty” Put the top card of your deck into its charge.
[Charge Shield]
Flavor Text: "If you read 10 books that say UFOs exist, you need to also read 10 books that debunk UFO hoaxes" The alien advised me.
The Martians
Card Number: 2021GB02-098 ★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Pepoverse
ATK: 4
HP: 5
STK: 2
Effect: [OD] "Invading the Earth" If you have two Pepoverse units, choose either all of your opponent's units or all of your opponent's set cards, and destroy the ones you chose. (Because [OD] is used before this enters the field, you need 2 Pepoverse units other than this.)
Flavor Text: We came from mars!!
Cosmo Elf, Chloe
Card Number: 2021GB02-099 ★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Warrior, Futuremen
ATK: 2
HP: 4
STK: 1
Effect: [OD] Gets [Double Attack] until the end of the turn.
Flavor Text: Among cosmo elves, many people have heard or seen the name before.
Charisma Wave Level 99
Card Number: 2021GB02-100 ★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 level 0 or lower enemy unit, and take control of it.
Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose 1 level 2 or lower enemy unit, and take control of it.
Flavor Text: Kurae! The maximum output charisma wave emitted by the Invasion Emperor who controls the entire universe!
Shocking Pepomax
Card Number: 2021GB02-101 ★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Crimenauts
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 level 1 or lower Crimenauts unit from your graveyard, and special summon it to an attacking zone.
Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose 1 level 2 or lower Crimenauts unit from your graveyard, and special summon it.
Flavor Text: Story from development. When translated into English, this card was originally translated as "The people who are in maximum shock". It was a dangerous name.
7 Trump Cards
Card Number: 2021GB02-102 ★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Psychic
Effect: Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it at any time, if your life is 3 or less.
■ Drive 1.
Flavor Text: 7 cards I happened to have when I came here from Earth. So far, these are the only things I can Realize with my Gate Ruler ability. "Warp" "Magic Blaster" "Cosmo Dullahan"...
Insanium Machine
Card Number: 2021GB02-103 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Eraser, Robo
ATK: 4
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: [OD] "Dimension Tempest" Choose 1 enemy unit, and move it to an empty zone.
Flavor Text: The endlessness of space makes even machines go insane. In Wonderverse, you have no choice but to accept everything for what it is. And in this case, its something like this.
Cosmo Tutankhamun
Card Number: 2021GB02-104 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Apparition, Cloth, Pepoverse
ATK: 5
HP: 4
STK: 3
Effect: [CNT] Use this card’s [OD] ability.
[OD] If you have “Cosmo Sphinx”, “Space Skeleton” and “Galaxy Ittanmomen” in your damage zone, choose 1 of them, and special summon it.
Flavor Text: The fire of rage! Tutan Cannon Flame!
Creepydorable Corps, Gentleshark
Card Number: 2021GB02-105 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Crimenauts, Shark, Beast
ATK: 4
HP: 4
STK: 2
Flavor Text: I won't let you lay even 1 finger on the young lady...
Creepydorable Corps, Kill-minded Unicorn
Card Number: 2021GB02-106 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Crimenauts, Beast
ATK: 5
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: ■ “Killer Mind Maximum” When special summoned from the graveyard, choose 1 level 0 enemy unit, and destroy it.
Flavor Text: The "invisible pink unicorn" materialized, and then its identity collapsed and it fell into madness.
Space Skeleton
Card Number: 2021GB02-107 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Apparition, Pepoverse, Futuremen
ATK: 5
HP: 2
STK: 2
Flavor Text: It adapted to this universe.
Space Ms. Oiwa
Card Number: 2021GB02-108 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Apparition, Pepoverse, Futuremen
ATK: 0
HP: 5
STK: 1
Effect: [Open Card] (If it is normal summoned, you spend Summon Cap.)
■ "Envy" When this enters the field, deal 1 damage to yourself.
■ "Road to Heaven" When this is sent from the field to the graveyard, you recover 1 life.
Flavor Text: Adriano: "I called out, and he followed me."
Recruiter: "Didn't you say it was too scary?!"
Horror Corps Normal Soldier
Card Number: 2021GB02-109 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Crimenauts
ATK: 2
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: ■ If your opponent has 1 or less cards in hand, this gets ATK+3.
Flavor Text: The talent to make children cry from just their appearance, and the mental state to become depressed from making children cry. The Horror Corps has both.
Martian Orc
Card Number: 2021GB02-110 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Warrior, Beast, Pepoverse
ATK: 2
HP: 2
STK: 2
Flavor Text: Master Future Ed and his companions confronted the Crimenauts several times in pursuit of the secrets of the Galaxy Heritages, and resolved several incidents. However, they learned that Ed holds the secret of the Galaxy Heritage the "Holy Grail", which can grant the greatest power, and it becomes the primary target of the Crimenauts! To be continued in the 3rd booster pack!
Buster Beam!
Card Number: 2021GB02-111 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Firepower
Effect: Use Timing: Set this, and you may play this during your main phase, if there is an enemy unit in a defensive zone.
■ "Anti-Shock Defensive Flash! Fire!" Deal 4 damage to an enemy unit in a defensive zone, and deal 1 damage to your opponent!
Flavor Text: The movie "Solve the mystery of the Galaxy Heritage, Well of Id! Clash! Four Futuremen vs Crimenauts!" is now open to the public at every Crimenauts movie theater across all galaxies!
Hit and Run Comet Attack
Card Number: 2021GB02-112 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Accident
Effect: Use Timing: Set this, and use it when your opponent's life becomes 2 or less.
■ "Something just appeared!" Deal 2 damage to your opponent. At the end of this turn, deal 2 damage to yourself. (Ah! It came back!)
Flavor Text: I'm fed up with this stupid universe.
AKU-DAMAN Crossblaster
Card Number: 2021GB02-113 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Crimenauts, Business
Effect: Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time.)
■ Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 3 damage to it.
Flavor Text: A hit toy with children. Its an important source of funding for the Crimenauts.
Card Number: 2021GB02-114 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): History
Effect: Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it at any time during your opponent's turn.
■ You may exchange positions of all of your units. (Doesn't trigger "when enters the field" abilities.)
Flavor Text: The best brains of various worlds have seriously studied Wonderverse, which has come to be known as "the stupid universe". They all come to a realization, and end their research. They don't say much about it, but they do all smile uniformly.
Super Very Bad
Card Number: 2021GB02-115 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Crimenauts
Effect: Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it when you are damaged.
■ Play "Rock-Paper-Scissors". If you win, that damage becomes 0 and deal 1 damage to your opponent. If you lose, reduce that damage by 2.
Flavor Text: ★ Notice of internal recreation (Organized by Creepydorable Corps)
・Master Malevolus Prime's Sleeping Bed Contest
・Horror Corps Magic Show
・Mr. Coup d'etat & Mr. Missile Buddha's Manzai Live
Utter Disappointment
Card Number: 2021GB02-116 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: -2
Attribute(s): Accident
Effect: [CNT] Put this into the graveyard.
Use Timing: [Open Card]
■ Put this into the graveyard.
Flavor Text: "I just wanted to get along with Horror Corps"
Malevolus responded to the tearful Jenibaby, choosing his words carefully "They...they seem to be scared of your appearance."
Evil God Invasion
Card Number: 2021GB02-119 ★★
Faction: Exvader
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Emissary of Ruin, History
Effect: [CNT] Put 4 cards from Charges of cards on your field to the bottom of the deck. If you do, choose 1 Emissary of Ruin from your graveyard, and special summon it.
Use Timing: Normal
■ The next time you normal summon an Emissary of Ruin this turn, its energy cost is reduced by 3.
Flavor Text: "Just because they're similar, doesn't mean its Cthulhu" "I can hear it cry 'Cthulhu'!" "It can't be helped." "Its the monster naming rule." "What about the one at the south exit?" "Its saying 'Hastur'." "If that's the case, its Hastur." "The buzzing one in Kabukicho is saying 'Shoggoth'!" "Well, that's a fake."
Exvader's Dimensional Fault
Card Number: 2021GB02-120 ★★
Faction: Exvader
Card Type: Field
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Emissary of Ruin
Effect: [CNT] Put this into your field zone.
■ At the beginning of your turn, put the top card of your deck into this card's Charges face-down.
■ At the end of your turn, if this card has Charges, you take 1 damage.
■ This card's Charges can only be moved to other locations by the effects of your Emissary of Ruin.
Flavor Text: Continually exposed to the wonders of the dimensional fault, the military technological innovation in Japan has grown at an astonishing rate. Now, the power of the latest weapons on earth face off with the evil gods of the other world!
Liar Moon
Card Number: 2021GB02-121 ★
Faction: Exvaders
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Object
Attack: 5
HP: 5
Strike: 1
Effect: ■ "Phantom Nightmare" When this is normal summoned, choose an Exvaders card with [CNT] from your graveyard, use that card's [CNT] effect, and put it to the bottom of your deck.
Flavor Text: On that day, 7 dimensional faults appeared simultaneously, mostly in Shinjuku. The Mikado Cabinet immediately recognized this as the Third Dimensional Defense Battle. All evacutation routes for Tokyo citizens were opened, and the use of all armaments were approved.
Blue Titan
Card Number: 2021GB02-122 ★
Faction: Exvaders
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): DWM
ATK: 3
HP: 4
STK: 2
Effect: ■ When this enters the field, put the top card of your deck into the charges of this.
■ This cannot get [Charge Shield].
Flavor Text: Their purpose is probably something other than slaughter but the robbery of something...fundamental.
Card Number: 2021GB02-123 ★
Faction: Exvaders
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): DWM, Emissary of Ruin
ATK: 2
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: ■ "Vanishing Ray" Normal: [Send 1 of your card's charges to the bottom of the deck] Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 2 damage to it.
Flavor Text: DWM (Demonic War Machine) is the officially adopted name by the ATLAS army for a group of the Exvaders mechanical weapons that had been labeled "devilish machines".
Beastman Herbalist
Card Number: 2021GB02-S01 ???
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Beast, Wizard
ATK: 1
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: ■ "Beastmen Elixir [Game (1)]" Normal: Recover 1 life.
Flavor Text: Even in his own territory, there are those who dislike the demon dragon. With their help, the Yomajin Front squad was able to discover an escape route, but it requires that they pass by the enemy base.
[GPR] - Promo Cards
Gold Dragon King, Zoltar
Card Number: GPR-2
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Thunder, Dragon, Dragon Lord, Fire
Attack: 7
HP: 7
Strike: 3
Flavor Text: The last thing to say, is it is pure power.

Demon Dragon, Viola Fluvdus
Card Number: GPR-3
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Dragon, Dragon Lord, Darkness
Attack: 7
HP: 6
Strike: 3
Effect: [Abyssal Concerto] Condition: Put 5 Darkness cards including at least 1 Level 0, 1, 2, and 3 from your graveyard at the bottom of your deck.
■ Normal: [Pay 1 Energy & Discard this card from your hand] Draw 1.
■ When this is Special Summoned by [Abyssal Summoning], destroy all other units.
Flavor Text: Get so mad you go crazy.
Magvarius, Dragon Lord Pentarch of Inferno
Card Number: GPR-4
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Dragon, Dragon Lord, Fire
Attack: 7
HP: 7
Strike: 3
Effect: [CNT] Use this card's "Flame Punisher" ability.
■ "Flame Punisher" When this enters the field, choose 1 or more enemy units and distribute damage among them equal to the number of cards in your damage zone.
Flavor Text: His body and mind are always filled with heat. Card Name & Setting by Harada Shunta.
Black Knight, Zahar
Card Number: GPR-5
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Warrior, Traitor, Darkness
Attack: 2
HP: 2
Strike: 2
Effect: [Breakthrough] (When this attacks and destroys a unit in the defensive zone, it deals STK damage to your opponent.)
■ This gets ATK+1 for each "Black Knight" in your graveyard.
Bunbuku Chagama
Card Number: GPR-7 PR
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Apparition
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 0
Effect: [OD] This gets [Defender] until end of turn. (A unit with [Defender] may be moved to the defensive zone at the end of your attack phase.)
Flavor Text: Even youkai are living beings.
Moon Sniper
Card Number: GPR-8 PR
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Military
ATK: 2
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [OD] Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 3 damage to it.
Flavor Text: I like this job. I just do as I'm told, and I don't need to do anything else.
Jailer Dragon King, Voltona
Card Number: GPR-9 PR
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Dragon, Dragon Lord, Darkness
ATK: 5
HP: 3
STK: 2
Effect: [TD] You may choose 1 "Viola Fluvdus" and 1 level 0 Darkness unit from your deck, and send them to your graveyard.
■ [Abyssal Summoning] Normal: Send this card to the graveyard. If you do, choose 1 unit from your graveyard with [Abyssal Concerto], and you may special summon it by fulfilling its conditions.
Flavor Text: Life has worth. As a number.
Variere of Mirror Scales
Card Number: GPR-10
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Dragon
Attack: 4
HP: 4
Strike: 2
Effect: ■ This cannot be dealt effect damage.
Flavor Text: In a world where magic exists, there exist creatures that can counter magic.
Armored Unit, Vulcanius
Card Number: GPR-11
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Military, Robo
Attack: 3
HP: 3
Strike: 2
Effect: [TD] Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 2 damage to it.
Flavor Text: ATLAS military weapons are constantly being updated.
Insanium Machine
Card Number: GPR-12
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Eraser, Robo
ATK: 4
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: [OD] "Dimension Tempest" Choose 1 enemy unit, and move it to an empty zone.
Flavor Text: Eraser. A mysterious automatic combat machine that works to destroy space factories.
Yamata no Orochi
Card Number: GPR-13
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Apparition, Dragon
Attack: 0
HP: 6
Strike: 1
Effect: ■ Normal [Turn (1)] Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 2 damage to it. (This effect can be used in the defensive zone)
Flavor Text: He believes in his resurrection. That a foolish human being seeking his power will break the seal.
Liar Moon
Card Number: GPR-14
Faction: Exvaders
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Object
Attack: 5
HP: 5
Strike: 1
Effect: ■ "Phantom Nightmare" When this is normal summoned, choose an Exvaders card with [CNT] from your graveyard, use that card's [CNT] effect, and put it to the bottom of your deck.
Flavor Text: Among the Exvader weapons, it set a record for the amount of damage done due to the discovery being delayed, because everyone thought it was a normal moon.
Spirit of Autumn Leaves, Yumeno Watashi
Card Number: GPR-16 PR
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Vtuber, Guest
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 2
Effect: [OD] "Autumn Leaves Fan" This gets ATK+3 until the end of turn.
Flavor Text: A spirit who has walked the path of destruction and rebirth many times before. Because of her fiery crimson, she would eventually be called the "phoenix".
[MD] - Start of the Demo Deck
[GS01] - Start of Starter Deck 1 "Giant Mechs & Yokai in Space!"
[GS02] - Start of Starter Deck 2 "Summon the Fell Dragons!"
[GB01] - Start of Booster Pack 1 "Dawn of the Multiverse Alliance"
[GS03] - Start of Starter Deck 3 "With the Dragon King"
[GS04] - Start of Starter Deck 4 "New York Zombie Apocalypse"
[GB02] - Start of Booster Pack 2 "Evil God Invasion"
[GPR] - Start of the Promo cards
[LEGEND] - Every Legend card is marked with this, use this if you want to look at the Legend cards specifically
These cards are from MD, the free distribution trial deck.

Card Number: MD-01
Faction: Exvaders
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Object
Attack: 3
HP: 4
Strike: 1
Flavor Text: Soldiers are the only thing they have in common with the Exvaders.
Its an absolute refusal. Various worlds have tried to communicate with them for thousands of years, and no one has succeeded.

Card Number: MD-02
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): OWL, Darkness, Military
Attack: 2
HP: 2
Strike: 2
Effect: [OD] [TD] "Future Sight" Look at the top card of your deck, and you may put it back on top or on the bottom of your deck.
Flavor Text: ...You can see it. Strength the defenses of your base. "The Beast of the End" is coming. Specifically, its in the 2nd booster.

Card Number: MD-03
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Awakened Being, Military
Attack: 4
HP: 4
Strike: 2
Effect: [TD] "One-Man Army" Select 1 enemy unit and deal 1 damage to it. ([TD] is an ability that activates when a unit enters play from hand)
Flavor Text: The dimensional navigational ship "ARK" that appeared over the Atlantic Ocean allied with the Western countries to form the ATLantic Alliance Sentinels (ATLAS) to fight against the Exvaders.

Card Number: MD-04
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military
Effect: Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Select 1 ally unit and it gets ATK+2 and HP+2 until end of turn.
Flavor Text: Unlike the invasions by dimensional fault in Japan, the Exvader attacks on Europe use a phenomenon called "replacement". Suddenly, people will disappear from the edges of the city, and invading troops appear in their place. The whereabouts of the people who disappear are unknown.

Card Number: MD-05
Faction: Volnar
Level: 0
Card Type: Unit
Attribute(s): Warrior
Attack: 3
HP: 3
Strike: 1
Flavor Text: Volnar's lifeforms have varying amounts of magical power, and can obtain physical power that surpasses the laws of physics by boosting themselves with magic.

Card Number: MD-06
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Traitor
Attack: 4
HP: 1
Strike: 2
Effect: [CNT] If you have 2 Life or less, end the turn. (Even if you are in the middle of damage calculation, immediately end the current turn)
Flavor Text: World life. Positive. Energy. The worlds targeted by the Exvaders have lost these things.

Card Number: MD-07
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: [CNT] Put this in the graveyard.
Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it while you are attacked. (“You” means your Ruler)
■ That battle damage becomes 0.
Flavor Text: This is not an ice wall. Set all kinetic energy to 0. It is the boundary that stops absolutely.

Card Number: MD-08
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Futuremen
Attack: 1
HP: 1
Strike: 1
Effect: [CNT] Use this card's [OD] ability.
[OD] "Atomic Destruction Gun" Select 1 enemy unit and deal 2 damage to it. ([OD] is an effect that is activated when the unit is in the Drive Zone, before it comes into play)
Flavor Text: An authority on space engineering, an adventurous archaeologist who purses the mysteries of the Galaxy Heritage scattered across space. The Crimenauts, a criminal organization who also seek the Galaxy Heritage, are his nemesis.

Card Number: MD-09
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Military
Effect: [CNT] Use this card.
Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Choose one of the following effects.
・Deal 1 damage to your opponent.
・Choose 1 set card on your opponent's field, and destroy it.
Flavor Text: The law is certainly working on the planet. But in a universe so vast, you can only protect yourself.

Card Number: MD-10
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Apparition
Effect: Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Select 1 enemy unit, and deal 1 damage to it.
■ When this set card is destroyed by your opponent's effect and sent to the graveyard, deal 2 damage to your opponent.
Flavor Text: Cosmo mimics chase their prey at speeds that ordinary spacecraft cannot escape. In other words, it does not match the expectation of disguising itself and waiting for prey.

Card Number: MD-11
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military
Attack: 2
HP: 1
Strike: 1
Effect: [Defender] (At the end of your attack phase, you may move it from the offensive zone to the defensive zone.)
Flavor Text: The Yomajin Front is military alliance against the Exvaders centered in Asia, composed of the allied forces of the "youkai", "demons", and "humans".

Card Number: MD-12
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Oni The Island, Apparition
Attack: 4
HP: 2
Strike: 1
Flavor Text: If the pot of hell opens, its because of us "Oni the Island".

Card Number: MD-13
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Military, Dragon
Attack: 5
HP: 4
Strike: 2
Effect: "Automatic Attack System Blaze" When this card attacks, choose 1 or more units on your opponent's field, and distribute 3 damage among them. (For example, if you attack the center line and this effect destroys the opponent's defending unit, this card will attack the opponent directly.)
Flavor Text: A practical test of the Volnar magic engine was completed with this unit. Next is...Yamato.

Card Number: GMD01-L1
Card Type: Ruler
Life: 11
Attack: 3
Strike: 3
Effect: [Game Preparation] Nothing (0 cards in hand, 0 energy)
[Start of your turn] Drive 2 times.
[Rule] The costs of your cards are considered paid. You cannot have a hand.
Flavor Text: Please refer to the QR code for the Play and Deck Construction rules of this Ruler.
Deck Construction Rules:

Card Number: GMD01-L2
Card Type: Ruler
Life: 9
Attack: 3
Strike: 3
Effect: [Game Preparation] 2 cards in hand, 3 cards in energy
[Start of your turn] Choose 2 of your energy and activate them, draw 2
[Rule] Summon Cap 2 (During your turn, you can normal summon twice per turn)
Flavor Text: Please refer to the QR code for the Play and Deck Construction rules of this Ruler.
Deck Construction Rules:
[GS01] "Giant Mechs and Yokai in Space!""
These cards are from Starter Deck 01 "Youkai & Giant Robo", a beatdown deck featuring Wonderverse and Yomajin Front that features a combining robot strategy and is designed for TCG beginners.
Deck List
1 A-1 Apprentice
3 Sky Soldier Type-0 "Sorai"
4 Land Warfare Expansion Weapon, Masurao 1st Machine
2 Land Warfare Expansion Weapon "Guardian"
3 Kamaitachi Joe (rarely, 1 will come foil)
3 Yomajin Front Armored Unit "Jinrai"
3 Yomajin Front Engineer Unit "Inagi"
2 Late-night Police Officer, Yobuko (1 foil)
3 Moment of Offense and Defense
3 Do-or-die Defense Battle
4 Galactic Swordsman, Grand Galac
1 Space Ninja, Ginga
4 Space Phantom Recruiter
2 Milky Way Coast Guard
3 Space Dullahan
2 Emergency Combination!
4 Blaster Cannon
4 Warp!
1 A-1 Apprentice
3 Sky Soldier Type-0 "Sorai"
4 Land Warfare Expansion Weapon, Masurao 1st Machine
2 Land Warfare Expansion Weapon "Guardian"
3 Kamaitachi Joe (rarely, 1 will come foil)
3 Yomajin Front Armored Unit "Jinrai"
3 Yomajin Front Engineer Unit "Inagi"
2 Late-night Police Officer, Yobuko (1 foil)
3 Moment of Offense and Defense
3 Do-or-die Defense Battle
4 Galactic Swordsman, Grand Galac
1 Space Ninja, Ginga
4 Space Phantom Recruiter
2 Milky Way Coast Guard
3 Space Dullahan
2 Emergency Combination!
4 Blaster Cannon
4 Warp!

Card Number: 2020GS01-001
Card Type: Unit
Faction: Yomajin Front
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Military, Robo
ATK: 4
HP: 4
STK: 2
Effect: [Defender] (At the end of your attack phase, you may move it from the offensive zone to the defensive zone.)
Flavor Text: "It can be said that the development of the aerial mobile weapon "Sky Soldier" finished just in the nick of time for the first invasion by the Exvaders. Did the Mikado Cabinet foresee the invasion?" - Reportage Writer, Robata Tamotsu

Card Number: 2020GS01-002
Card Type: Unit
Faction: Yomajin Front
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Military, Robo
ATK: 3
HP: 4
STK: 1
Effect: [OD] This gets [Double Attack] until end of turn. ([OD] is an effect that is activated when the unit is in the Drive Zone, before it comes into play)
Flavor Text: Advice! Combined with Masurao 2nd Machine from the booster pack, it will become a huge robot!

Card Number: 2020GS01-003
Card Type: Unit
Faction: Yomajin Front
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Military, Robo
Attack: 3
HP: 4
Strike: 2
Flavor Text: To make a robot...if the design doesn't convince the tax-paying older generation, it would reduce the government's approval rating, right?

Card Number: 2020GS01-004
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Apparition, Beast
Attack: 5
HP: 2
Strike: 1
Flavor Text: Impossibly handsome...That's right. I'm sure its him.

Card Number: 2020GS01-005
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Warrior, Military
Attack: 2
HP: 2
Strike: 2
Flavor Text: In Tokyo, which has been attacked by the Exvaders, space-time rifts occasionally occur. Soldiers repel the intruders until a Gate Ruler closes the rift.

Card Number: 2020GS01-006
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military
ATK: 2
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: All your «Military» get HP+1.
Flavor Text: "Inagi". A war word that means a simple defensive wall woven from herbs.

Card Number: 2020GS01-007
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Apparition, Military
Attack: 2
HP: 2
Strike: 1
Effect: [OD] You may look at the top card of your deck, and Set any card that can be Set. If you do not Set it, put it on the bottom of your deck.
Flavor Text: The night world was given to them. The youkai decided they would do their best to protect that regained world.

Card Number: 2020GS01-008
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Sword Technique
Effect: Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it while an ally unit is being attacked.
■ Choose 1 ally unit, and it gets [Intercept] until end of battle. (When a unit with [Intercept] is attacked, deal damage equal to the ATK of the unit with [Intercept] to the attacking unit before battle damage calculation.)
Flavor Text: Since Destiny Day, there have been no major attacks by the Exvaders, but out of sight of the people, the evil god has been growing.

Card Number: 2020GS01-009
Card Type: Event
Attribute(s): Tactics
Effect: Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Choose 1 ally unit, and it gets +3 HP until end of turn.
Flavor Text: The dimensional fault disappeared on its own. As it vanished, a message was left for the interception team. "Purgatory...The knights of the lacquer dragon..."

Card Number: 2020GS01-010
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Galaxy Heritage, Military, Robo
Attack: 6
HP: 6
Strike: 4
Flavor Text: Galaxy Heritage. Those left behind by an ancient super-civilization that fight the Exvaders of their own will. As if it were their mission.

Card Number: 2020GS01-011
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Crimenauts, Ninja, Robo
ATK: 5
HP: 5
STK: 2
Effect: [OD] "Cosmic Slash!" Choose 1 enemy set card, and destroy it. If this effect destroyed "Cosmo Arthur", this deals 3 damage to your opponent!
Flavor Text: Wasn't it here...where are you hiding? Cosmo Arthur!

Card Number: 2020GS01-012
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Crimenauts, Pepoverse
Attack: 2
HP: 1
Strike: 1
Effect: [CNT] Use this card's [OD] effect.
[OD] You may choose 1 Level 1 or lower enemy unit, and take control of it. Then, your opponent takes control of this card. (The player who takes control of the card decides whether it goes to an attack zone or defensive zone.)
Flavor Text: With your youth, wouldn't you like to hit it big with crime?

Card Number: 2020GS01-013
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Futuremen, Military
ATK: 2
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 enemy unit, and rest it.
Flavor Text: I found a drifter. He would be the first customer from earth. Of course, he doesn't have a passport. For the time being, its being treated as illegal immigration.

Card Number: 2020GS01-014
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Apparition, Warrior, Pepoverse
ATK: 4
HP: 2
STK: 1
Flavor Text: Come on, over here! The Wonderverse is lively and always full of intrigue!

Card Number: 2020GS01-015
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Galaxy Heritage, Technology
Effect: [CNT] Put this into your graveyard.
Use Timing: Set this, and you play this if a «Robo» is on your field.
■ Look at the top four cards of your deck, choose 1 «Robo» or «Military» unit from among them, and put it on top or underneath a «Robo» on your field with no charges. If the unit on top is «Robo», it gets [Charge Shield]. Put the remaining cards on the bottom of your deck.
Flavor Text: I'll be destroyed! I cannot continue! When I thought that! A miraculous combination created a huge comeback!

Card Number: 2020GS01-016
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Military
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Choose one of the following:
・Deal 1 damage to the opponent.
・Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 2 damage to it.
Flavor Text: "You were almost taken to the Earthling camp!" said the alien who destroyed the police car. "If you have nowhere to go...why not join our organization?"

Card Number: 2020GS01-017
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Technology
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Choose 1 ally unit, and move it to an empty zone. (If you use it on a card that was attacked, the attack fizzles. If it was moved away from the defensive zone, that attack becomes a direct attack.)
Flavor Text: An ordinary Japanese comic fan, Adriano Adrick, naturally awakened to the Gate Ruler power, was naturally sucked into a card, and naturally got lost in the universe of another world. Its common.
[GS02] "Summon the Fell Dragons!"
These cards are from Starter Deck 02 "Demon Dragon Summoning", a combo deck featuring Volnar and ATLAS that revolves around the "Special Summon" mechanic and is designed for intermediate TCG players.
Deck List
1 K-11 Knight
3 Energy
2 Vastorus Rex, Fell Dragon Quadrach of Rough Dust (1 foil)
4 Priest of Demonic Dragon (rarely, 1 will come foil)
3 Deathsallier
3 Follower of Demonic Dragon
3 Black Knight, Geist
2 Black Knight, Riha
3 Army of Darkness
4 Absolute Barrier
4 Dark Djinn
3 Nosferatu Army
4 Unusually Talented, Johan
2 Midas G. Goldberg
4 Jack the Ripper
3 Dökkálfar
3 Ironstorm
1 Win Win
2 Make a Killing
1 K-11 Knight
3 Energy
2 Vastorus Rex, Fell Dragon Quadrach of Rough Dust (1 foil)
4 Priest of Demonic Dragon (rarely, 1 will come foil)
3 Deathsallier
3 Follower of Demonic Dragon
3 Black Knight, Geist
2 Black Knight, Riha
3 Army of Darkness
4 Absolute Barrier
4 Dark Djinn
3 Nosferatu Army
4 Unusually Talented, Johan
2 Midas G. Goldberg
4 Jack the Ripper
3 Dökkálfar
3 Ironstorm
1 Win Win
2 Make a Killing

Card Number: 2020GS02-001
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Dragon Lord, Darkness
Attack: 7
HP: 7
Strike: 2
Effect: [CNT] If you have 2 Life or less, end the turn.
[Abyssal Concerto] Condition: Put 5 "Darkness" cards from your graveyard to the bottom of your deck.
■ When this is [Abyss Summoning], choose 1 card on the field and destroy it. Heal 1 life.
■ This cannot be put to the defensive zone.
Flavor Text: Before my power, everything turns into worthless dust. Iron, life, and even fate.

Card Number: 2020GS02-002
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Wizard, Darkness
Attack: 4
HP: 2
Strike: 2
Effect: [Abyssal Summoning] Normal: Send this card to the graveyard. If you do, choose 1 unit from your graveyard with [Abyssal Concerto], and you may Special Summon it by fulfilling its conditions.
Flavor Text: Fear the demon dragon. The demon dragon is holding your life.

Card Number: 2020GS02-003
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Dragon, Darkness
ATK: 5
HP: 5
STK: 2
Effect: [Abyssal Concerto] Condition: Put 2 Darkness from your graveyard to the bottom of your deck. (Units with [Abyssal Concerto] can also be summoned normally)
■ During the turn this was [Abyssal Summoning], it gets [Defender]. (At the end of your attack phase, you may move it from the offensive zone to the defensive zone.)
Flavor Text: The dragons who follow the demon dragon are all aiming for that position.

Card Number: 2020GS02-004
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Traitor, Darkness
Attack: 2
HP: 1
Strike: 1
Effect: "Giving into Darkness" When it attacks, you may send the top card of your deck to your graveyard.
Flavor Text: The powerful flame of the demonic dragon derails the people's fate, and creates an apostle.

Card Number: 2020GS02-005
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Warrior, Traitor, Darkness
ATK: 4
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: When this card is put from your deck or field to your graveyard, you may put the top card of your deck into your graveyard.
Flavor Text: Black Knights. Those who traded their human soul to gain a cursed and immortal body.

Card Number: 2020GS02-006
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Warrior, Traitor, Darkness
Attack: 3
HP: 3
Strike: 1
Flavor Text: One of the pillars of the Fell Dragon Quadrach, Rough Dust King Vastorus Rex. He is accompanied by 88 evil dragons and linked black knights.

Card Number: 2020GS02-007
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 unit with [Abyss Summoning] in your graveyard, and add it to your hand.
Use Timing: Normal (During the main phase of your turn, play this from hand, set it and play it, or play it when you drive)
■ Put the top card of your deck into your graveyard. Choose 1 unit with [Abyss Summoning] from your damage zone and add it to your hand.
Flavor Text: It is said that when veteran heroes lose their skill, they go to the gate of the demon dragon's army in search of eternal battle.

Card Number: 2020GS02-008
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: [CNT] Put this in the graveyard.
Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it while you are attacked. (“You” means your Ruler)
■ That battle damage becomes 0.
Flavor Text: This is not an ice wall. It is a boundary that stops absolutely, which makes all kinetic energy 0.

Card Number: 2020GS02-009
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): OWL, Apparition, Darkness
ATK: 3
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [CNT] Special summon this.
Flavor Text: Not good enough, will it be better than drones?!

Card Number: 2020GS02-010
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): OWL, Apparition, Darkness
ATK: 2
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [Immortal] (Rulers who can pay energy costs, can pay the cost and summon cap to normal summon this from the graveyard)
■ This cannot be put to a defensive zone.
Flavor Text: Legendary beings who participated in the Western military alliance, "ATLAS". They called themselves the "Old World League", or OWL for short.

Card Number: 2020GS02-011
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Wizard
Attack: 2
HP: 2
Strike: 1
Effect: [Abyssal Summoning] Normal: Send this card to the graveyard. If you do, choose 1 unit from your graveyard with [Abyssal Concerto], and you may special summon it by fulfilling its conditions.
Flavor Text: The wizards survived. In London. In Prague. In Samarkland. And a new generation of wizards begins to cast spells.

Card Number: 2020GS02-012
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Keyman, Darkness
Attack: 3
HP: 4
Strike: 1
Effect: ■ "Merchant of Death" When you successfully perform [Abyssal Summoning], you recover 1 life.
Flavor Text: To my dear employees of Guns & Gold! We are not traitors of the earth. We are the priests of a great free economy! Come on! To economy!

Card Number: 2020GS02-013
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): OWL, Darkness
Attack: 3
HP: 1
Strike: 1
Effect: ■ "From Hell" When this destroys an enemy unit, you may put the top two cards of your deck into your graveyard.
Flavor Text: A few years after the arrival of the Destiny Sword, the common sense of the world has been disrupted, and many myths, legends, and villains have been resurrected.

Card Number: 2020GS02-014
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): OWL, Apparition, Darkness
Attack: 1
HP: 4
Strike: 1
Effect: ■ "Dark Core" When this is used as a material for [Abyssal Concerto], you may count this as two cards or treat this as any level from 0 to 3.
Flavor Text: Physicians sought to unravel the "mystery". The conclusion is that its a "living Copenhagen interpretation", a de facto defeat.

Card Number: 2020GS02-015
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Firepower, Military
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Choose 1 or more enemy units, and distribute 2 damage among them.
Flavor Text: Guns & Gold supplies weapons to the ATLAS army. It is one of the companies of the munitions industry. Midas, the CEO, is a Gate Ruler capable person and has created a number of dimensional interference technologies with himself as a test subject.

Card Number: 2020GS02-016
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Business
Effect: Use Timing: Normal (During the main phase of your turn, play this from hand, set it and play it, or play it when you drive)
■ Draw 1, and both you and your opponent can choose up to 2 their own energy, and activate them.
Flavor Text: Rest assured. The ideology of the earth is just a front. Economic activity takes precedence over everything. Good apostle of Vastorus, we will be good business partners.

Card Number: 2020GS02-017
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Business
Effect: Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it when your opponent is damaged.
■ Discard a «Darkness» card from your hand. If you do, draw 2.
Flavor Text: A different world! Let us sprinkle hatred, foster war, and sell weapons in this new market! It nourishes the earth and the economy!

Card Number: GS02-L ★
Card Type: Ruler
Life: 11
Attack: 3
Strike: 3
Effect: [Game Preparation] 2 card in hand, 3 cards in energy
[Start of your turn] Choose 2 of your energy and activate them, draw 2
[Rule] Summon Cap 2 (During your turn, you can normal summon twice per turn)
Flavor Text: Please refer to the QR code for the Play and Deck Construction rules of this Ruler.
[GB01] (Booster Set 1 "Dawn of the Multiverse Alliance")
Magvarius, Dragon Lord Pentarch of Inferno
Card Number: 2020GB01-001 ★★★★L
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Dragon, Dragon Lord, Fire
Attack: 7
HP: 7
Strike: 3
Effect: [CNT] Use this card's "Flame Punisher" ability.
■ "Flame Punisher" When this enters the field, choose 1 or more enemy units and distribute damage among them equal to the number of cards in your damage zone.
Flavor Text: His body and mind are always filled with heat. Card Name & Setting by Harada Shunta.
Card Number: 2020GB01-001 ★★★★L
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Dragon, Dragon Lord, Fire
Attack: 7
HP: 7
Strike: 3
Effect: [CNT] Use this card's "Flame Punisher" ability.
■ "Flame Punisher" When this enters the field, choose 1 or more enemy units and distribute damage among them equal to the number of cards in your damage zone.
Flavor Text: His body and mind are always filled with heat. Card Name & Setting by Harada Shunta.

Card Number: 2020GB01-002 ★★★★L
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Forbidden Spell
Effect: Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it when an enemy unit attacks.
■ Destroy all enemy units in the front row except the center line.
Flavor Text: Its certain that Volnar once had a powerful civilization, as the relics of numerous "forbidden spirit engines" tell us. Did they get wiped out, or did they "go somewhere"?
Platinum King, Albafort
Card Number: 2020GB01-003 ★★★★
2020GB01-UR01 ★★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Dragon, Dragon Lord
Attack: 7
HP: 6
Strike: 2
Effect: [Breakthrough] (When this attacks and destroys a unit in the defensive zone, it deals STK damage to your opponent.)
■ When this is [Genesis Summoning], recover 1 life.
Flavor Text: Within the flesh of a Dragon Lord is "the reason of another world".
Card Number: 2020GB01-003 ★★★★
2020GB01-UR01 ★★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Dragon, Dragon Lord
Attack: 7
HP: 6
Strike: 2
Effect: [Breakthrough] (When this attacks and destroys a unit in the defensive zone, it deals STK damage to your opponent.)
■ When this is [Genesis Summoning], recover 1 life.
Flavor Text: Within the flesh of a Dragon Lord is "the reason of another world".
Demon Dragon, Viola Fluvdus
Card Number: 2020GB01-004 ★★★★
2020GB01-UR02 ★★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Dragon, Dragon Lord, Darkness
Attack: 7
HP: 6
Strike: 3
Effect: [Abyssal Concerto] Condition: Put 5 "Darkness" cards including at least 1 Level 0, 1, 2, and 3 from your graveyard at the bottom of your deck.
■ Normal: [Pay 1 Energy & Discard this card from your hand] Draw 1.
■ When this is [Abyssal Summoning], destroy all other units.
Flavor Text: Get so mad you go crazy.
Card Number: 2020GB01-004 ★★★★
2020GB01-UR02 ★★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Dragon, Dragon Lord, Darkness
Attack: 7
HP: 6
Strike: 3
Effect: [Abyssal Concerto] Condition: Put 5 "Darkness" cards including at least 1 Level 0, 1, 2, and 3 from your graveyard at the bottom of your deck.
■ Normal: [Pay 1 Energy & Discard this card from your hand] Draw 1.
■ When this is [Abyssal Summoning], destroy all other units.
Flavor Text: Get so mad you go crazy.

Card Number: 2020GB01-005 ★★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Wizard, Darkness
Attack: 3
HP: 2
Strike: 1
Effect: [TD] Put the top card of your deck into your graveyard.
[Abyssal Summoning] Normal: Send this card to the graveyard. If you do, choose 1 unit from your graveyard with [Abyssal Concerto], and you may Special Summon it by fulfilling its conditions.
Flavor Text: Stare into the abyss. On the other side is the mystery of life.

Card Number: 2020GB01-006 ★★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Wizard
Attack: 3
HP: 3
Strike: 2
Effect: [TD] [OD] You may choose 1 unit with [Familiar] in your graveyard, and special summon it.
[Genesis Summoning] Normal: Use this & 1 or more Wizard or Warrior units as material and put them to the bottom of your deck. If you do, special summon 1 Dragon or Warrior unit from your deck whose Level is equal or lower than the total Level of the materials.
Flavor Text: For practical testing of modern equipment, the Empire accepted the technology testing team.

Card Number: 2020GB01-007 ★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Wind, Warrior
ATK: 4
HP: 4
STK: 2
Effect: ■ When you [Genesis Summoning] this, recover 1 life.
[Defender] (At the end of your attack phase, you may move it from the offensive zone to the defensive zone.)
Flavor Text: I will not allow the powerless to cry in front of me.

Card Number: 2020GB01-008 ★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Dragon, Darkness
ATK: 4
HP: 5
STK: 1
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 of your energy, and activate it.
[Abyssal Concerto] Condition: Put 2 Darkness from your graveyard to the bottom of your deck.
Flavor Text: Demonic dragon. An evil dragon who plots to destroy the world's reason.

Card Number: 2020GB01-009 ★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Wizard
ATK: 2
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: [TD] Discard 1 card from your hand. If you do, draw 1 card.
[Genesis Summoning] Normal: Use this & 1 or more Wizard or Warrior units as material and put them to the bottom of your deck. If you do, special summon 1 Dragon or Warrior unit from your deck whose Level is equal or lower than the total Level of the materials.
Flavor Text: I'll connect. Everyone's feelings.

Card Number: 2020GB01-010 ★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Fire, Wizard
ATK: 2
HP: 1
STK: 2
Effect: [TD] "Explosive Fireball" Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 2 damage to it. ([TD] is an ability that activates when a unit enters play from hand.)
Flavor Text: Originally, this magic was just enough to stagger the vermin.
Originally, it was good that the magic was that strong...

Card Number: 2020GB01-011 ★★
Faction: Volnar
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Dragon, Fire
Attack: 4
HP: 5
Strike: 2
Effect: (unconfirmed, based on very early image) When this is special summoned by [Genesis Summoning], choose 1 enemy unit and deal 3 damage to it.
Flavor Text: Dragons. With virtually infinite lifespan, power, magic, and sometimes even wisdom, they are the pinnacle of the biological world that surpasses humans. However, those who do not know "unity" could never become the leaders of the world.

Card Number: 2020GB01-012 ★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: Use Timing: Normal (During the main phase of your turn, play this from hand, set it and play it, or play it when you drive)
■ Draw 2 cards.
Flavor Text: The Yomajin Front troops, who were planning a courtesy visit to the imperial capital, were transported to the territory of the demon dragon Vastorus Rex. Can they escape safely while most weapons, including electronic devices, do not work?

Card Number: 2020GB01-013 ★★
Faction: Volnar
Level: 2
Card Type: Field
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: [CNT] Choose one of the following:
・If there is no "Forest of Killers" in your field zone, put this in your field zone.
・Choose 1 Level 0 enemy unit and destroy it.
■ Your «Beast» get ATK+1 and HP+1.
Flavor Text: There is no justice or evil, no holy or demonic. There is just natural life.

Card Number: 2020GB01-014 ★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Warrior
Attack: 2
HP: 2
Strike: 1
Effect: [TD] "Energy Boost [Turn(1)]" Choose 1 energy, and activate it. (Abilities with the same name as an ability with [Turn(1)] can only be used once per turn.)
Flavor Text: Volnar's greatest force, the Huescalot Empire, is a successful example of unity and cooperation, effectively leveraging the strengths of many races to confront various foreign enemies.

Card Number: 2020GB01-015 ★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Earth, Beast
Attack: 1
HP: 1
Strike: 1
Effect: [CNT] Special Summon this.
Flavor Text: An animal that possesses evil power and soul due to the influence of the Exvaders. They are generally called demon beasts.

Card Number: 2020GB01-016 ★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it while you or an ally unit would be damaged.
■ Reduce the next damage by 2.
Flavor Text: "A flashy welcome, Ms. Shiori!"
"It could be said to be Volnar style, but the military troop was supposed to welcome us if it moved as planned."
"Then, this is imperial territory...?!"

Card Number: 2020GB01-018 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Beast, Traitor, Darkness
ATK: 5
HP: 3
STK: 3
Flavor Text: There are honest people in every world. Those who are honest with their desires.

Card Number: 2020GB01-019 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Effect
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Fire, Magic
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Choose and destroy 1 level 1 or lower enemy unit.
Flavor Text: Before the Exvader invasion, Volnar was a dangerous world, but the existence of a great evil brought about an alliance of many races and an evolution of magic.

Card Number: 2020GB01-020 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Warrior, Traitor, Darkness
ATK: 4
HP: 3
STK: 2
Flavor Text: Can you communicate with an evil soul? Many black knights form friendships with their evil dragons.

Card Number: 2020GB01-021 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Earth, Beast
ATK: 4
HP: 4
STK: 2
Flavor Text: "The minotaur is also a myth on the earth. No, its not a modern one, that's true..." Yamada, Commander of the Volnar Dispatch Unit of the Yomajin Front

Card Number: 2020GB01-022 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Light, Beast
ATK: 4
HP: 2
STK: 2
Effect: [Familiar] (Normal: This unit gets any attribute until end of turn.)
Flavor Text: As long as people continue to fight, this species will continue to evolve. Because that is the kind of pact that was made long ago.

Card Number: 2020GB01-023 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Light, Magic
Effect: [CNT] If your life is 4 or less, recover 1 life.
Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it while you are being attacked directly by the opponent's Ruler.
That battle damage becomes 0.
Flavor Text: In Volnar, the gods are real. However, due to disagreements, some grant asylum while others seek to kill.

Card Number: 2020GB01-024 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 enemy set card or field card, and destroy it.
Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it when your opponent plays a level 1 or lower event.
■ Negate that event.
Flavor Text: Almost all modern weapons of the Yomajin Front stopped working due to the phenomenon called "the rules of the world". However, to a member blessed with magical power, that was not the case. "In short, magic is to impose your rules on the world."

Card Number: 2020GB01-025 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Choose and destroy 1 Level 0 or lower enemy unit.
Flavor Text: "There is no possibility for Yamada to use magic." Shiori continued speaking to Yamada, who was confused. "Your internal magic is zero. In other words, you can't use magic, but on the contrary, most magic won't work on you. Its a peculiar constitution called a displacer."

Card Number: 2020GB01-026 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Field
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: [CNT] Put this into your field zone.
■ When you successfully [Genesis Summoning] or [Abyss Summoning], destroy this. If you do, recover 1 life.
Flavor Text: Volnar was a world that had been endlessly fighting amongst itself, but when the Exvaders attacked, they ironically evolved into a collaborative world where various races take advantage of each other's strengths.

Card Number: 2020GB01-028 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Wind, Warrior, Light
ATK: 3
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [TD] Set this card's Level to 1 until end of turn. ([TD] is an ability that activates when a unit enters play from hand.)
Flavor Text: Everyone on Earth, one of the Fell Dragon Quadrachs seems to be targeting you!

Card Number: 2020GB01-029 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Beast
ATK: 2
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [Familiar] (Normal: This unit gets any attribute until end of turn.)
■ Normal: This card becomes a Level 1 until end of turn.
Flavor Text: Familiars are creatures that have been bred at magical workshops to become a spiritual and magical booster for a wizard.

Card Number: 2020GB01-030 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Warrior, Military
ATK: 1
HP: 5
STK: 1
Flavor Text: "I've loved reincarnation since I was young. To be honest, I think its wrong to bring a gun into this kind of world. I'm convinced of that. But, if we didn't, we would just be baggage to Shiori..." Yamada, commander of the Yomajin Front's Volnar dispatch unit

Card Number: 2020GB01-031 ★★★★L
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Awakened Being, Hero, Military
Attack: 5
HP: 4
Strike: 2
Effect: ■ "United States Forever" Normal: [Remove 3 cards with [CNT] from your graveyard from the game] Special summon this from your hand or graveyard.
Flavor Text: Awakened Beings. They are mankind's defense.

Card Number: 2020GB01-032 ★★★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): OWL, Darkness
ATK: 5
HP: 3
STK: 3
Effect: [CNT] Use this card's "Spies of the Underworld" ability.
[Abyssal Concerto] Condition: Put 3 Darkness from your graveyard to the bottom of your deck.
■ "Spies of the Underworld" When this enters the field, choose 1 level 0 OWL unit from your graveyard, and special summon it.
Flavor Text: I am willing to kill the dead. Because the underworld is overpopulated.

Card Number: 2020GB01-033 ★★★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Military, Wild Force
Attack: 5
HP: 3
Strike: 2
Effect: [CNT] Use this card's [TD] effect.
[TD] "Buster Lariat" Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 4 damage to it.
[Breakthrough] (When this attacks and destroys the unit in your opponent's defensive zone, attack the Ruler)
Flavor Text: Is the equipment ready? I'll give them bullets in cartons!

Card Number: 2020GB01-034 ★★★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Awakened Being, Warrior, Military
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 2
Effect: ■ "Are you stupid?!" When your opponent plays en event card from hand or field, you may normal summon this card without spending Summon Cap. (Pay the cost)
Flavor Text: When all of humanity has to cooperate, those who would create a Nazi resurrection must be morons.

Card Number: 2020GB01-035 ★★★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Awakened Being
Attack: 4
HP: 3
Strike: 0
Effect: [CNT] "Wonderland" Choose 1 of your energy and activate it.
■ "Mirror World" When you are attacked, you may normal summon this from your hand to a defensive zone.
Flavor Text: The veteran warrior who has been fighting with the ARK felt that the battle was approaching its end. "I have to call everyone. My friends."

Card Number: 2020GB01-036 ★★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): OWL, Dragon
Attack: 6
HP: 4
Strike: 2
Effect: [CNT] Use the this card's "Eternal Sleep" ability.
■ "Eternal Sleep" When this enters the field, choose 1 level 1 or lower OWL unit from your damage zone and put it into your graveyard.
Flavor Text: People watched the sun and were struck with their dreams. Oh, the dragon of the story has returned.

Card Number: 2020GB01-037 ★★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Military
Attack: 4
HP: 3
Strike: 2
Effect: ■ "Sweep Shot" When this attacks, choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 2 damage to it.
Flavor Text: The ATLAS machine Victor was created by the combined strength of western countries. The engine was made by Germany, the control program was made by America, and the exterior was made by Italy.

Card Number: 2020GB01-038 ★★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Military, Wild Force
ATK: 4
HP: 3
STK: 2
Effect: [TD] "Ten Hut!" Thie gets HP+2 and [Defender] until the beginning of your next turn.
Flavor Text: A calm member of Wild Force who is a well of wisdom. The reason he refuses to transfer to headquarters is so that he can continue fighting alongside Busterkong.

Card Number: 2020GB01-039 ★★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Field
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Business
Effect: [CNT] Put this card in your field zone.
■ Give +1 to the original value of effect damage dealt to enemy units by your cards. (When distributing damage across multiple units, apply the +1 first.)
Flavor Text: When I was kid, I was obsessed with mecha anime. Is the development of the "dress" we are presenting to Vastorus progressing?

Card Number: 2020GB01-040 ★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Military, Wild Force
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 6 damage to it!
Flavor Text: I'll make a trophy with your neck!

Card Number: 2020GB01-041 ★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Wild Force
ATK: 2
HP: 5
STK: 1
Effect: [CNT] Draw 1.
■ "Saving Order [Turn(1)]" When your «Wild Force» attacks and damages your opponent, draw 1.
Flavor Text: So, Sergeant Major. No, the army. I think they brought my stomach medicine in cartons?!

Card Number: 2020GB01-042 ★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Military
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose 1 level 1 or lower Military unit in your graveyard, and add it to your hand.
Flavor Text: ARK. An Avenger's ark where those whose world was destroyed by the Exvaders gather. They pursue the Exvaders, and appear over the Atlantic Ocean. They offer to fight with the ATLAS army.

Card Number: 2020GB01-043 ★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military
ATK: 2
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [TD] "Energy Boost [Turn(1)]" Choose 1 energy, and activate it. (Abilities with the same name as an ability with [Turn(1)] can only be used once per turn.)
Flavor Text: ATLAS is an abbreviation for ATLantic Alliance Sentinels, and is also the name of a mythical giant who supported the world.

Card Number: 2020GB01-044 ★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military, Wild Force
ATK: 2
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: ■ Choose one of the following:
・Deal 1 damage to your opponent.
・Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 1 damage to it.
Flavor Text: Why do you fight like that? When you look through the scope, its always a benefit. Its difficult to go back.

Card Number: 2020GB01-045 ★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Accident
Effect: [CNT] You take 2 damage.
Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose 3 energy, and activate them. Draw 1.
Flavor Text: This is what happens when you entrust your destiny to a whimsical bastard like God!

Card Number: 2020GB01-046 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Military, Wild Force
Effect: Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose a level 2 or lower «Military» card in your damage zone, and add it to your hand.
Flavor Text: The joint exercise in Normandy, which had the goal of a landing operation on the eastern Mediterranean coast, was successful. The operation to recapture the sacred land has begun...!

Card Number: 2020GB01-047 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Military
ATK: 4
HP: 4
STK: 2
Flavor Text: Due to the Exvaders, a dome-shaped barrier with a diameter of 1000 kilometers appeared in the Middle East. Since then, it has become a territory contolled by the Exvaders, and the situation inside remains unclear.

Card Number: 2020GB01-048 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): OWL, Apparition, Beast
ATK: 3
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: [Intercept] (When this is attacked, it deals damage equal to its ATK to the attacking unit before battle damage calculation.)
[Familiar] (Normal: This unit gets any attribute until end of turn.)
Flavor Text: A gun is faster than magic.

Card Number: 2020GB01-049 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): OWL, Beast, Darkness
Attack: 4
HP: 3
Strike: 2
Flavor Text: Thank you, Exvaders. I needed an enemy like you to control my bloodlust.

Card Number: 2020GB01-050 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): OWL, Darkness, Military
Attack: 2
HP: 2
Strike: 2
Effect: [OD] [TD] "Future Sight" Look at the top card of your deck, and you may put it back on top or on the bottom of your deck.
Flavor Text: ...You can see it. Strength the defenses of your base. "The Beast of the End" is coming. Specifically, its in the 2nd booster.

Card Number: 2020GB01-051 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Warrior, Military, Wild Force
ATK: 5
HP: 2
STK: 2
Flavor Text: Wild Force's number one warrior and a battle addict who violates orders. On the other hand, he is the record holder for the number of "Anchor Honor Awards" given to those who save the lives of allies.

Card Number: 2020GB01-052 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Firepower, Military
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Choose 1 or more enemy units, and distribute 2 damage among them.
Flavor Text: For the recapture of the sacred land, new weapons are tested and new recruits are trained. At that time, a huge shadow is spotted approaching the advance base, Cyprus.

Card Number: 2020GB01-053 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Wizard, Military
ATK: 4
HP: 3
STK: 1
Flavor Text: The army recognized the existence of magic at an early stage and began to raise talented individuals. Even Jake, who was an ordinary boy, had an amazing talen hidden within him...

Card Number: 2020GB01-054 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): OWL, Apparition, Darkness
ATK: 2
HP: 4
STK: 1
Flavor Text: That day, the earth became foreign. Legendary individuals began to appear. Some are legendary beings, and some have offered to fight alongside mankind.

Card Number: 2020GB01-055 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): OWL, Apparition, Beast
ATK: 2
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: [Familiar] (Normal: This unit gets any attribute until end of turn.)
■ Normal: This card becomes a Level 1 until end of turn.
Flavor Text: Even though he was thought to be an ordinary cat, he was a member of the fairy tribe "Cait Sith". According to legend, they have a deep understanding of witchcraft.

Card Number: 2020GB01-056 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military, Wild Force
ATK: 2
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: ■ Give +1 to the original value of effect damage dealt to enemy units by your cards.
Flavor Text: Their home was destroyed by the Exvaders, and those who vowed revenge stopped being mere animals. They were reborn as the Wild Force, beast soldiers with a body of steel and a will of iron!

Card Number: 2020GB01-057 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military, Wild Force
ATK: 2
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [Intercept] (When this is attacked, it deals damage equal to its ATK to the attacking unit before battle damage calculation.)
Flavor Text: Busterkong! Get us on the battlefield as often as you can!

Card Number: 2020GB01-058 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military, Wild Force
ATK: 3
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: [TD] [OD] "Observe and Prepare" Look at the top card of your deck, and put it on the top or bottom of your deck.
Flavor Text: Earth. This is our new battlefield. We won't let it die, like our home did.

Card Number: 2020GB01-060 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military, Wild Force
Effect: Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it when an ally unit is damaged.
■ Choose 1 ally unit. Recover as much damage from that unit as it was dealt. (Even if it took lethal damage and is destroyed, it will recover before being placed in the graveyard)
Flavor Text: ♪♪ Oh, the Wild Force, the steel arm that crushes evil. Gatling, the power of the wild, the vaporization bomb of nature. Wisdom is 10% and power is 50%. The remaining 70% is courage. ♪♪

Card Number: 2020GB01-061 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Firepower, Military
Effect: Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 2 damage to it.
Flavor Text: Advice!The appeal of ATLAS cards is, of course, unit destruction due to effect damage. Let's make a control deck by using 4 "Guns & Gold Weapons Arsenal" and combining it with Wonderverse's Firepower cards!

Card Number: 2020GB01-062 ★★★★L
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Awakened Being, Warrior, Hero
ATK: 5
HP: 5
STK: 3
Effect: [CNT] Use this card's [OD] ability.
[OD] "Mach 883353+ Attack" Choose 1 enemy unit, and destroy it.
Flavor Text: The manga artist, Sakura Maikawa, has transformed into the main character of his own manga. However, due to the eccentric setting and the fatal flaws in his design sense, the future will be difficult... (From Yuuichi Hasegawa's work "Studio Secret Base Theater")

Card Number: 2020GB01-063 ★★★★L
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Oni the Island, Keyman, Warrior
Attack: 4
HP: 3
Strike: 2
Effect: [CNT] Use this card's [OD] ability.
[TD] [OD] "Destiny of the Radiant Gate Ruler" Choose 1 card from your deck, shuffle your deck, and put the chosen card on top of your deck.
Flavor Text: A Gate Ruler Yomajin Front and who leads the demons according to the old contract. A true hero of justice who cuts down the mad family head "Tsukasa the Oni".
Card Number: 2020GB01-064 ★★★★ / 2020GB01-UR09 ★★★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): God
Attack: 5
HP: 2
Strike: 2
Effect: [OD] You may choose 1 card on your field and 1 card on your opponent's field, and you may send that card on your field to the graveyard. If you do, destroy that card on your opponent's field.
■ "Obstacle" When battle damage is dealt to this, choose an enemy unit and deal the same number of damage to it.
Flavor Text: When the gods and youkai appeared, rather than being surprised the Japanese felt nostalgic.
Card Number: 2020GB01-064 ★★★★ / 2020GB01-UR09 ★★★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): God
Attack: 5
HP: 2
Strike: 2
Effect: [OD] You may choose 1 card on your field and 1 card on your opponent's field, and you may send that card on your field to the graveyard. If you do, destroy that card on your opponent's field.
■ "Obstacle" When battle damage is dealt to this, choose an enemy unit and deal the same number of damage to it.
Flavor Text: When the gods and youkai appeared, rather than being surprised the Japanese felt nostalgic.
Giant Armor, Gashadokuro
Card Number: 2020GB01-065 ★★★★
2020GB01-UR10 ★★★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Apparition, Military
Attack: 7
HP: 2
Strike: 2
Effect: [OD] Put the top two cards of your deck into its charge.
[Charge Shield] (When a unit with [Charge Shield] would leave the field, you may put 1 of its charges into the graveyard, and it remains on the field)
Flavor Text: The people's prayers cry out like ripples. It responded by standing up.
Card Number: 2020GB01-065 ★★★★
2020GB01-UR10 ★★★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Apparition, Military
Attack: 7
HP: 2
Strike: 2
Effect: [OD] Put the top two cards of your deck into its charge.
[Charge Shield] (When a unit with [Charge Shield] would leave the field, you may put 1 of its charges into the graveyard, and it remains on the field)
Flavor Text: The people's prayers cry out like ripples. It responded by standing up.

Card Number: 2020GB01-066 ★★★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Dragon, Military
Attack: 5
HP: 5
Strike: 2
Effect: ■ Damage dealt to you becomes 1.
■ "Magical Core Cannon" Normal: [Put an event card from your field to your graveyard] Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 4 damage to it.
Flavor Text: In response to the people's prayers, activate the machine dragon, Aramisaki!!
Thousand-year Cherry Tree
Card Number: 2020GB01-067 ★★★★
2020GB01-UR12 ★★★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): History
Effect: Use Timing: Normal (Play during the main phase of your turn)
Use Timing: Normal
■ Look at the top three cards of your deck, and drive one of them. Put the remaining cards on the bottom of your deck.
Flavor Text (Normal): Japan learned. The wonder of relying on spiritual theory. At the same time, do not forget. It is also true that an unwilling person does not become a soldier.
Flavor Text (Uber): Underneath the cherry blossoms, history is understood.
Card Number: 2020GB01-067 ★★★★
2020GB01-UR12 ★★★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): History
Effect: Use Timing: Normal (Play during the main phase of your turn)
Use Timing: Normal
■ Look at the top three cards of your deck, and drive one of them. Put the remaining cards on the bottom of your deck.
Flavor Text (Normal): Japan learned. The wonder of relying on spiritual theory. At the same time, do not forget. It is also true that an unwilling person does not become a soldier.
Flavor Text (Uber): Underneath the cherry blossoms, history is understood.

Card Number: 2020GB01-068 ★★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Apparition
Attack: 5
HP: 1
Strike: 1
Effect: [OD] Choose one of your opponent's Field cards and destroy it.
■ "Obstacle" When battle damage is dealt to this, select an enemy unit and deal the same damage to it.
Flavor Text: It blossoms every spring. It scatters every spring.

Card Number: 2020GB01-069 ★★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Apparition, Warrior
ATK: 2
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: [CNT] Use this card's [OD] effect.
[OD] "Freezing Crush" Choose 1 enemy unit in a defensive zone, and destroy it.
Flavor Text: The Yomajin Front and the youkai do not have a formal contract, but are connected by old-fashioned traditions and people. Because of that, she is a yuki-onna who is the boss of the northern youkai. I need someone like her.
Setting (beginning) and Name by Nemesis.

Card Number: 2020GB01-070 ★★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Military, Robo
ATK: 5
HP: 4
STK: 1
Effect: [CNT] You may choose any number of "Masurao" from your graveyard, and return them to your deck. Then, shuffle.
[Charge Shield] [Double Attack]
■ This cannot be put in a defensive zone.
Flavor Text: Perfect synchronization of magic and science. That is the power of Masurao.

Card Number: 2020GB01-071 ★★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: -5
Attribute(s): Accident
Effect: [CNT] Play this card.
Use Timing: [Open Card] (When this enters your hand or when you Drive this, reveal and play it)
■ You receive 2 damage.
Flavor Text: Why did you put it in your deck?!

Card Number: 2020GB01-072 ★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Apparition, Beast
Attack: 4
HP: 5
Strike: 3
Flavor Text: When I looked up at the night sky, there was a strange shape. Oh yeah, I returned to them at night.

Card Number: 2020GB01-073 ★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Apparition, Beast
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: [OD] "Parade of Hundred Demons Lv1" Look at the top card of your deck, and if it's a Level 1 or less «Apparition» unit, you may Drive it. If you do not Drive it, put it on the bottom of the deck.
Flavor Text: The youkai said, "Return the night to us. Return the soothing darkness you took."
The governor of Tokyo you replied, "We'll give you rolling blackouts from midnight."

Card Number: 2020GB01-074 ★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Military, Robo
Attack: 3
HP: 3
Strike: 1
Effect: [CNT] Special summon 1 "Land Warfare Expansion Weapon, Masurao 1st Machine" from your deck to your attack zone.
■ "Masurao Union" Normal: If you have this and "Land Warfare Expansion Weapon, Masurao 1st Machine" on your field, special summon 1 "Combined Expansion Weapon, Masurao "Kongodai"" from your deck, and put this and "Land Warfare Expansion Weapon, Masurao 1st Machine" into its charge.
Flavor Text: Succeeded in matching the magic engine and the superconducting plasma engine. Next is the union of three machines using the magic furnace!

Card Number: 2020GB01-075 ★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): History
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Normal (During the main phase of your turn, play this from hand, set it and play it, or play it when you drive)
■ Recover 1 life.
Flavor Text: A landscape with youkai. Occasional Exvader attacks. Even such extraordinary things will be accepted as the new normal. That may be the strength of people.

Card Number: 2020GB01-076 ★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Warrior, Hero
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: "Smile I want to hit" When this is in your attack zone, battle damage dealt to you is 0.
Flavor Text: Now (dead language), young (dead language), and a great hit (dead language)!! Its Mr. Dead Language. Celebrity (dead language)!!

Card Number: 2020GB01-077 ★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Combat Technique
Effect: [CNT] Put this in the graveyard.
Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Choose 1 ally unit, and it gets ATK+2, HP+2, and [Retaliate] until end of turn.
Flavor Text: Impermanence. Or at least the body ends.

Card Number: 2020GB01-078 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Military, Dragon
Attack: 5
HP: 4
Strike: 2
Effect: "Automatic Attack System Blaze" When this card attacks, choose 1 or more units on your opponent's field, and distribute 3 damage among them.
Flavor Text: Powered by the "Ifrit Engine" that combines Volnar's magic with Japanese mechanical science. A decisive weapon that has the power to dominate the battlefield with a single machine.

Card Number: 2020GB01-079 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Apparition, Wind
ATK: 3
HP: 1
STK: 2
Effect: "Falcon" All your «Apparition» get [Defender].
Flavor Text: "As an observer, I was asked for my opinion, as I was a folklorist before the fall. Its impossible that the hypothesis that "youkai are information creatures" would be accepted so easily." - Folklorist writer, Yukiji Tono

Card Number: 2020GB01-080 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Military
ATK: 4
HP: 4
STK: 2
Flavor Text: 100 prototypes were chosen as testbeds for Volnar's magic technology. Various experimental machines will continue to be made in the future.

Card Number: 2020GB01-081 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): History
Effect: Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it while an ally unit is being attacked.
■ Choose 1 ally unit, and it gets ATK+2 and [Intercept] until end of battle. (When a unit with [Intercept] is attacked, deal damage equal to the ATK of the unit with [Intercept] to the attacking unit before battle damage calculation.)
Flavor Text: With the fall of the Destiny Sword, the Exvaders emerged. Alongside reinforcements from another world that appeared at the same time, humans repelled the first Exvaders attack. Its been a few years since then.

Card Number: 2020GB01-082 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Normal (During the main phase of your turn, play this from hand, set it and play it, or play it when you drive)
■ Choose 1 field card or set card, and destroy it.
Flavor Text: Onigaki family. A family that has isolated the demon world and have magically protected Kyoto in secret for generations. They have a two-sided relationship with the Kinomiya family.

Card Number: 2020GB01-083 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it while you or an ally unit would be damaged.
■ The next damage becomes 0.
Flavor Text: The border of the world has been broken. The curse of good luck is not some useless occult thing, but has the physical power to shoot bullets.

Card Number: 2020GB01-085 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Apparition
ATK: 2
HP: 3
STK: 2

Card Number: 2020GB01-086 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Apparition, Darkness
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: [OD] Play "Rock-Paper-Scissors" with your opponent until someone wins. The player who loses takes 1 damage. If you were the one who lost, you may send this card to the graveyard. If you do, redo this effect.
Flavor Text: Do you eat fish or eat people?

Card Number: 2020GB01-087 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Apparition, Beast, Wizard
ATK: 2
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: [Familiar] (Normal: This unit gets any attribute until end of turn.)
Normal: This card's Level becomes 1 or 2 until end of turn.
Flavor Text: Cait Sith are all over the world. Maybe your cat is secretly one of them.

Card Number: 2020GB01-089 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military
Attack: 2
HP: 1
Strike: 1
Effect: [Defender] (At the end of your attack phase, you may move it from the offensive zone to the defensive zone.)
Flavor Text: The Yomajin Front is military alliance against the Exvaders centered in asia, composed of the allied forces of the "youkai", "demons", and "humans".

Card Number: 2020GB01-090 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Warrior, Military, Robo
ATK: 2
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [OD] You may look at the top card of your deck, and set any card that can be set. If you do not set it, put it on the bottom of your deck.
Flavor Text: Many members of the transport unit are also private carriers. They run to protect people's lives at all times and to protect people's lives during the war.

Card Number: 2020GB01-091 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Combat Technique, Magic
Effect: Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Choose 1 ally unit, and it gets ATK+2, HP+2 until end of turn.
Flavor Text: Great power, stay within me. Power of the people, manifest in me.

Card Number: 2020GB01-092 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: [CNT] You may choose 1 ally unit, and put it in a defensive zone.
Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ All ally units get HP+2 until end of turn.
Flavor Text: "I think that magic and spiritual techniques are manifested by belief. Its not because its correct. I'm certain that the laws of physics in the world have changed to respond to human thoughts.
That's Koga's ability as Gate Ruler, right?"

Card Number: 2020GB01-093 ★★★★L
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Crimenauts, Hero
ATK: 2
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: [CNT] Use this card's [OD] ability.
[OD] "Charisma Wave" Choose 1 level 2 or lower enemy unit, and take control of it.
Flavor Text: A mysterious monster who claims to be the Emperor of Quiet Space was accepted as a member of the Crimenauts. You can feel the sympathy in his head design.

Card Number: 2020GB01-094 ★★★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Galaxy Heritage, Hero, Robo
Attack: 6
HP: 4
Strike: 0
Effect: [CNT] If your life is 2 or less, set this.
■ This can be normal summoned, and also can be set.
■ "Final Guardian [Game(1)]" When your life becomes 0, you may normal summon this from the set zone. Then, when this enters the field, recover 1 life, and end the turn.
Flavor Text: When the people of space are in a pinch, he appears out of nowhere and saves them. Is he a person, a god, or an UMA-like thing?

Card Number: 2020GB01-095 ★★★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Beast
ATK: 7
HP: 5
STK: 2
Effect: [CNT] Put this into your graveyard.
■ "Tiger, Tiger" If another Beast is on your field, your opponent cannot activate [CNT] from this unit's damage.
Flavor Text: The air responds to your fear. You are the devil.

Card Number: 2020GB01-096 ★★★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Crimenauts
Attack: 3
HP: 5
Strike: 2
Effect: [OD] Put the top two cards of your deck into its charge.
■ When another Crimenauts would be put from your field to your graveyard, put it into this card's charge instead.
■ "Devas Beam" Immediate: [Put 1 of this card's charge at the bottom of your deck] Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 2 damage to it.
■ This cannot get [Charge Shield].

Card Number: 2020GB01-097 ★★★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Firepower, Magic
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Choose 1 or more enemy units, and distribute 6 damage among them.
Flavor Text: Space rogue, zap reporter, lost earthling, and criminal organization recruiter. There was a sense of companionship among this rag-tag group.

Card Number: 2020GB01-098 ★★★y
Card Type: Event
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Accident
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 card in your damage zone and 1 card in your graveyard, and swap them.
Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose 1 card in your damage zone, and play it without paying its cost or summon cap. (The unit's [TD] or [OD] effect does not activate because it was not played from hand or drive zone.)
Flavor Text: In the absence of an observer, the true existence of anything cannot be proven.

Card Number: 2020GB01-099 ★★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Crimenauts
Attack: 4
HP: 5
Strike: 1
Effect: [TD] [OD] Choose one of the following effects:
・Discard 1 card from your opponent's hand at random.
・Choose 1 of your opponent's set cards, and destroy it.
Flavor Text: He is a telepath and thinks of others, so he became a public figure chief who is trusted by everyone.

Card Number: 2020GB01-100 ★★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Futuremen
Attack: 2
HP: 2
Strike: 1
Effect: [TD] [OD] Look at the top two cards of your deck, and you may set 1 card card among them that can be set. Put the remaining cards on the bottom of your deck.
Flavor Text: She realizes that the mysterious King Arthur's battles center around the Velocto. She forces her way into the ship to investigate.

Card Number: 2020GB01-101 ★★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Futuremen
ATK: 4
HP: 4
STK: 1
Effect: Normal: [Send 1 card from your field to the graveyard] Normal summon this from your damage zone. You take 1 damage.
Flavor Text: Distance in Wonderverse is determined by your "image". You can take 2 days to get to Mars, 3 days to get to Mercury, and go around the solar system in a week.

Card Number: 2020GB01-102 ★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Accidents
Effect: Use Timing: [Open Card] (When this card is in your hand or when you Drive, reveal and play it. Pay as much of the cost as possible.)
■ Destroy all enemy units.
Flavor Text: "I wonder if he's been sucked into many blackholes in his life."
"I'm used to it."

Card Number: 2020GB01-103 ★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Galaxy Heritage, Futuremen
ATK: 4
HP: 5
STK: 3
Flavor Text: The fastest fighter ship in the universe, designed and built by the space adventurer Ed who said he found the "Holy Grail". Its power is unknown. It is said that the secret of the Holy Grail is hidden within it.

Card Number: 2020GB01-104 ★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Crimenauts
ATK: 3
HP: 5
STK: 2
Effect: [Retaliate] (When this card was attacked by your opponent's unit and wasn't destroyed, deal damage to that unit equal to this card's ATK.)
Flavor Text: Crimenauts break the law and solve everything with violence. Spreading less addictive drugs to planets dominated by drug organizations and destroying them, invading a dictator's planet to free the people and open up markets, can do whatever you want.

Card Number: 2020GB01-105 ★★
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Crimenauts
Effect: [CNT] "Phantom Regeneration" Choose 1 level 1 or lower Crimenauts from your graveyard, and special summon it.
Use Timing: Normal
■ Look a the top four cards of your deck, choose up to one Crimenauts card from among them, and drive it. Put the remaining cards on the bottom of your deck.
Flavor Text: Youth. Have ambitions. For the time being, grab the globe.

Card Number: 2020GB01-106 ★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Apparition, Beast, Pepoverse
Attack: 3
HP: 4
Strike: 1
Effect: [Retaliate] (When this card was attacked by your opponent's unit and wasn't destroyed, deal damage to that unit equal to this card's ATK.)
Flavor Text: If the opponent is caught by the strong forefeet, they'll be trapped in the quiz show. You cannot escape until you get 100 correct answers.

Card Number: 2020GB01-107 ★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Firepower, Magic
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 3 damage.
Flavor Text: Ed "The positive energy of an Earthling is extraordinary. You can master this legendary gun."

Card Number: 2020GB01-109 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Pepoverse
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 4 damage to it. If "Cosmo Arthur" is on your field, destroy that enemy unit instead.
Flavor Text: Christel "Excalibur! There's only one in the universe, a legendary sword made out of the mysterious ore, Knight Calibur!"
Adriano "But there are two?!"

Card Number: 2020GB01-110 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Crimenauts, Shark, Beast
Attack: 3
HP: 2
Strike: 2
Effect: If your opponent has 1 or less cards in hand, this gets ATK+2 and HP+2.
Flavor Text: The Horror Corps is a terrifying group feared even by their allies. However, all the members have excellent personalities.

Card Number: 2020GB01-111 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Futuremen, Wizard
Attack: 3
HP: 2
Strike: 2
Effect: [OD] Choose up to two cards with [CNT] from your graveyard, and return them to your deck. Then, shuffle it. ([OD] is an effect that is activated when the unit is in the Drive Zone, before it comes into play)
Flavor Text: Wonderverse's magic is "conceptual magic". If you think of it, it will become reality."

Card Number: 2020GB01-112 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Futuremen, Robo
ATK: 2
HP: 5
STK: 2
Flavor Text: Recruiter "What! Isn't that a P-ZM type? Robonica's only failed product with a flaw in its language center? I can't believe it hasn't been collected!"
Pojimu "This green guy is going out the airlock."

Card Number: 2020GB01-113 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Crimenauts, Apparition
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: [TD] [OD] Your opponent discards a card from their hand.
Flavor Text: He wants to make others smile like he does. Its not his fault that his smile is scary.

Card Number: 2020GB01-115 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Warrior, Pepoverse, Beast
ATK: 3
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [OD] This gets ATK+2 until end of turn. ([OD] is an effect that is activated when the unit is in the Drive Zone, before it comes into play)
Flavor Text: "Are you a member of the Crimenauts?" The recruiter rushed towards Cosmo Lizardman, who spoke with a smile. He didn't know that the lizardfolk's smile represented anger.

Card Number: 2020GB01-116 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Apparition, Pepoverse
Attack: 4
HP: 3
Strike: 1
Flavor Text: Adriano "Women with cold hands have a warm heart."
Yuki-onna "Well. The Earth is good."
Recruiter "I have to do this. Adriano is frozen."
Pojimu "If you plunge him into the power furnace, he'll be cured."

Card Number: 2020GB01-117 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Apparition, Cloth, Pepoverse
Attack: 2
HP: 4
Strike: 1
Flavor Text: Adriano "Its like Japan's youkai ittanmomen"
Ed "That's good. He didn't have a name. Let's call it that."
Christel "I think he liked it too."

Card Number: 2020GB01-118 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Crimenauts, Pepoverse
Attack: 3
HP: 2
Strike: 1
Effect: ■ "Spirit of Love" When your other «Crimenauts» would be damaged, you may destroy this. If you do, that damage becomes 0.
Flavor Text: 2 days off a week. 6 working hours a day. Enhanced recreational services. They have more accurate personnel evaluation than anywhere else. Its a bad organization, but its good for its members.

Card Number: 2020GB01-119 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it while you are directly attacked.
■ That battle damage becomes 0.
Flavor Text: The recruiter wanted to return to the Crimenauts, but the Crimenauts and Ed are nemeses. In the midst of 100% combat, there is no chance to escape.

Card Number: 2020GB01-121 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Accident
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 enemy unit, and rest it.
Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it when an enemy unit attacks, if there is a unit in your attack zone.
■ Choose 1 ally unit, and change the target of the attack target of the enemy unit to that ally unit's line.
Flavor Text: "The design of the frame of this card opens up the folded extra space" Adriano said. "That's what I've come to feel. The card becomes a "gate"."

Card Number: 2020GB01-122 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military
Effect: Use Timing: Normal (During the main phase of your turn, play this from hand, set it and play it, or play it when you drive)
■ Choose 1 level 0 unit from your graveyard, and put it into your hand or special summon it. (Special summons do not activate [TD] or [OD])
Flavor Text: The two lost in space were rescued by the adventurer, Ed. Recruiter had no choice but to keep secret that he was a member of the Crimenauts.
White Bone Princess
Card Number: 2020GB01-123 ★★★★
2020GB01-UR17 ★★★★
Faction: Exvader
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): God
Attack: 4
HP: 4
Strike: 2
Effect: [CNT] Your opponent chooses one of their units, and destroys it.
Flavor Text (Normal): Its expression does not reflect its heart, and its form does not reflect its truth.
Flavor Text (Uber): The scariest thing is a person who looks like a person, but lacks a heart.
Card Number: 2020GB01-123 ★★★★
2020GB01-UR17 ★★★★
Faction: Exvader
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): God
Attack: 4
HP: 4
Strike: 2
Effect: [CNT] Your opponent chooses one of their units, and destroys it.
Flavor Text (Normal): Its expression does not reflect its heart, and its form does not reflect its truth.
Flavor Text (Uber): The scariest thing is a person who looks like a person, but lacks a heart.

Card Number: 2020GB01-124 ★★★
Faction: Exvader
Card Type: Event
Level: 3
Attribute(s): History
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ Choose 1 enemy unit, and destroy it.
Flavor Text: From the day this place was struck by the challenge from another world...It will never return to the way it was.

Card Number: 2020GB01-125 ★
Faction: Exvader
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Object
Attack: 4
HP: 4
Strike: 2
Effect: ■ "Where the soul ends" When this enters the field, put an enemy unit into this unit's charge. When this leaves the fieldv, your opponent gains control of that unit.
Flavor Text: What are you. Where are you going to take me?!

Card Number: 2020GB01-126 ★
Faction: Exvader
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): DWM
Attack: 2
HP: 2
Strike: 1
Effect: ■ "Collective Lifeform" If there are 3 or more Exvaders in your graveyard, this gets ATK+2 and STK+2.
Flavor Text: Neither Volnar nor the ARK have had any communication with the Exvaders. Everyone who has read their hearts has gone mad.

Card Number: 2020GB01-S ???
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Dragon, Fire
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 enemy unit in an attack zone, and destroy it.
Use Timing: Normal
■ Destroy all level 2 or lower enemy units in attack zones.
Flavor Text: Not only what you want to do, but also what you should do for the reason of the world. That's what determines how a king should act.
A-1 Apprentice
Card Number: 2020GB01-L1a ★ / 2020GB01-L1b ★
Card Type: Ruler
Life: 12
Attack: 4
Strike: 3
Effect: [Game Preparation] Nothing (0 cards in hand, 0 energy)
[Start of your turn] Drive 2 times.
[Rule] The costs of your cards are considered paid. You cannot have a hand.
Flavor Text: Please refer to the QR code for the Play and Deck Construction rules of this Ruler.
Deck Construction Rules:
Level Limit: 50
CNT Limit: 16
Legend Limit: 2
Cards from up to 2 factions can be used
Card Number: 2020GB01-L1a ★ / 2020GB01-L1b ★
Card Type: Ruler
Life: 12
Attack: 4
Strike: 3
Effect: [Game Preparation] Nothing (0 cards in hand, 0 energy)
[Start of your turn] Drive 2 times.
[Rule] The costs of your cards are considered paid. You cannot have a hand.
Flavor Text: Please refer to the QR code for the Play and Deck Construction rules of this Ruler.
Deck Construction Rules:

Card Number: 2020GB01-L2b ★
Card Type: Ruler
Life: 11
Attack: 3
Strike: 3
Effect: [Game Preparation] 2 card in hand, 3 cards in energy
[Start of your turn] Choose 2 of your energy and activate them, draw 2
[Rule] Summon Cap 2 (During your turn, you can normal summon twice per turn)
Flavor Text: Please refer to the QR code for the Play and Deck Construction rules of this Ruler.
H-8 Highlander
Card Number: 2020GB01-L1a ★ / 2020GB01-L1b ★
Card Type: Ruler
Life: 12
Attack: 4
Strike: 3
Effect: [Game Preparation] Nothing (0 cards in hand, 0 energy)
[Start of your turn] Drive 2 times.
[Rule] The costs of your cards are considered paid. You cannot have a hand.
Flavor Text: Please refer to the QR code for the Play and Deck Construction rules of this Ruler.
Deck Construction Rules:
Level Limit: 50
CNT Limit: 16
Legend Limit: 2
Cards from up to 3 factions can be used
Only 1 copy of each card can be played
Card Number: 2020GB01-L1a ★ / 2020GB01-L1b ★
Card Type: Ruler
Life: 12
Attack: 4
Strike: 3
Effect: [Game Preparation] Nothing (0 cards in hand, 0 energy)
[Start of your turn] Drive 2 times.
[Rule] The costs of your cards are considered paid. You cannot have a hand.
Flavor Text: Please refer to the QR code for the Play and Deck Construction rules of this Ruler.
Deck Construction Rules:
[GS03] - Starter Deck 3 "With the Dragon King"
Deck List
GS03-L "K-11 Knight" x1
GS03-001 "Golden Sword Dragon Findar, Dragon Lord Pentarch of Holy Blade" x1
GS03-002 "Explosive Dragon King, Detonizer" x3
GS03-003 "Velgaster of Thunderous Wings" x3"
GS03-004 "Variere of Mirror Scales" x2
GS03-005 "Mysterion of White Fog" x3
GS03-006 "Garris the Ice Breaker" x3
GS03-007 "Verklight of Raging Flame" x4
GS03-008 "Golden Scale" x1
GS03-009 "Dragostrike" x4
GS03-010 "Dragon of Id" x2
GS03-011 "Heavenly Kirin" x2
GS03-012 "Canhel" x4
GS03-013 "Space Raptor" x4
GS03-014 "Space Cave" x4
GS03-015 "Butterfly Effect" x4
GS03-016 "Space Carthage" x3
GS03-017 "Ice Flame Heritage" x3
GE-1 "Energy Card" x3
GS03-L "K-11 Knight" x1
GS03-001 "Golden Sword Dragon Findar, Dragon Lord Pentarch of Holy Blade" x1
GS03-002 "Explosive Dragon King, Detonizer" x3
GS03-003 "Velgaster of Thunderous Wings" x3"
GS03-004 "Variere of Mirror Scales" x2
GS03-005 "Mysterion of White Fog" x3
GS03-006 "Garris the Ice Breaker" x3
GS03-007 "Verklight of Raging Flame" x4
GS03-008 "Golden Scale" x1
GS03-009 "Dragostrike" x4
GS03-010 "Dragon of Id" x2
GS03-011 "Heavenly Kirin" x2
GS03-012 "Canhel" x4
GS03-013 "Space Raptor" x4
GS03-014 "Space Cave" x4
GS03-015 "Butterfly Effect" x4
GS03-016 "Space Carthage" x3
GS03-017 "Ice Flame Heritage" x3
GE-1 "Energy Card" x3

Card Number: 2021GS03-001
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Dragon, Dragon Lord, Light
ATK: 7
HP: 5
STK: 1
Effect: [Enhance] Level 2 or higher Dragon (When this would enter the field, you may choose one of your level 2 or higher Dragon units and put it into this card's Charges.)
[Double Attack] [Charge Shield]
Flavor Text: My friend, who is now far away, a time traveler next to a green dragon. I'll imitate it. I'll become friends with earthlings and become a buddy.

Card Number: 2021GS03-002
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Dragon Lord, Fire, Water
ATK: 7
HP: 7
STK: 2
Effect: [Enhance] Level 2 or higher Dragon (When this would enter the field, you may choose one of your level 2 or higher Dragon units and put it into this card's Charges.)
■ "Explosion" Immediate [Put one card from its Charges into your graveyard] Destroy the unit that is attacking this card.
Flavor Text: My little friend will be a conqueror. Your possibilities are invincible!
Name & Setting by Takeda Soichiro

Card Number: 2021GS03-003
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Wind, Dragon, Dragon Lord
ATK: 4
HP: 7
STK: 2
Effect: ■ When you normal summon a Dragon, you pay 1 less energy for its cost.
Flavor Text: A Dragon Lord is a dragon who has achieved "dragonic enlightenment", and whose body has evolved into a super lifeform.

Card Number: 2021GS03-004
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Dragon
ATK: 4
HP: 4
STK: 2
Effect: ■ Effect damage dealt to this becomes 0.g
Flavor Text: In a world where magic exists, there exist creatures that can counter magic.

Card Number: 2021GS03-005
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Dragon, Darkness
ATK: 6
HP: 1
STK: 2
Effect: ■ "Valagora" When special summoned, choose 1 level 1 or lower enemy unit, and destroy it. If you do, recover 1 life.
Flavor Text: Undead dragons are not Dragon Lords. Although its still a terrifying supernatural being.

Card Number: 2021GS03-006
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Dragon, Beast, Water
ATK: 6
HP: 1
STK: 2
Effect: [CNT] Send this to the graveyard.
■ "Frozen Hell" When enters the field, choose 1 of your opponent’s set cards or field cards and destroy it.
Flavor Text: Gate Ruler, show us your pride. We will not move by anyone's mundane words, but by your words alone.

Card Number: 2021GS03-007
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Dragon, Fire
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 2
Effect: ■ "Fire Dragon Whirlwind" When this is special summoned, choose 1 or more enemy units and distribute 3 damage among them.
Flavor Text: Humans who command dragons, stop laughing! Be careful not to be trampled! Now, what should I burn?

Card Number: 2021GS03-008
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Combat Technique
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it at any time, if you have a level 3 or higher Dragon on your field.
■ Choose 1 level 3 or lower enemy unit. It loses all abilities, and is destroyed.
■ While this event is on the Gate, neither player can play cards nor activate abilities.
Flavor Text: The sword saint transforms into a golden sword. No, he himself is the invincible holy sword.

Card Number: 2021GS03-009
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Combat Technique
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Immediate
■ Choose 1 level 2 or lower enemy unit, and if you have a level 2 or greater Dragon on the field, destroy it.
Flavor Text: There is no such thing as tampering with a dragon's attack.

Card Number: 2021GS03-010
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Dragon, Beast
ATK: 4
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 non-Legend Dragon or Beast unit from your graveyard, and add it to your hand. If you do, deal 1 damage to yourself.
■ "Dragomagra" Your opponent cannot activate [CNT] from this unit's damage.
Flavor Text: The one who slays a dragon, has a dragon in their heart.

Card Number: 2021GS03-011
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Dragon, Beast, Pepoverse
ATK: 3
HP: 1
STK: 2
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 of your energy, and activate it.
■ [TD] You may look at the top 3 cards of your deck, choose 1 Dragon from among them, reveal it, add it to your hand, and put the remaining cards on the bottom of your deck.
Flavor Text: Hello, Gate Ruler. The Dragon deck is cool, but its difficult to master. I'll help you out, if you'd like.

Card Number: 2021GS03-012
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Milky Way Heritage
ATK: 2
HP: 4
STK: 0
Effect: ■ When you normal summon a Dragon, you pay 1 less energy for its cost.
Flavor Text: In Wonderverse's mythology, there is a beautiful story that an angel in the shape of a dragon flies in all directions, and defined the world's width...what's up and down?

Card Number: 2021GS03-013
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Beast, Pepoverse
ATK: 3
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: ■ "Kupazun Drahan" Normal: [Remove this card from the game] Special summon 1 level 2 or lower Dragon from your hand.
Flavor Text: Dragons are very popular in Wonderverse. Some races believe that if you worship a dragon as a god and lead a good life, you can reincarnate as a dragon.

Card Number: 2021GS03-014
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Famous Location
Effect: [CNT] Choose your opponent’s Ruler or an enemy unit, and rest it.
Use Timing: Set this, and use it when you are damaged.
■ Reduce that damage by 2.
Flavor Text: The dimensional rift known as the Space Cave, has been used for a long time as either an iron-walled fortress or a convenient garbage dump. That it, until it was discovered to be connected to Volnar.

Card Number: 2021GS03-015
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Paranormal
Effect: Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose 1 Dragon on your field, and send it to the bottom of the deck. Then, choose 1 non-Legend Dragon of the same Level from your deck, and special summon it.
Flavor Text: Phenomenon that can bring about change in another world. Quantum could call it fate.

Card Number: 2021GS03-016
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Famous Location
Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time.)
■ Choose 1 of your level 3 or higher units, and send it to the graveyard. If you do, recover 1 life.
Flavor Text: A planet close to the Space Cave that was developed into a trading post with Volnar. Its first job was to dispose of the trash that had been unknowingly dumped into Volnar, but it ended up being used as material.

Card Number: 2021GS03-017
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Object, Gem
Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it when your unit is chosen by an opponent's event or ability, if you have a Fire or Water on your field.
■ Negate that event or ability.
Flavor Text: The Space Cave produces a unique ore that combines elements of Volnar and Wonderverse.

Card Number: GS03-L ★
Card Type: Ruler
Life: 11
Attack: 3
Strike: 3
Effect: [Game Preparation] 2 card in hand, 3 cards in energy
[Start of your turn] Choose 2 of your energy and activate them, draw 2
[Rule] Summon Cap 2 (During your turn, you can normal summon twice per turn)
Flavor Text: Please refer to the QR code for the Play and Deck Construction rules of this Ruler.
[GS04] - Starter Deck 4 "New York Zombie Apocalypse"
Deck List
GS03-L "K-11 Knight" x1
GS04-L "A-1 Apprentice" x1
GS04-001 "G&G Combat Helicopter, Luft Tigger" x2
GS04-002 "Zombie Rider" x2
GS04-003 "Zombie Caesar" x2
GS04-004 "Dimensional Rift Interception Corps, Captain Craig" x2
GS04-005 "Zombief" x2
GS04-006 "Zombie Soldier" x4
GS04-007 "Young Security Officer" x2
GS04-008 "Heavily-armed Soldier" x2
GS04-009 "Overeating Zombie" x2
GS04-010 "Dynamite Zombie" x2
GS04-011 "Cheerleader Zombie" x2
GS04-012 "Mutirred Goblin" x2
GS04-013 "Zombie Researcher" x2
GS04-014 "Zombipocalypse" x2
GS04-015 "Newtech Laboratory" x2
GS04-016 "War Merit Investigation" x2
GS04-017 "Zombarrier" x2
GS04-018 "Medal of Honor" x2
GS04-019 "Silver Star" x2
GS04-020 "Zombie Cannon" x2
GS04-021 "Kamaitachi Joe in New York" x2
GS04-022 "Yomajin Front New York Support Unit" x2
GS04-023 "Mechanized Infantry Battalion "Byakuya"" x2
GS04-024 "Yomajin Front Engineer Unit "Inagi"" x2
GS03-L "K-11 Knight" x1
GS04-L "A-1 Apprentice" x1
GS04-001 "G&G Combat Helicopter, Luft Tigger" x2
GS04-002 "Zombie Rider" x2
GS04-003 "Zombie Caesar" x2
GS04-004 "Dimensional Rift Interception Corps, Captain Craig" x2
GS04-005 "Zombief" x2
GS04-006 "Zombie Soldier" x4
GS04-007 "Young Security Officer" x2
GS04-008 "Heavily-armed Soldier" x2
GS04-009 "Overeating Zombie" x2
GS04-010 "Dynamite Zombie" x2
GS04-011 "Cheerleader Zombie" x2
GS04-012 "Mutirred Goblin" x2
GS04-013 "Zombie Researcher" x2
GS04-014 "Zombipocalypse" x2
GS04-015 "Newtech Laboratory" x2
GS04-016 "War Merit Investigation" x2
GS04-017 "Zombarrier" x2
GS04-018 "Medal of Honor" x2
GS04-019 "Silver Star" x2
GS04-020 "Zombie Cannon" x2
GS04-021 "Kamaitachi Joe in New York" x2
GS04-022 "Yomajin Front New York Support Unit" x2
GS04-023 "Mechanized Infantry Battalion "Byakuya"" x2
GS04-024 "Yomajin Front Engineer Unit "Inagi"" x2

Card Number: 2021GS04-001
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Military
ATK: 4
HP: 4
STK: 2
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 3 damage to it.
Flavor Text: The source of the zombie apocalypse is the Newtech HQ building. All personnel, search the main building!

Card Number: 2021GS04-002
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Zombie, Hero, Military
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 2
Effect: [Breakthrough]
■ This card gets ATK+1 and HP+1 for each Military or Zombie attribute among other units on the field. (Units that are both Zombie and Military count twice.)
Flavor Text: I saw the blood turn green, and I knew everything. Don't be fooled by justice or evil anymore! Its clear, the world is awesome!

Card Number: 2021GS04-003
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Zombie
ATK: 7
HP: 2
STK: 2
Effect: [Enhance] Zombie (When this would enter the field, you may choose one of your Zombie units and put it into this card's Charges.)
■ "Caesar Knuckle [Turn(1)]" Normal: [Put one of the Charges from your cards to the bottom of the deck] This card gets STK+1 until the end of turn.
■ This cannot be put to the defensive zone.
[Charge Shield]
Flavor Text: Its a boss character. Would you like to try clearing this with a knife?

Card Number: 2021GS04-004
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Military
ATK: 4
HP: 2
STK: 2
Effect: [TD] "Clear Strategy" If you have another Military on your field, draw 1 card, put 1 card from your hand on the top of your deck.
Flavor Text: As you know, dimensional faults have begun to occur in New York, like in Tokyo. We have no choice but to deal with it. We don't have any Youkai friends, so we have to search for it ourselves.

Card Number: 2021GS04-005
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Apparition, Zombie
ATK: 4
HP: 4
STK: 2
Flavor Text: Did the Newtech employees also do cosplay events?

Card Number: 2021GS04-006
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Apparition, Zombie, Military
ATK: 5
HP: 2
STK: 2
Flavor Text: Fortunately, the zombie virus isn't airborne, but that wasn't much help to the soldiers overwhelmed by dense hordes of zombies.

Card Number: 2021GS04-007
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Military
ATK: 1
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: [TD] Look at the top card of your deck, if its a Military card, you may reveal it to the opponent and add it to your hand.
Flavor Text: I came to work after a date. But she came to see me! ...I have a bad complexion.

Card Number: 2021GS04-008
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Military
ATK: 3
HP: 5
STK: 2
Flavor Text: "Its not just a bunch of New Yorkers walking around pissed off because they're tired of staying home. Its a real zombie apocalypse. Good luck, boys. Get those headshots you're used to from FPS games." Captain Craig

Card Number: 2021GS04-009
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Zombie
ATK: 3
HP: 4
STK: 2
Effect: [TD] [OD] Put up to 1 Zombie from your graveyard into this card's charges.
Flavor Text: Hey, someone tell me to do it.

Card Number: 2021GS04-010
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Zombie
ATK: 2
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 2 damage to it.
■ "Blowing Up" When this card is sent from the field to the graveyard, choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 2 damage to it.
Flavor Text: If you think about it, he's still doing his job.

Card Number: 2021GS04-011
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Zombie
ATK: 3
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: ■ All your other Zombie get ATK+1 and HP+1.
Flavor Text: "It seems that as time goes by, it looks more like a human being." "Is it the same as your Kami?"

Card Number: 2021GS04-012
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): OWL, Apparition, Zombie
ATK: 2
HP: 2
STK: 2
Flavor Text: "Isn't that the goblin unit from OWL that plunged into the dimensional fault?" Craig said, pointing to a mutated former comrade. "Evidently, the salary on the other side is better.

Card Number: 2021GS04-013
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Science, Zombie
ATK: 2
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: ■ "Biohazard" All units on the field get Zombie attribute.
Flavor Text: "The white collar workers caused it! I knew it!" Captain Craig

Card Number: 2021GS04-014
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Accident, Technology
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose up to two Zombie units from your graveyard with a total Level of 2 or less, and special summon them to the attacking zone.
Flavor Text: 3 years ago, a dimensional fault in the suburbs of New York unleashed a terrifying zombie virus. Although it was sealed by a group of devoted soldiers and Captain Liberty, the zombie virus has been unleashed again by a dimensional fault in a Newtech facility...!

Card Number: 2021GS04-015
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Zombie, Technology
Effect: Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose up to 2 Zombie units from your graveyard with a total level of 1 or less, and special summon them.
Flavor Text: Newtech, who had succeeded in cultivating the zombie virus that leaked from the dimensional fault, secretly planned to use the virus for military purposes, and as you'd expect, they caused this disaster.

Card Number: 2021GS04-016
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Military
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose 1 Medal event in your damage zone from your damage zone, and set it.
Flavor Text: "The more war merit investigation I do, the more proud I am of you, because there aren't records of many of your acts in battle. On the other hand, your negative traits aren't in the records either. I remember all of them."

Card Number: 2021GS04-017
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Technology
Effect: [CNT] Play this
Use Timing: Immediate
■ Choose 1 level 0 Zombie from your graveyard, and special summon it to a defensive zone.
Flavor Text: Newtech's military technology using zombies was amazing. Thus, when it went out of control, the damage was enormous.

Card Number: 2021GS04-018
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Military, Medal
Effect: [CNT] Set this.
Use Timing: Set this, and you may play this when your Military unit deals damage to your opponent.
■ Choose 1 level 1 or lower Military unit in your damage zone, and special summon it. Then, put this in your damage zone.
Flavor Text: Medal of Honor. It is given to military personnel who have shown bravery in battle above and beyond their duty, or to those who have shown self-sacrifice.

Card Number: 2021GS04-019
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military, Medal
Effect: [CNT] Set this.
Use Timing: Set this, and you may play this if you destroyed 2 or more enemy units during your turn.
■ Choose 1 level 2 or lower Military card in your damage zone, and add it to your hand. Then, put this in your damage zone.
Flavor Text: Silver Star emblem. Awarded to soldiers who have shown courage in engaging with hostile armed forces.

Card Number: 2021GS04-020
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Zombie, Military
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Immediate
■ Choose one of the following effects.
・Send 1 of your Zombie to the graveyard. If you do, deal 1 damage to the opponent.
・Choose 1 enemy unit, and send 1 of your Zombie to the graveyard. If you do, deal 4 damage to that card.
Flavor Text: Its clear. Those Newtech guys had rotten brains even before becoming zombies.

Card Number: 2021GS04-021
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Apparition, Military
ATK: 5
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: [OD] "Uchioroshi" Choose 1 enemy unit in a defensive zone, and destroy it.
Flavor Text: I'm glad I didn't bring my brothers. I'm no good with horror.

Card Number: 2021GS04-022
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Military
ATK: 4
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: ■ Your other Military get ATK+1.
Flavor Text: The Yomajin Front Support Unit, which landed in the Upper New York Bay, led by elite troops who excel in martial arts, established a beachhead.

Card Number: 2021GS04-023
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military
ATK: 2
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: [Defender] (At the end of your attack phase, you may move it from the offensive zone to the defensive zone.)
Flavor Text: I was waiting for an opportunity like this. We'll pay back the debt we owe for Operation Tomadochi.

Card Number: 2021GS04-024
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military
ATK: 2
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: ■ All your Military get HP+1.
Flavor Text: Even though its a zombie, newly turned zombies just look like a sick person. Most of the Yomajin Front soldiers are not used to shooting other humans...

Card Number: 2020GS04-L ★
Card Type: Ruler
Life: 12
Attack: 4
Strike: 3
Effect: [Game Preparation] Nothing (0 cards in hand, 0 energy)
[Start of your turn] Drive 2 times.
[Rule] The costs of your cards are considered paid. You cannot have a hand.
Flavor Text: Please refer to the QR code for the Play and Deck Construction rules of this Ruler.
Deck Construction Rules:

Card Number: GS04-L ★
Card Type: Ruler
Life: 11
Attack: 3
Strike: 3
Effect: [Game Preparation] 2 card in hand, 3 cards in energy
[Start of your turn] Choose 2 of your energy and activate them, draw 2
[Rule] Summon Cap 2 (During your turn, you can normal summon twice per turn)
Flavor Text: Please refer to the QR code for the Play and Deck Construction rules of this Ruler.
Deck Construction Rules:
[GB02] - Booster Pack 2 "Evil God Invasion"

Card Number: 2021GB02-001 ★★★★L
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Dragon, Fire
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 level 2 or lower card on your opponent’s field, and destroy it.
Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose 1 card on your opponent’s field, and destroy it. Choose 1 another card on your opponent’s field, and, if you have a level 2 or higher Dragon on your field, destroy it.
Flavor Text: Once upon the time, when the ruler of the earth and sky was a dragon...
Its said that the world was once destroyed by war, and most of dragonkind perished.
What kind of battle was it, and who did they fight against? The details have long since been lost to the passage of time.
Final End, Last Dragon the Finale
Card Number: 2021GS02-002 ★★★★ / 2021GS02-UR01 ★★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Dragon Lord, Traitor, Darkness
ATK: 6
HP: 5
STK: 2
Effect: [CNT] Discard 1 Darkness card from your hand. If you do, draw 1 card.
[Abyssal Concerto] Condition: Put 5 Darkness cards from your graveyard to the bottom of your deck.
■ When this is [Abyssal Summoning], it gets STK+1 until end of turn.
■ "Life Absorbtion [Turn(1)] Normal: [Discard 1 Dragon or Traitor from your hand] Choose 1 enemy unit, and destroy it.
Flavor Text (Normal): When it appears on the battlefield, there are no allies or enemies.
Name & Setting by O Five
Flavor Text (Uber): He is the one who collects lives.
Name & Setting by O Five
Card Number: 2021GS02-002 ★★★★ / 2021GS02-UR01 ★★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Dragon Lord, Traitor, Darkness
ATK: 6
HP: 5
STK: 2
Effect: [CNT] Discard 1 Darkness card from your hand. If you do, draw 1 card.
[Abyssal Concerto] Condition: Put 5 Darkness cards from your graveyard to the bottom of your deck.
■ When this is [Abyssal Summoning], it gets STK+1 until end of turn.
■ "Life Absorbtion [Turn(1)] Normal: [Discard 1 Dragon or Traitor from your hand] Choose 1 enemy unit, and destroy it.
Flavor Text (Normal): When it appears on the battlefield, there are no allies or enemies.
Name & Setting by O Five
Flavor Text (Uber): He is the one who collects lives.
Name & Setting by O Five
Roaring Demon Lord, Stridem
Card Number: 2021GB02-003 ★★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Earth, Beast, Demon Lord
ATK: 6
HP: 7
STK: 3
Effect: [Enhance] Beast (When this would enter the field, you may choose one of your Beast units and put it into this card's Charges.)
■ "Mind Distortment" Immediate [Put one card from its Charges into your graveyard] Choose one of your opponent's cards or abilities played by [CNT] and make it [put this to the graveyard].
Flavor Text: Wisdom. Ingenuinity. I live only by what I see. The battlefield is the same. That is what it means to live.
Card Number: 2021GB02-003 ★★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Earth, Beast, Demon Lord
ATK: 6
HP: 7
STK: 3
Effect: [Enhance] Beast (When this would enter the field, you may choose one of your Beast units and put it into this card's Charges.)
■ "Mind Distortment" Immediate [Put one card from its Charges into your graveyard] Choose one of your opponent's cards or abilities played by [CNT] and make it [put this to the graveyard].
Flavor Text: Wisdom. Ingenuinity. I live only by what I see. The battlefield is the same. That is what it means to live.

Card Number: 2021GB02-004 ★★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Warrior, Dragon
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 2
Effect: ■ "Protection of Golden Scales" This cannot be chosen by your opponent's events and card abilities.
■ "Infinite Combat Technique [Energy Ability]" When this attacks, choose up to 1 Combat Technique event from your graveyard and play it by paying Energy. Then, put that event on the bottom of the deck instead of the graveyard. (You don't pay any energy for level 0 events.)
Flavor Text: The war god's blessings are bestowed upon those with a worthy soul.

Card Number: 2021GB02-005 ★★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Dungeon, Demon Lord
ATK: 0
HP: 1
STK: 0
Effect: ■ "Withdraw to the Dungeon" While this card in an attacking zone, it cannot be attacked or chosen by units' abilities.
■ "Idea Desire [1/turn]" Normal [Rest this card] Choose one of your Energy and activate it.
■ Your Summon Cap becomes 3.
Flavor Text: Merill "I'd be happy to help. Of course, I won't say anything about your military secrets either."
He'd already lost count of how many times he'd broken military regulations. Yamada had already given up on advancing his career.

Card Number: 2021GB02-006 ★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Traitor, Wizard, Darkness
ATK: 3
HP: 5
STK: 2
Effect: ■ Normal [Discard 1 Wizard with [Abyssal Summoning] from your hand] Perform [Abyssal Summoning]. ([Abyssal Summoning] means to choose 1 unit from your graveyard with [Abyssal Concerto], and you may Special Summon it by fulfilling its conditions.)
Flavor Text: Come on, everyone. You can take as many lives as you want.

Card Number: 2021GB02-007 ★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Wizard
ATK: 1
HP: 4
STK: 0
Effect: [CNT] Put this into the graveyard.
[Genesis Summoning] Normal: Use this & 1 or more Wizard or Warrior units as material and put them to the bottom of your deck. If you do, special summon 1 Dragon or Warrior unit from your deck whose Level is equal or lower than the total Level of the materials, draw 1 card, and for this turn your Summon Cap becomes 3.
■ Level 0 Warrior on your field can be treated as level 1.
Flavor Text: Oh big sister Shiori, where did you disappear to?

Card Number: 2021GB02-008 ★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Warrior, Dungeon
ATK: 4
HP: 2
STK: 2
Effect: [TD] "Memory Transfer [Energy Ability]" Choose up to 1 Combat Technique event from your graveyard and play it by paying Energy. Then, put that event on the bottom of the deck instead of the graveyard. (You don't pay Energy for level 0 events.)
([Energy Ability] can only be played if you have Energy.)
Flavor Text: A mid-level commander of Meryl's dungeon, a hybrid demon with the blood of various combat races. She is a secret counselor of the dungeon. She is actually 16 years old.
Named by Mayunoma Nuritate

Card Number: 2021GB02-009 ★★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Normal
■ Perform [Abyssal Summoning]. ([Abyssal Summoning] means to choose 1 unit from your graveyard with [Abyssal Concerto], and you may special summon it by fulfilling its conditions.)
Flavor Text: If you lay down on the ground, you will die and your soul will be saved. It seems these earthlings have chosen that path, and have become Master Rex's lowly posessions!

Card Number: 2021GB02-010 ★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Earth, Beast
ATK: 3
HP: 5
STK: 3
Effect: ■ "King's Word" Choose 1 of your opponent's energy cards, and rest it.
■ When this is [Genesis Summoning], choose 1 enemy unit in a defensive zone, and destroy it.
Flavor Text: The southern region of Huescalot is known as the Beast King Area, a wild world dominated by beasts with power that surpasses human intelligence.

Card Number: 2021GB02-011 ★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Earth, Beast, Darkness
ATK: 4
HP: 4
STK: 2
Effect: [CNT] Use this card’s "Motion Sensor" ability.
[OD] "Motion Sensor" Choose 1 enemy unit with [Defender], and destroy it.
Flavor Text: Don't move. Don't even breathe. This is your end.

Card Number: 2021GB02-012 ★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Earth, Wizard
ATK: 3
HP: 4
STK: 1
Effect: [Genesis Summoning] Normal: Use this & 1 or more ally Beast units as material and put them to the bottom of your deck. If you do, special summon 1 Beast or Warrior unit from your deck whose Level is equal or lower than the total Level of the materials.
Flavor Text: Genesis Summoning is a magic technique where the summoner's body embodies the image of the target, and when the magic ends, the body returns to its original state. In general, the embodied image is more powerful than the original body.

Card Number: 2021GB02-013 ★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 4
Attribute(s): Forbidden Spell
Effect: [CNT] Rest your opponent's ruler and all enemy units.
Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it at the end of your opponent's turn.
■ [Energy Ability] Select 1 or more enemy units, and distribute 8 damage among them. Then, deal 2 damage to your opponent. ([Energy Ability] can only be used if you have energy)
Flavor Text: Advice! If your ruler is Wizard, and you leave all of your energy activated, you will be able to pay 4 energy on your opponent's turn.

Card Number: 2021GB02-014 ★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Technology
Effect: Use Timing: Immediate
■ Reveal 1 card from your hand to your opponent, and send it to the bottom of your deck. If you do, draw 2 cards.
Flavor Text: "In short, Earth and Volnar's laws of physics work on a completely different OS from each other." Contrary to his appearance, Merrill's tone was that of a complete nerd. "You'll be able to operate the experimental weapon, but only in the right conditions."
Geldes Grahm (Everything is futile before the power of darkness)
Card Number: 2021GB02-015 ★★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Magic, Darkness
Effect: Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal damage to it equal to the number of Darkness cards in your graveyard.
Flavor Text: Guns & Gold's development of "Vastorus Rex's dress" was a difficult task. The power to shift the time axis of anything he touched and cause it to decay into dust had become a wall. The breakthrough that finally crossed that wall was applying CEO Midas's abilities as a Gate Ruler to create gates to act as dimensional barriers.

Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Magic, Darkness
Effect: Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal damage to it equal to the number of Darkness cards in your graveyard.
Flavor Text: Guns & Gold's development of "Vastorus Rex's dress" was a difficult task. The power to shift the time axis of anything he touched and cause it to decay into dust had become a wall. The breakthrough that finally crossed that wall was applying CEO Midas's abilities as a Gate Ruler to create gates to act as dimensional barriers.

Card Number: 2021GB02-016 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Dragon, Dragon Lord, Darkness
ATK: 5
HP: 3
STK: 2
Effect: [TD] You may choose 1 "Viola Fluvdus" and 1 level 0 Darkness unit from your deck, and send them to your graveyard.
■ [Abyssal Summoning] Normal: Send this card to the graveyard. If you do, choose 1 unit from your graveyard with [Abyssal Concerto], and you may special summon it by fulfilling its conditions.
Flavor Text: The forces of the Rough Dust King have learned enough about the combat strength of Earth through the Volnar dispatch unit. With that, they've outlived their usefulness.

Card Number: 2021GB02-017 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Dragon, Fire
ATK: 5
HP: 5
STK: 2
Effect: [TD] “Heating-up” This gets ATK+2, and HP+2 until the end of this turn.
Flavor Text: Yamada: "Fire dragons are constantly burning, but wouldn't that kill them?"
Shiori: "Its closer to a spirit than a living being. The body is not a pure substance, but a compound of magical power."
Yamada: "...Would I get some magical power if I ate it?" He still hadn't given up on getting magic.

Card Number: 2021GS02-018 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Warrior, Earth, Wizard
ATK: 4
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: ■ "Judgement of the Underworld" When this is destroyed, look at your opponent's hand. Choose 1 card from among them and discard it.
Flavor Text: No. I have nothing to do with the god of the afterlife. No, I don't give autographs!

Card Number: 2021GB02-019 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Warrior, Traitor, Darkness
Attack: 2
HP: 2
Strike: 2
Effect: [Breakthrough]
■ This gets ATK+1 for each "Black Knight" in your graveyard.
Flavor Text: The grudge of the decayed warriors dwells.

Card Number: 2021GB02-020 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Warrior, Traitor, Darkness
ATK: 3
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: ■ When used as a material for [Abyssal Summoning], it can be treated as any level from 0 to 2.
Flavor Text: This never ending battle is what I want. Do not pity me. The realm of Shura is a fine place to live.

Card Number: 2021GB02-021 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Earth, Beast
ATK: 0
HP: 3
STK: 0
Effect: [CNT] Special summon this, and send this to the graveyard at the end of this turn.
[Familiar] (Normal: This unit gets any attribute until end of turn.)
■ Normal: This card becomes a level 1 until end of turn.
Flavor Text: "On the day OWL was founded, some domestic cats stood up on two legs, and said "We're actually Cait Sith"...I'm sure cat lovers had mixed feelings about it." Yamada had a complicated expression on his face.

Card Number: 2021GB02-022 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Warrior, Earth, Beast
ATK: 5
HP: 1
STK: 1
Flavor Text: Humans are not the only civilized race in Volnar, so the earthlings were easily accepted. However, are they weak, or are they worth fighting for, that's the thing that will be coldly determined.

Card Number: 2021GB02-023 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Warrior, Military
ATK: 3
HP: 5
STK: 0
Flavor Text: "The demon dragon's goal is to determine the strength of earthlings by attacking the squad again and again until they die..."
Unable to escape, unable to negotiate. As captain, Yamada made a decision.
"Let's show them ourselves. The power of Super Earthlings."

Card Number: 2021GB02-024 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Magic, Darkness
Effect: Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose 1 level 1 or lower enemy unit, and destroy it. If you do, recover 1 life.
Flavor Text: With his body untouchable due to the "10 Billion Year Wall", the Rough Dust King's offensive capabilities are limited. The weapons of Earth could become the key to his supremacy...Midas and the Dust King are in agreement on that.

Card Number: 2021GB02-025 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Combat Technique
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Immediate
■ Choose 1 level 1 or lower enemy unit and, if you have a Warrior on your field, destroy it.
Flavor Text: In the art of swordsmanship, there is no such thing as a mysterious victory or a mysterious defeat.

Card Number: 2021GB02-026 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Normal
■ If you have 3 or more Earth cards in your graveyard and you have an Earth unit on your field, recover 1 life.
Flavor Text: Merill: "Its a recovery medicine ordered from the south. Its like a SENZU."
Shiori: "Could you stop using manga analogies every time? Its hard to understand."
After hearing that conversation, Yamada became convinced. "I see, its like a sibling rivalry."

Card Number: 2021GB02-027 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Combat Technique
Effect: Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose one of the following effects.
・Choose 1 of your opponent's set cards or field cards, and destroy it.
・Your Ruler gets ATK+3 until the end of turn.
Flavor Text: "He's not someone I want to owe a debt to," Shiori said, with a hesitant look. "But there must be a dungeon belonging to Demon Lord Merill around here. Let's ask for help."

Card Number: 2021GB02-028 ★
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Combat Technique
Effect: Use Timing: Immediate
■ Perform one of the following.
・Choose 1 of your Warrior or Wizard units and it gets ATK or HP +3 until the end of this turn.
・Your Ruler gets ATK +3 until the end of this turn.
・Your Ruler gets [Breakthrough] and STK -2 until the end of this turn.
Flavor Text: Advice! Only the Ruler can safely attack a unit without getting hit by [Retaliate]. If you buff your Ruler and attack with it, you don't have to fear high level enemy units!

Card Number: 2021GB02-029 ★★★★L
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Dragon, Beast
ATK: 7
HP: 5
STK: 3
Effect: ■ During the attack of this, your opponent cannot play set cards.
Flavor Text: The Beast of the End attacked the advance base, Cyprus, which had been preparing to retake the sacred land. The monster that defeated the newest weapons developed by ATLAS like it was a toy is certainly the Beast of the End.

Card Number: 2021GB02-030 ★★★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Dragon, Military, Wild Force
ATK: 3
HP: 5
STK: 2
Effect: [TD] "Iron Rain" Choose 1 or more enemy units, and distribute 4 damage among them.
■ When you would play this from hand, you may send 2 Wild Force cards from your graveyard to the bottom of your deck to play this as a 2 cost.
Flavor Text: Wild Force's Sky Corps, which is composed of sculpted beasts. They have the nickname of "Hell Diver", the special attack unit from hell.
Alice of the Decisive War World
Card Number: 2021GB02-031 ★★★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Alice, Awakened Being
ATK: 4
HP: 4
STK: 2
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 A7 unit from your graveyard, and add it to your hand.
■ You may normal summon A7 units from your hand at Immediate timing during your opponent's turn. (You don't use up summon cap, but you do pay their costs.)
■ At the end of your opponent's turn, choose any number of A7 units on your field, and return them to the hand.
■ This cannot be put in a defensive zone.
Flavor Text: "I feel it...this will be the stage where we settle things with them!" Alice said, determined, and convened with her destined companions.
Card Number: 2021GB02-031 ★★★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Alice, Awakened Being
ATK: 4
HP: 4
STK: 2
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 A7 unit from your graveyard, and add it to your hand.
■ You may normal summon A7 units from your hand at Immediate timing during your opponent's turn. (You don't use up summon cap, but you do pay their costs.)
■ At the end of your opponent's turn, choose any number of A7 units on your field, and return them to the hand.
■ This cannot be put in a defensive zone.
Flavor Text: "I feel it...this will be the stage where we settle things with them!" Alice said, determined, and convened with her destined companions.

Card Number: 2021GB02-032 ★★★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): OWL, Beast, Wizard
ATK: 5
HP: 2
STK: 2
Effect: ■ "Dust Barrier" Immediate: [Pay 1 energy] If this card is in an attacking zone, the next damage it would be dealt becomes 0.
Flavor Text: "They haven't been resurrected. Our world and the divine world have been fused somehow." - Paraphysicist, Siren Prophecy
ATLAS Air Force, Major Velma
Card Number: 2021GS02-033 ★★★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Military
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: ■ "Oppositional Operation" During your opponent's main phase, when your opponent uses [TD] or [OD], you may normal summon this card from your hand without spending Summon Cap. If you do, negate that ability. (You still pay this card's cost.)
Flavor Text (Normal): Its been several years since the Exvaders took the Middle East. Together with Gate Rulers capable of breaking down the dimensional barrier, ATLAS troops prepare for a capture operation. Operation Richard will soon be executed.
Flavor Text (Uber): I became a soldier because I wanted to test my wisdom. I'll end the war with this enemy I didn't come here for right away!
Card Number: 2021GS02-033 ★★★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Military
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: ■ "Oppositional Operation" During your opponent's main phase, when your opponent uses [TD] or [OD], you may normal summon this card from your hand without spending Summon Cap. If you do, negate that ability. (You still pay this card's cost.)
Flavor Text (Normal): Its been several years since the Exvaders took the Middle East. Together with Gate Rulers capable of breaking down the dimensional barrier, ATLAS troops prepare for a capture operation. Operation Richard will soon be executed.
Flavor Text (Uber): I became a soldier because I wanted to test my wisdom. I'll end the war with this enemy I didn't come here for right away!

Card Number: 2021GS02-034 ★★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): A7, Dragon, Beast
ATK: 6
HP: 5
STK: 3
Effect: ■ At the end of your turn, if you do not have another A7 or Alice on your field, destroy this card.
■ This cannot be put in a defensive zone.
Flavor Text: He was the strongest and last remaining warrior of his lost world. Having lost his body, he now lives in the spiritual world of Alice and her friends, and is able to manifest as a ghost with physical power.

Card Number: 2021GB02-035 ★★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Awakened Being, Military
ATK: 2
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [TD] You may choose 1 level 1 or lower Military from your hand, and special summon it.
[OD] Choose 1 of your Military. It gets "[1/turn] When this unit attacks and destroys an enemy unit, activate this card" until end of turn.
Flavor Text: Songs are magic. She made it into reality.

Card Number: 2021GB02-036 ★★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Field
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: [CNT] Put this card into the field zone.
■ "Oath of the Wizard" If you are Wizard, your Summon Cap becomes 3.
■ "Oath of the Hero" If you are Berserker, when your ruler attacks an enemy unit in a defensive zone, it gets [Breakthrough] and STK-2 until end of turn.
■ Immediate: [Put this into the graveyard] Reduce the next damage dealt to you by 1.
Flavor Text: Johan: "I will create revival magic."
Jake: "I will be a hero who can understand the hearts of weak people."
It became a vow to support the two young boys. But from now on, it will become a curse.

Card Number: 2021GB02-037 ★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Technology
Effect: Use Timing: Normal
■ Discard 1 card from your hand, and draw 1 card. Use the discarded card's [CNT].
Flavor Text: "I wanted to lay down some more groundwork before going public." Midas said, while adjusting the control equipment of the Abyss Gate. "But it looks like my business partner's entry into soceity is going to be a bit more spectacular than planned."

Card Number: 2021GB02-038 ★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Military, Robo
ATK: 4
HP: 5
STK: 2
Effect: ■ "Bolt Gun" When this attacks, choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 3 damage to it.
■ "Electromagnetic Armor" When effect damage is dealt to this, the damage is reduced by 2.
Flavor Text: Victor, who is called a "fighting work of art", appears like this under the US Military's specifications.

Card Number: 2021GB02-039 ★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Beast, Military, Wild Force
ATK: 4
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: [TD] "Ammunition Supply" Choose 1 level 1 or lower Firepower event card from your graveyard, and add it to your hand.
Flavor Text: He runs around the battlefield as an ammunition supplier, and fills that role perfectly. However, he has the fatal flaw of being unable to remember how much ammo is left.

Card Number: 2021GB02-040 ★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): OWL, Military, Darkness
ATK: 4
HP: 4
STK: 1
Effect: ■ "Immortal King" During the turn this was special summoned from the graveyard it gets [Defender].
■ "Quiet Coffin" This can be treated as a level 0 while in the graveyard.
Flavor Text: "A new kind of Ruler will appear," His gaze was timeless. "It has a hand, but doesn't pay costs...Its the story of the 3rd booster pack."

Card Number: 2021GB02-041 ★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Warrior, Wizard
ATK: 3
HP: 2
STK: 2
Effect: [TD] Put the top 2 cards of your deck into the charges of this.
■ This cannot get [Charge Shield].
Flavor Text: Positional energy, the source of all possibilities. He had an extraordinary amount of it. However, because no one among humankind knew how to use this power...

Card Number: 2021GB02-042 ★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Military, Wild Force
Effect: [CNT] You may choose 1 Wild Force from your hand and special summon it to an attacking zone. ([TD] does not activate.)
Use Timing: Normal
■ Look at top 4 cards of your deck, choose 1 Wild Force card among them and special summon it. Put the remaining cards to the bottom of the deck. If that unit has [TD], use it.
Flavor Text: Unbeknownst to most, the Exvaders "replacement" attack in the jungle was already under way. Without the Wild Force defeating every attacker who appeared there, the Exvaders would have breached the human sphere.

Card Number: 2021GB02-043 ★★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Tactics
Effect: [CNT] Set this.
Use Timing: Immediate
■ During this turn, all damage dealt to enemy units is doubled.
Flavor Text: When fighting against the terrifying Beast of the End, no one was a human being. Because all the chiefs knew that this was the holy war depicted in legends of the apocalypse and that they were becoming a part of the myth.

Card Number: 2021GB02-044 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Awakened Being, Military
Attack: 4
HP: 4
Strike: 2
Effect: [TD] "One-Man Army" Select 1 enemy unit and deal 1 damage to it.
Flavor Text: ATLAS Army Major Gerson. With a "hangar in a different dimension" behind him, he is called the "Sokoban", and always fights alongside the forces he commands.

Card Number: 2021GB02-045 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Military, Robo
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 2
Effect: [TD] Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 2 damage to it.
Flavor Text: ATLAS military weapons are constantly being updated.

Card Number: 2020GB01-046 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): OWL, Darkness
ATK: 2
HP: 5
STK: 1
Effect: ■ "Data Falsification" When you would use a Darkness unit in your graveyard as material for [Abyssal Concerto], you may treat it as any level from 0 to 3.
Flavor Text: "Sir Midas's charity to the oppressed is now hypocrisy. What troubles him the most is that not all people are given equal opportunities, and that its stupidity to take take advantage of your opportunities."

Card Number: 2021GB02-047 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Beast, Military, Wild Force
ATK: 2
HP: 4
STK: 1
Effect: ■ "RPG" Normal [Pay 1 Energy] Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 2 damage to it.
Flavor Text: Also, we don't have enough bullets in stock. Won't the stress rip a hole in the commander's stomach?

Card Number: 2021GB02-048 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Wizard
ATK: 2
HP: 4
STK: 0
Effect: [Abyssal Summoning] Normal: Send this card to the graveyard. If you do, choose 1 unit from your graveyard with [Abyssal Concerto], and you may special summon it by fulfilling its conditions.
Flavor Text: You won't be able to master magic if you worry about things like reproducability, evidence, and statistically significant data. However, those who would twist the facts for their own convenience will find themselves judged by the theory of magic.

Card Number: 2021GB02-049 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): A7, Robo
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 0
Effect: [TD] You may put this card into the Charges of 1 level 2 or lower Awakened Being unit.
■ "Guardian Shake" The unit with this in its Charges gets [Charge Shield].
Flavor Text: Every member of A7 is the last survivor of a world destroyed by the Exvaders. They gathered under Alice and chose codenames to imitate her story.

Card Number: 2021GB02-050 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): A7, Awakened Being
ATK: 3
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: [TD] "Blitz Picnic" Choose 1 ally unit, and it gets HP+3 until end of turn.
Flavor Text: Of course we will cooperate, Alice. If we aren't true, we'll have already lost this game. I can continue because you stand up.

Card Number: 2021GB02-051 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military
ATK: 2
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: [CNT] Special summon this to an attacking zone.
Flavor Text: An unmanned combat machine made by Guns & Gold. The power source is an experimental magic system that aims to achieve an crazy new level of silent movement.

Card Number: 2021GB02-052 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Beast, Military, Wild Force
ATK: 2
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: ■ "Demolition" When it deals damage to the opponent, choose 1 enemy set card, and you may pay 1 Energy. If you do, destroy the chosen card.
Flavor Text: A soldier cannot work as a specialist in one thing. A soldier cannot be part of a functional unit without reaching the minimum specifications.

Card Number: 2021GB02-053 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): OWL, Apparition, Wind
ATK: 1
HP: 5
STK: 0
Effect: ■ “Summer Night Dream” When this is destroyed, if the attacking unit has [Breakthrough], damage dealt by that [Breakthrough] becomes 0.
Flavor Text: We were almost the same size as humans until the pictures of Cottingley village were released, remember? Faeries being small was just a rumour.

Card Number: 2021GB02-054 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Technology
Effect: [CNT] Send this to the graveyard.
Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it at the beginning of your opponent’s attack phase.
■ For this turn, all damage you take becomes 1. (0 doesn’t become 1.)
Flavor Text: Despite the power of the latest weapons, To Mega Therion's rampage continued. However, at the Cyprus Base, there was a new super weapon from Guns & Gold nearing completion.

Card Number: 2021GB02-055 ★
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Firepower, Military
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Immediate
■ Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal damage to it equal to the number of “Burst Mode” in your graveyard + 1.
Flavor Text: The Victor series was extremely successful in combat, and many derivative machines were created. That said, armies are still searching for the next generation primary aircraft unit.

Card Number: 2021GB02-056 ★★★★L
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): History
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 enemy unit and destroy it.
Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it while you are being attacked by an enemy unit.
■ That battle damage becomes 0, and destroy the attacking unit.
Flavor Text: The people who were on the scene when Cthulhu said "It appeared as a human, like a mirage". The laws of physics were distorted, and the area around Shinjuku Station became a demonic world. Gashadokuro confronted the monster, and he fights well, but he cannot gain power from the people trapped in fear, and he falls. And there...the guardian machine god appears!

Card Number: 2021GB02-057 ★★★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Military, Robo
ATK: 6
HP: 6
STK: 2
Effect: [Defender] [Retaliate]
Flavor Text: Humanoid weapons with the ability to fly were called Sky Soldiers. These new machines, which have expanded its range of capabilities to space, was given the title Super Sky Soldier.

Card Number: 2021GB02-058 ★★★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Dragon, Military
ATK: 4
HP: 5
STK: 2
Effect: ■ "Electrobarrier" When it attacks, choose 1 level 1 or lower enemy unit and destroy it.
■ "Lightning Strike [Turn(1)]" Immediate: Choose 1 level 0 enemy unit and destroy it. This ability can only be used during your opponent's turn.
Flavor Text: The Ikazuchi Project. Due to Honoikazuchi's success in combat, the Yomajin Front created the 8 types of thunder god-based weapons the cornerstone of the capital's defense force.

Card Number: 2021GB02-059 ★★★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Apparition, Wind, Beast
ATK: 5
HP: 4
STK: 2
Effect: [Forced Standby] (This card can only be played in the set zone. This unit is set and used as an event.)
■ When you are dealt damage, you may normal summon this card from a set zone without spending Summon Cap. (You still pay the cost.)
Flavor Text: In the sky of the dark red war, Nue roars. Tremble, Exvaders. Your supremacy ends today.

Card Number: 2021GB02-060 ★★★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Sacred Treasure, Military, Robo
ATK: 7
HP: 6
STK: 2
Effect: [Open Card]
■ "Failed Combination" When this would enter the field, if this wasn't played by "Sacred Treasure Combination", put this card to the bottom of your deck instead.
■ This is unaffected by your opponent's card effects.
[Double Attack] [Defender]
Flavor Text: The 3 engines synchronize, and the Guardian Machine God stands up!

Card Number: 2021GB02-061 ★★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Apparition, Dragon
ATK: 6
HP: 6
STK: 2
Effect: ■ “Storm of Magatsu” When attacks, choose one of the following:
・Choose 1 set card, and destroy it.
・Choose 1 of your opponent’s energy cards, and rest it.
Flavor Text: "You've released a monster like this...what will you do if the gate to hell opens?" Despite the swordsman's words, there was a smile on Kinomiya's mouth.

Card Number: 2021GB02-062 ★★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Apparition, Earth, Darkness
ATK: 5
HP: 3
STK: 2
Effect: [OD] “Dance of Grief” This gets “Cannot be attacked” until the beginning of your next turn.
■ This cannot be put to a defensive zone.
Flavor Text: Even if he was defeated, he'd stand back up, and continue to fight even in death, and even if he was decapitated and buried, he would not be forgotten.

Card Number: 2021GB02-063 ★★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Apparition
ATK: 3
HP: 4
STK: 2
Effect: [Forced Standby] (This card can only be played in the set zone. This unit is set and used as an event.)
■ When you are attacked by a unit, you may normal summon this from the set zone to a defensive zone. (Pay the cost. No Summon Cap is spent during the opponent's turn.)
Flavor Text: The rain is over.

Card Number: 2021GB02-064 ★★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 3
Attribute(s): History
Effect: [CNT] Rest your opponent's ruler and all enemy units.
Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose all of your opponent's set zones or your opponent's field zone, and destroy all cards in the chosen zones.
Flavor Text: The old Japanese thought that evil was not something born from the flesh, but something that latches onto the body through opportunity. That is why it can be broken, just like the night.

Card Number: 2021GB02-065 ★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Apparition, Military
ATK: 4
HP: 3
STK: 2
Effect: [CNT] "Stay away from me" Rest an enemy ruler.
■ "Vangolo!" Your other units get ATK+1.
Flavor Text: The fusion of youkai and mecha, which is possible because of being information life forms, has become a trend among youkai...but for human fans of youkai, it's all or nothing.

Card Number: 2021GB02-066 ★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Apparition, Beast, Military
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: [CNT] Use this card's [OD] ability.
[OD] Choose 1 enemy unit, and send all charges of that unit to the graveyard.
Flavor Text: He works part-time as a window cleaner, but he has difficulty suppressing his artistic urges.

Card Number: 2021GB02-067 ★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Apparition, Beast
ATK: 3
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: [Standby] (A unit with [Standby] can be set into set zones.)
■ "Documentation" When this unit would leave the field by an opponent, you may set it instead.
■ This can be normal summoned from the set zone.
■ This cannot be put in a defensive zone.
Flavor Text: The youkai are aware of something. That's why I've been "waiting".

Card Number: 2021GB02-068 ★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Apparition, God
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 of your opponent's set cards, and destroy it.
[OD] Choose 1 of your opponent's energy cards, and rest it.
■ Your opponent cannot special summon.
Flavor Text: Prime Minister Mimon "Thank you. Please do what you feel you should freely, without being bound by human reason. We will support you as much as possible." - From a diplomatic comment to the Chinese Youkai representative

Card Number: 2021GB02-069 ★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Apparition, Beast
ATK: 2
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [CNT] Use this card's [OD] ability.
[OD] Choose up to 2 cards from your opponent's graveyard, and remove them from the game.
Flavor Text: Calm, calm, sink.

Card Number: 2021GB02-070 ★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Technology
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose 1 enemy unit in a defensive zone, or that has [Defender], and destroy it.
Flavor Text: A sword that cuts through swords, Yaegeki that prevents evil, and the demon of Kusanagi to wipe away hellfire. With the will of the clouds covering the heavens, now is the time to defeat the enemy! Dai Jin Zan!

Card Number: 2021GB02-071 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Apparition, Dragon
ATK: 0
HP: 6
STK: 1
Effect: ■ Normal [Turn (1)] Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 2 damage to it. (This effect can be used even in the defensive zone.)
Flavor Text: I feel...that the day of my return is near. Resurrection for those with unfinished business!

Card Number: 2021GB02-072 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Apparition
ATK: 4
HP: 5
STK: 2
Effect: ■ Your other Apparition get ATK+1, and HP+1.

Card Number: 2021GB02-073 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Sacred Treasure, Military, Robo
ATK: 5
HP: 1
STK: 2
Effect: [OD] Look at the top 4 cards of your deck, choose up to 1 "Sacred Treasure #2, Mikagami" or "Sacred Treasure #3, Yasaka", and special summon it. Put the remaining cards to the bottom of your deck.
Flavor Text: Equipped with Volnar's treasure, the "Ifrit Engine", the 1st machine challenges the enemy with its powerful aerial combat abilities.

Card Number: 2021GB02-074 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Sacred Treasure, Military, Robo
ATK: 3
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [CNT] Choose up to 1 level 2 or lower Sacred Treasure unit from your deck or graveyard and special summon it. Destroy it at the end of your main phase.
■ "Sacred Treasure Combination" Normal: Put this, 1 "Sacred Treasure #1, Kusanagi", and 1 "Sacred Treasure #2, Mikagami" to the bottom of your deck. If you do, choose 1 "Sacred Treasure United God, Daijinki" from your deck, and special summon it. Then, Drive 1.
Flavor Text: Due to the messy nature of the magic furnace, the three types of engines were able to synchronize, and combining them into Daijinki became possible.

Card Number: 2021GB02-075 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Vtuber, Guest
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 2
Effect: [OD] "Autumn Leaves Fan" This gets ATK+3 until the end of turn.
Flavor Text: A spirit who has walked the path of destruction and rebirth many times before. Because of her fiery crimson, she would eventually be called the "phoenix".

Card Number: 2021GB02-076 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Military
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 2
Effect: ■ "Fault Crusher" When attacks a defensive zone, it gets ATK+3 until the end of this turn.
Flavor Text: Dimensional faults appear to be cracks in space, but they are actually complex structures. Thus, rather than blocking it, you need to break it.

Card Number: 2021GB02-077 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Sacred Treasure, Military, Robo
ATK: 2
HP: 4
STK: 1
Effect: [OD] Choose 1 level 2 Sacred Treasure from your graveyard and special summon it. Destroy it at the end of your main phase.
■ Your Sacred Treasure cannot be chosen by your opponent's events or card abilities.
Flavor Text: The 2nd machine is equipped with the power of science, the "superconducting plasma engine", and can emit a beast killing ray with the Yata no Kagami on its turret.

Card Number: 2021GB02-078 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Apparition, Beast
ATK: 1
HP: 1
STK: 0
Effect: [CNT] Use this card's [OD].
[OD] "Parade of Hundred Demons Lv1" Look at the top card of your deck, and if its a Level 1 or lower Apparition unit, you may Drive it. If you do not Drive it, put it to the bottom of the deck.
Flavor Text: A city where giant swords stand up, giant robots are placed in various places, and youkai roam. It has been several years since the First Dimensional Defense Battle, and since then, Tokyo has been reconstructed into the best tourist city in the world.

Card Number: 2021GB02-079 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Military, Robo
ATK: 0
HP: 5
STK: 0
Effect: [OD] Look at the top card of your deck. You may set it if it can be set. If you do not set it, put it on the bottom of your deck.
Flavor Text: Right before leaving for Volnar, Yamada was given some experimental weapons. A transportation machine that was a test run for a prototype magic engine. As well as the special reinforced clothing "Tsukikage".

Card Number: 2021GB02-080 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Apparition, Cloth
ATK: 1
HP: 4
STK: 1
Effect: [Standby] (A unit with [Standby] can be set into set zones.)
■ This can be normal summoned from the set zone.
Flavor Text: "Youkai fill the space with information and make it a pseudo-material to obtain a physical form. Even if it is destroyed, it will be shortly rewritten. It will be revived soon. After all, ghosts don't die, right?" - Folklorist Writer, Yukiji Tono

Card Number: 2021GB02-081 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Technology
Effect: Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose up to 2 level 2 or lower Sacred Treasure units from your graveyard, and special summon them. Destroy them at the end of your main phase.
Flavor Text: The weapons that receive the people's thoughts and feelings show power beyond their specifications. If that's the case, then a super robot that uses the famous three sacred weapons as its power course will be the most powerful weapon, as long as its fighting in Japan. The project that began from this idea would eventually lead to the creation of the most powerful machine god that used the full power of the Yomajin Front.

Card Number: 2021GB02-082 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Technology, Famous Location
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 of your energy, and activate it.
Use Timing: Normal
■ Draw 2 cards.
Flavor Text: Guide "We'll be taking a bus from here."

Card Number: 2021GB02-083 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Military
Effect: [CNT] Look at the top card of your deck. You may set it if it can be set. If you do not set it, return it to the top of your deck.
Use Timing: Immediate
■ Cards in your set zones and your field zone cannot be destroyed until the end of this turn.
Flavor Text: While there were still many victims, the evacuation of Tokyo citizens was completed quickly using the underground hypertube. From here, the entirety of Shinjuku will become a battlefield. Warriors of the Yomajin Front, fight with all of your strength!

Card Number: 2021GB02-084 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Malediction
Effect: Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it when your unit in an attacking zone is destroyed by battle damage.
■ Destroy the unit that attacked that unit.
Flavor Text: Let's die together.

Card Number: 2021GB02-085 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Malediction
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Normal
■ Look at top 3 cards of your deck, and return them in any order.
Flavor Text: Fate is like quantum entanglement. The studies of the genius Onmyoji, Onigaki Koumei, who thought this, gave the Yomajin Front statistically significant results in probably altering techniques.

Card Number: 2021GB02-086 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Malediction, Magic
Effect: [CNT] Send this to the graveyard.
Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time.)
■ The next damage that you or an ally unit would take becomes 0.
Flavor Text: No matter how blasphemous the iterations of the Great Old Ones appeared, it was nothing more than a monster to the Japanese. After all, many Japanese people don't expect much from god, so even if its blasphemous, that part doesn't cross the mind.

Card Number: 2021GB02-087 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Malediction
Effect: Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it when your “Dragon-type Battle Weapon” attacks and becomes rested.
■ Activate that unit.
Flavor Text: The Japanese people have a unique religious perspective. They believe that gods dwell within their creations. This belief, and Volnar's magical technology made for a perfect match.

Card Number: 2020GB02-088 ★★★★L
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Apparition, God, Pepoverse
ATK: 0
HP: 7
STK: 0
Effect: ■ "Ramen [1/Game]" When this is placed in your damage zone from any locationb, special summon it.
■ When you are attacked, you may normal summon this from the set zone to your defensive zone.
Flavor Text: Do not use the noodle god to deny others. Live in peace, and love as you burn. Ramen.

Card Number: 2021GB02-089 ★★★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): God, Pepoverse
ATK: 4
HP: 5
STK: 2
Effect: ■ "Daruma the Big Bang" When it attacks, Drive 1.
Flavor Text: According to one theory, it is said to be an incarnation of the will of the universe, but research has not progressed due to that theory becoming a widely held belief.
Galactic Swordsman, Grand Messer
Card Number: 2021GB02-090 ★★★★ / 2021GB02-UR14 ★★★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Galaxy Heritage, Robo
ATK: 7
HP: 7
STK: 3
Effect: [Enhance] Robo (When this would enter the field, you may choose one of your Robo units and put it into this card's Charges.)
■ "Galaxy Breaking Sword" Immediate: [Put one of the Charges of this to the graveyard] If your opponent's life is 2 or less, deal 2 damage to your opponent!
■ This cannot get [Charge Shield].
Flavor Text (Normal): Invincible power that cuts through the galaxy! For real, I enjoy it.
Flavor Text (Uber): As soon as he appeared, he calls Grand Galac his younger brother, but Grand Galac's reply is "Who are you?"
Card Number: 2021GB02-090 ★★★★ / 2021GB02-UR14 ★★★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Galaxy Heritage, Robo
ATK: 7
HP: 7
STK: 3
Effect: [Enhance] Robo (When this would enter the field, you may choose one of your Robo units and put it into this card's Charges.)
■ "Galaxy Breaking Sword" Immediate: [Put one of the Charges of this to the graveyard] If your opponent's life is 2 or less, deal 2 damage to your opponent!
■ This cannot get [Charge Shield].
Flavor Text (Normal): Invincible power that cuts through the galaxy! For real, I enjoy it.
Flavor Text (Uber): As soon as he appeared, he calls Grand Galac his younger brother, but Grand Galac's reply is "Who are you?"
Creepydorable Corps Commander, Jenibaby
Card Number: 2021GB02-091 ★★★★ / 2021GB02-S02 ???
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Crimenauts
ATK: 3
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 level 1 or lower Crimenauts unit from your graveyard, and special summon it to an attacking zone. Destroy it at the end of this turn.
■ "Rejoice" When enters the field, choose 1 level 1 or lower Crimenauts unit from your graveyard, and special summon it.
Flavor Text (Normal): A witch from the world of death who is the leader of one of the Six Great Corps. Her corps primarily handles assassinations, but also serves as in-house recreational clerks.
Flavor Text (Secret): Its an absolute that Malevolus is a handsome guy. His voice is gentle too.
Card Number: 2021GB02-091 ★★★★ / 2021GB02-S02 ???
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Crimenauts
ATK: 3
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 level 1 or lower Crimenauts unit from your graveyard, and special summon it to an attacking zone. Destroy it at the end of this turn.
■ "Rejoice" When enters the field, choose 1 level 1 or lower Crimenauts unit from your graveyard, and special summon it.
Flavor Text (Normal): A witch from the world of death who is the leader of one of the Six Great Corps. Her corps primarily handles assassinations, but also serves as in-house recreational clerks.
Flavor Text (Secret): Its an absolute that Malevolus is a handsome guy. His voice is gentle too.

Card Number: 2021GB02-092 ★★★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Galaxy Heritage
ATK: 4
HP: 4
STK: 1
Effect: ■ When you are attacked, you may normal summon this from your hand to a defensive zone. (Pay the cost. No Summon Cap is spent during the opponent's turn.)
■ "The Great Blessing of the Goddess" All damage dealt to you is reduced by 1.
Flavor Text: When Recruiter went to the engine to learn the secrets of the Velocto, the Goddess appeared before him.
"What is more important to you, the trust of your friends or the Holy Grail?"
"Huh? The Holy it here?!"
"Why did you come here then?!"
Elite Phantom, Blackmen
Card Number: 2021GB02-093 ★★★ / 2021GB02-URM07 ★★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Crimenauts
ATK: 5
HP: 5
STK: 2
Effect: [Enhance] Wonderverse (When this would enter the field, you may choose one of your Wonderverse units and put it into this card's Charges.)
■ If this unit has a Charge, it gets ATK+1, HP+1, and STK+1.
Flavor Text (Normal): Everyone has a chance. Tomorrow's hero is you! (from a Crimenauts recruitment poster)
Flavor Text (Uber): The person inside the #1 Blackmen is said to be an earthling.
Card Number: 2021GB02-093 ★★★ / 2021GB02-URM07 ★★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Crimenauts
ATK: 5
HP: 5
STK: 2
Effect: [Enhance] Wonderverse (When this would enter the field, you may choose one of your Wonderverse units and put it into this card's Charges.)
■ If this unit has a Charge, it gets ATK+1, HP+1, and STK+1.
Flavor Text (Normal): Everyone has a chance. Tomorrow's hero is you! (from a Crimenauts recruitment poster)
Flavor Text (Uber): The person inside the #1 Blackmen is said to be an earthling.

Card Number: 2021GB02-094 ★★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Crimenauts, Beast
ATK: 4
HP: 1
STK: 2
Effect: ■ “I’ve bearseen this~” When this is special summoned from the graveyard, choose 1 of your opponent’s set cards, and destroy it.
Flavor Text: Something shines in his seams...and you...saw something!
Four Futuremen
Card Number: 2021GB02-095 ★★★ / 2021GB02-URM08 ★★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Futuremen
ATK: 5
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: [Enhance] Futuremen (When this would enter the field, you may choose one of your Futuremen units and put it into this card's Charges.)
■ If this has a Futuremen in its Charges, this gets [Charge Shield] and [Double Attack].
Flavor Text (Normal): "Does it look diferent? Its the movie version."
Flavor Text (Uber): "The most handsome actor in space, Vishalkovich is playing me!" Seeing himself drawn as a companion to Ed and his comrades, Recruiter laughed and despaired that he would not be able to return to the Crimenauts anymore.
Card Number: 2021GB02-095 ★★★ / 2021GB02-URM08 ★★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Futuremen
ATK: 5
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: [Enhance] Futuremen (When this would enter the field, you may choose one of your Futuremen units and put it into this card's Charges.)
■ If this has a Futuremen in its Charges, this gets [Charge Shield] and [Double Attack].
Flavor Text (Normal): "Does it look diferent? Its the movie version."
Flavor Text (Uber): "The most handsome actor in space, Vishalkovich is playing me!" Seeing himself drawn as a companion to Ed and his comrades, Recruiter laughed and despaired that he would not be able to return to the Crimenauts anymore.

Card Number: 2021GB02-096 ★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Galaxy Heritage
Effect: Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose up to 2 cards in your damage zone, and send them to your graveyard. Then, deal 2 damage to yourself.
Flavor Text: The Crimenauts, who reactivated the Well of Id, a Galaxy Heritage that creates embodiments of desire, have created the Tiger of Id, an embodiment of destructive impulses. However, their real plan - to send this disaster at Ed and his comrades, secretly film it, and make it into a movie - brought in huge profits for the organization.

Card Number: 2021GB02-097 ★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Beast, Pepoverse
ATK: 5
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [OD] “Captivating Wonderparty” Put the top card of your deck into its charge.
[Charge Shield]
Flavor Text: "If you read 10 books that say UFOs exist, you need to also read 10 books that debunk UFO hoaxes" The alien advised me.

Card Number: 2021GB02-098 ★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Pepoverse
ATK: 4
HP: 5
STK: 2
Effect: [OD] "Invading the Earth" If you have two Pepoverse units, choose either all of your opponent's units or all of your opponent's set cards, and destroy the ones you chose. (Because [OD] is used before this enters the field, you need 2 Pepoverse units other than this.)
Flavor Text: We came from mars!!

Card Number: 2021GB02-099 ★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Warrior, Futuremen
ATK: 2
HP: 4
STK: 1
Effect: [OD] Gets [Double Attack] until the end of the turn.
Flavor Text: Among cosmo elves, many people have heard or seen the name before.

Card Number: 2021GB02-100 ★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Magic
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 level 0 or lower enemy unit, and take control of it.
Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose 1 level 2 or lower enemy unit, and take control of it.
Flavor Text: Kurae! The maximum output charisma wave emitted by the Invasion Emperor who controls the entire universe!

Card Number: 2021GB02-101 ★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Crimenauts
Effect: [CNT] Choose 1 level 1 or lower Crimenauts unit from your graveyard, and special summon it to an attacking zone.
Use Timing: Normal
■ Choose 1 level 2 or lower Crimenauts unit from your graveyard, and special summon it.
Flavor Text: Story from development. When translated into English, this card was originally translated as "The people who are in maximum shock". It was a dangerous name.

Card Number: 2021GB02-102 ★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Psychic
Effect: Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it at any time, if your life is 3 or less.
■ Drive 1.
Flavor Text: 7 cards I happened to have when I came here from Earth. So far, these are the only things I can Realize with my Gate Ruler ability. "Warp" "Magic Blaster" "Cosmo Dullahan"...

Card Number: 2021GB02-103 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Eraser, Robo
ATK: 4
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: [OD] "Dimension Tempest" Choose 1 enemy unit, and move it to an empty zone.
Flavor Text: The endlessness of space makes even machines go insane. In Wonderverse, you have no choice but to accept everything for what it is. And in this case, its something like this.

Card Number: 2021GB02-104 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Apparition, Cloth, Pepoverse
ATK: 5
HP: 4
STK: 3
Effect: [CNT] Use this card’s [OD] ability.
[OD] If you have “Cosmo Sphinx”, “Space Skeleton” and “Galaxy Ittanmomen” in your damage zone, choose 1 of them, and special summon it.
Flavor Text: The fire of rage! Tutan Cannon Flame!

Card Number: 2021GB02-105 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Crimenauts, Shark, Beast
ATK: 4
HP: 4
STK: 2
Flavor Text: I won't let you lay even 1 finger on the young lady...

Card Number: 2021GB02-106 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Crimenauts, Beast
ATK: 5
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: ■ “Killer Mind Maximum” When special summoned from the graveyard, choose 1 level 0 enemy unit, and destroy it.
Flavor Text: The "invisible pink unicorn" materialized, and then its identity collapsed and it fell into madness.

Card Number: 2021GB02-107 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Apparition, Pepoverse, Futuremen
ATK: 5
HP: 2
STK: 2
Flavor Text: It adapted to this universe.

Card Number: 2021GB02-108 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Apparition, Pepoverse, Futuremen
ATK: 0
HP: 5
STK: 1
Effect: [Open Card] (If it is normal summoned, you spend Summon Cap.)
■ "Envy" When this enters the field, deal 1 damage to yourself.
■ "Road to Heaven" When this is sent from the field to the graveyard, you recover 1 life.
Flavor Text: Adriano: "I called out, and he followed me."
Recruiter: "Didn't you say it was too scary?!"

Card Number: 2021GB02-109 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Crimenauts
ATK: 2
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: ■ If your opponent has 1 or less cards in hand, this gets ATK+3.
Flavor Text: The talent to make children cry from just their appearance, and the mental state to become depressed from making children cry. The Horror Corps has both.

Card Number: 2021GB02-110 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Warrior, Beast, Pepoverse
ATK: 2
HP: 2
STK: 2
Flavor Text: Master Future Ed and his companions confronted the Crimenauts several times in pursuit of the secrets of the Galaxy Heritages, and resolved several incidents. However, they learned that Ed holds the secret of the Galaxy Heritage the "Holy Grail", which can grant the greatest power, and it becomes the primary target of the Crimenauts! To be continued in the 3rd booster pack!

Card Number: 2021GB02-111 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Firepower
Effect: Use Timing: Set this, and you may play this during your main phase, if there is an enemy unit in a defensive zone.
■ "Anti-Shock Defensive Flash! Fire!" Deal 4 damage to an enemy unit in a defensive zone, and deal 1 damage to your opponent!
Flavor Text: The movie "Solve the mystery of the Galaxy Heritage, Well of Id! Clash! Four Futuremen vs Crimenauts!" is now open to the public at every Crimenauts movie theater across all galaxies!

Card Number: 2021GB02-112 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Accident
Effect: Use Timing: Set this, and use it when your opponent's life becomes 2 or less.
■ "Something just appeared!" Deal 2 damage to your opponent. At the end of this turn, deal 2 damage to yourself. (Ah! It came back!)
Flavor Text: I'm fed up with this stupid universe.

Card Number: 2021GB02-113 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Crimenauts, Business
Effect: Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time.)
■ Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 3 damage to it.
Flavor Text: A hit toy with children. Its an important source of funding for the Crimenauts.

Card Number: 2021GB02-114 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 1
Attribute(s): History
Effect: Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it at any time during your opponent's turn.
■ You may exchange positions of all of your units. (Doesn't trigger "when enters the field" abilities.)
Flavor Text: The best brains of various worlds have seriously studied Wonderverse, which has come to be known as "the stupid universe". They all come to a realization, and end their research. They don't say much about it, but they do all smile uniformly.

Card Number: 2021GB02-115 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Crimenauts
Effect: Use Timing: Set this, and you may play it when you are damaged.
■ Play "Rock-Paper-Scissors". If you win, that damage becomes 0 and deal 1 damage to your opponent. If you lose, reduce that damage by 2.
Flavor Text: ★ Notice of internal recreation (Organized by Creepydorable Corps)
・Master Malevolus Prime's Sleeping Bed Contest
・Horror Corps Magic Show
・Mr. Coup d'etat & Mr. Missile Buddha's Manzai Live

Card Number: 2021GB02-116 ★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Event
Level: -2
Attribute(s): Accident
Effect: [CNT] Put this into the graveyard.
Use Timing: [Open Card]
■ Put this into the graveyard.
Flavor Text: "I just wanted to get along with Horror Corps"
Malevolus responded to the tearful Jenibaby, choosing his words carefully "They...they seem to be scared of your appearance."
Cthulhu, the Eldritch God
Card Number: 2021GB02-117 ★★★★ / 2021GB02-UR17 ★★★★
Faction: Exvader
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Emissary of Ruin, Water
ATK: 8
HP: 8
STK: 4
Effect: [Immobile] (This card cannot attack)
■ "Dream Phantom" Normal: [Put one of the Charges from your cards to the bottom of the deck] This card loses [Immobile] until end of turn.
■ "Madness" When this attacks, destroy all level 0 or lower enemy units.
Flavor Text (Normal): Is this a joke? Was that story really a book of prophecy?
Flavor Text (Uber): As the dream materialized, the real people around me disappeared as if they were the actual dream.
Card Number: 2021GB02-117 ★★★★ / 2021GB02-UR17 ★★★★
Faction: Exvader
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Emissary of Ruin, Water
ATK: 8
HP: 8
STK: 4
Effect: [Immobile] (This card cannot attack)
■ "Dream Phantom" Normal: [Put one of the Charges from your cards to the bottom of the deck] This card loses [Immobile] until end of turn.
■ "Madness" When this attacks, destroy all level 0 or lower enemy units.
Flavor Text (Normal): Is this a joke? Was that story really a book of prophecy?
Flavor Text (Uber): As the dream materialized, the real people around me disappeared as if they were the actual dream.
Hastur, the Eldritch God
Card Number: 2021GB02-118 ★★★ / 2021GB02-URM09 ★★★
Faction: Exvader
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Wind, Emissary of Ruin
ATK: 7
HP: 7
STK: 0
Effect: ■ "Devil's Mark" When this enters the field, choose 1 "Exvader's Dimensional Fault" from your deck, and put it in your field zone.
■ "The King Clothed in Yellow" Normal: [Put one of the Charges from your cards to the bottom of the deck] This card gets STK+1 until end of turn.
Flavor Text (Normal): "The one who created them couldn't possibly be sane. I'm sure the gods in their world are insane.
Flavor Text (Uber): Does this really exist in some other world? Or did the Exvaders create it by imitation?
Card Number: 2021GB02-118 ★★★ / 2021GB02-URM09 ★★★
Faction: Exvader
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Wind, Emissary of Ruin
ATK: 7
HP: 7
STK: 0
Effect: ■ "Devil's Mark" When this enters the field, choose 1 "Exvader's Dimensional Fault" from your deck, and put it in your field zone.
■ "The King Clothed in Yellow" Normal: [Put one of the Charges from your cards to the bottom of the deck] This card gets STK+1 until end of turn.
Flavor Text (Normal): "The one who created them couldn't possibly be sane. I'm sure the gods in their world are insane.
Flavor Text (Uber): Does this really exist in some other world? Or did the Exvaders create it by imitation?

Card Number: 2021GB02-119 ★★
Faction: Exvader
Card Type: Event
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Emissary of Ruin, History
Effect: [CNT] Put 4 cards from Charges of cards on your field to the bottom of the deck. If you do, choose 1 Emissary of Ruin from your graveyard, and special summon it.
Use Timing: Normal
■ The next time you normal summon an Emissary of Ruin this turn, its energy cost is reduced by 3.
Flavor Text: "Just because they're similar, doesn't mean its Cthulhu" "I can hear it cry 'Cthulhu'!" "It can't be helped." "Its the monster naming rule." "What about the one at the south exit?" "Its saying 'Hastur'." "If that's the case, its Hastur." "The buzzing one in Kabukicho is saying 'Shoggoth'!" "Well, that's a fake."

Card Number: 2021GB02-120 ★★
Faction: Exvader
Card Type: Field
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Emissary of Ruin
Effect: [CNT] Put this into your field zone.
■ At the beginning of your turn, put the top card of your deck into this card's Charges face-down.
■ At the end of your turn, if this card has Charges, you take 1 damage.
■ This card's Charges can only be moved to other locations by the effects of your Emissary of Ruin.
Flavor Text: Continually exposed to the wonders of the dimensional fault, the military technological innovation in Japan has grown at an astonishing rate. Now, the power of the latest weapons on earth face off with the evil gods of the other world!

Card Number: 2021GB02-121 ★
Faction: Exvaders
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Object
Attack: 5
HP: 5
Strike: 1
Effect: ■ "Phantom Nightmare" When this is normal summoned, choose an Exvaders card with [CNT] from your graveyard, use that card's [CNT] effect, and put it to the bottom of your deck.
Flavor Text: On that day, 7 dimensional faults appeared simultaneously, mostly in Shinjuku. The Mikado Cabinet immediately recognized this as the Third Dimensional Defense Battle. All evacutation routes for Tokyo citizens were opened, and the use of all armaments were approved.

Card Number: 2021GB02-122 ★
Faction: Exvaders
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): DWM
ATK: 3
HP: 4
STK: 2
Effect: ■ When this enters the field, put the top card of your deck into the charges of this.
■ This cannot get [Charge Shield].
Flavor Text: Their purpose is probably something other than slaughter but the robbery of something...fundamental.

Card Number: 2021GB02-123 ★
Faction: Exvaders
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): DWM, Emissary of Ruin
ATK: 2
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: ■ "Vanishing Ray" Normal: [Send 1 of your card's charges to the bottom of the deck] Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 2 damage to it.
Flavor Text: DWM (Demonic War Machine) is the officially adopted name by the ATLAS army for a group of the Exvaders mechanical weapons that had been labeled "devilish machines".
B-2 Berserker
Card Number: 2021GB02-L01a ★ / 2021GB02-L01b ★ / 2021GB02-SL01 ???
Card Type: Ruler
LIFE: 12
ATK: 5
STK: 4
Effect: [Game Preparation] Nothing (0 cards in hand, 0 energy)
[Start of your turn] Drive 1 time.
[Rule] The costs of your cards are considered paid. You cannot have a hand.
Flavor Text: Please refer to the QR code for the Play and Deck Construction rules of this Ruler.
Deck count: 50
Factions: 2
Same name: 4
Legends: 3
Deck level: 80
CNT: 16
Card Number: 2021GB02-L01a ★ / 2021GB02-L01b ★ / 2021GB02-SL01 ???
Card Type: Ruler
LIFE: 12
ATK: 5
STK: 4
Effect: [Game Preparation] Nothing (0 cards in hand, 0 energy)
[Start of your turn] Drive 1 time.
[Rule] The costs of your cards are considered paid. You cannot have a hand.
Flavor Text: Please refer to the QR code for the Play and Deck Construction rules of this Ruler.
Deck count: 50
Factions: 2
Same name: 4
Legends: 3
Deck level: 80
CNT: 16
W-23 Wizard
Card Number: 2021GB02-L02a ★ / 2021GB02-L02b ★
Card Type: Ruler
LIFE: 10
ATK: 2
STK: 2
Effect: [Game Preparation] 2 cards in hand, 3 cards in energy
[Start of your turn] Choose 2 of your energy and activate them, draw 2
[Rule] ■ Summon Cap 2 (During your turn, you can normal summon twice per turn)
■ "Energy Repair" At the end of your turn, activate this. You may rest this card during your opponent's turn as if it were in the energy zone.
W-23 Wizard
Deck count: 50
Factions: 2
Same name: 4
Legends: 2
Deck level: N/A
CNT: 16
Card Number: 2021GB02-L02a ★ / 2021GB02-L02b ★
Card Type: Ruler
LIFE: 10
ATK: 2
STK: 2
Effect: [Game Preparation] 2 cards in hand, 3 cards in energy
[Start of your turn] Choose 2 of your energy and activate them, draw 2
[Rule] ■ Summon Cap 2 (During your turn, you can normal summon twice per turn)
■ "Energy Repair" At the end of your turn, activate this. You may rest this card during your opponent's turn as if it were in the energy zone.
W-23 Wizard
Deck count: 50
Factions: 2
Same name: 4
Legends: 2
Deck level: N/A
CNT: 16
L-12 Legion
Card Type: Ruler
LIFE: 11
ATK: 3
STK: 3
Effect: [Game Preparation] 2 card in hand, 3 cards in energy
[Start of your turn] Choose 2 of your energy and activate them, draw 2
[Rule] Summon Cap 2 (During your turn, you can normal summon twice per turn)
Flavor Text: Please refer to the QR code for the Play and Deck Construction rules of this Ruler.
Deck count: 50
Factions: 3
Same name: 1
Legends: 2
Deck level: N/A
CNT: 16
Card Type: Ruler
LIFE: 11
ATK: 3
STK: 3
Effect: [Game Preparation] 2 card in hand, 3 cards in energy
[Start of your turn] Choose 2 of your energy and activate them, draw 2
[Rule] Summon Cap 2 (During your turn, you can normal summon twice per turn)
Flavor Text: Please refer to the QR code for the Play and Deck Construction rules of this Ruler.
Deck count: 50
Factions: 3
Same name: 1
Legends: 2
Deck level: N/A
CNT: 16

Card Number: 2021GB02-S01 ???
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Beast, Wizard
ATK: 1
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: ■ "Beastmen Elixir [Game (1)]" Normal: Recover 1 life.
Flavor Text: Even in his own territory, there are those who dislike the demon dragon. With their help, the Yomajin Front squad was able to discover an escape route, but it requires that they pass by the enemy base.
[GPR] - Promo Cards

Card Number: GPR-2
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Thunder, Dragon, Dragon Lord, Fire
Attack: 7
HP: 7
Strike: 3
Flavor Text: The last thing to say, is it is pure power.

Demon Dragon, Viola Fluvdus
Card Number: GPR-3
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Dragon, Dragon Lord, Darkness
Attack: 7
HP: 6
Strike: 3
Effect: [Abyssal Concerto] Condition: Put 5 Darkness cards including at least 1 Level 0, 1, 2, and 3 from your graveyard at the bottom of your deck.
■ Normal: [Pay 1 Energy & Discard this card from your hand] Draw 1.
■ When this is Special Summoned by [Abyssal Summoning], destroy all other units.
Flavor Text: Get so mad you go crazy.

Card Number: GPR-4
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Dragon, Dragon Lord, Fire
Attack: 7
HP: 7
Strike: 3
Effect: [CNT] Use this card's "Flame Punisher" ability.
■ "Flame Punisher" When this enters the field, choose 1 or more enemy units and distribute damage among them equal to the number of cards in your damage zone.
Flavor Text: His body and mind are always filled with heat. Card Name & Setting by Harada Shunta.

Card Number: GPR-5
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Warrior, Traitor, Darkness
Attack: 2
HP: 2
Strike: 2
Effect: [Breakthrough] (When this attacks and destroys a unit in the defensive zone, it deals STK damage to your opponent.)
■ This gets ATK+1 for each "Black Knight" in your graveyard.

Card Number: GPR-7 PR
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 0
Attribute(s): Apparition
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 0
Effect: [OD] This gets [Defender] until end of turn. (A unit with [Defender] may be moved to the defensive zone at the end of your attack phase.)
Flavor Text: Even youkai are living beings.

Card Number: GPR-8 PR
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Military
ATK: 2
HP: 2
STK: 1
Effect: [OD] Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 3 damage to it.
Flavor Text: I like this job. I just do as I'm told, and I don't need to do anything else.

Card Number: GPR-9 PR
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Dragon, Dragon Lord, Darkness
ATK: 5
HP: 3
STK: 2
Effect: [TD] You may choose 1 "Viola Fluvdus" and 1 level 0 Darkness unit from your deck, and send them to your graveyard.
■ [Abyssal Summoning] Normal: Send this card to the graveyard. If you do, choose 1 unit from your graveyard with [Abyssal Concerto], and you may special summon it by fulfilling its conditions.
Flavor Text: Life has worth. As a number.

Card Number: GPR-10
Faction: Volnar
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Dragon
Attack: 4
HP: 4
Strike: 2
Effect: ■ This cannot be dealt effect damage.
Flavor Text: In a world where magic exists, there exist creatures that can counter magic.

Card Number: GPR-11
Faction: ATLAS
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Military, Robo
Attack: 3
HP: 3
Strike: 2
Effect: [TD] Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 2 damage to it.
Flavor Text: ATLAS military weapons are constantly being updated.

Card Number: GPR-12
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Eraser, Robo
ATK: 4
HP: 3
STK: 1
Effect: [OD] "Dimension Tempest" Choose 1 enemy unit, and move it to an empty zone.
Flavor Text: Eraser. A mysterious automatic combat machine that works to destroy space factories.

Card Number: GPR-13
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 2
Attribute(s): Apparition, Dragon
Attack: 0
HP: 6
Strike: 1
Effect: ■ Normal [Turn (1)] Choose 1 enemy unit, and deal 2 damage to it. (This effect can be used in the defensive zone)
Flavor Text: He believes in his resurrection. That a foolish human being seeking his power will break the seal.

Card Number: GPR-14
Faction: Exvaders
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Object
Attack: 5
HP: 5
Strike: 1
Effect: ■ "Phantom Nightmare" When this is normal summoned, choose an Exvaders card with [CNT] from your graveyard, use that card's [CNT] effect, and put it to the bottom of your deck.
Flavor Text: Among the Exvader weapons, it set a record for the amount of damage done due to the discovery being delayed, because everyone thought it was a normal moon.

Card Number: GPR-16 PR
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Vtuber, Guest
ATK: 3
HP: 3
STK: 2
Effect: [OD] "Autumn Leaves Fan" This gets ATK+3 until the end of turn.
Flavor Text: A spirit who has walked the path of destruction and rebirth many times before. Because of her fiery crimson, she would eventually be called the "phoenix".
Edited by HunterSerge on 10th April, 2021 at 11:01pm CST