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Gate Realize Card Database

Posted on 25th April, 2021 at 1:41pm CST
We're proud to announce that our card database is finally coming together! Saturday night the 24th, our developer pushed live the initial functionality for our database to allow us to upload some cards and squash whatever bugs we may find. Our team will be working hard to get as much done around launch as possible to provide an excellent resource for Gate Ruler players.

I'd like to address that these are early versions of functionality, so there's plenty of things we will want to adjust over the coming days/weeks. We ask for your patience and feedback during these times so we can provide the best experience possible. Please leave a comment below, or message us on Discord should you have feedback!

To help answer some questions you may have in advance; we plan to have every feature our previous websites had, and plan to improve them where possible. Right now, we've added the Recent Cards Homepage Plugin, Recent Cards Page, and the Card Pages themselves. We still have some edits to make on these features, but then we'll work towards getting a card search, factions page, and pages for the sets/decks added soon after!

Landscape Cards - Right now these do not display the way we wish they would. We would like them rotated in some places to be easier to spot, but we ran into some roadbumps while attempting this. We'll look for a solution later after priorities are taken care of.

Card Source Credits - Minor but, we have to use underscores instead of spaces for now in credits. Should be an easy fix for the next dev session (I think).

CLEAR YOUR CACHE - This should be done with any major update we do of course. But some people may find themselves with an error page on the recent cards page if they haven't cleared their cache yet.

Thank you for your continued support, and I hope you enjoy Gate Realize's new features as we continue growing the website!
Edited by LykunGG on 25th April, 2021 at 3:21pm CST