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Galactic Swordmaster Granmezzer

Illustrated by HeyZAN



Card Type:

Level 3 Unit


Cosmic Relic, Robotic


ATK: 7 / HP: 7 / STK: 3


Enhance: Robotic (As this enters play, choose 1 allied Robotic unit. You may add it underneath this as a charge.)
"Galaxy Cleaver!" - Instant Action: [Put 1 of this unit's charges into its owner's graveyard.] If your opponent has 2 or less life left, deal 2 damage to them!
■ This cannot gain Charge Shield.

Rumor has it that at full power his sword can cut through an entire galaxy. So far, no one has been willing to find out if this is true. (2021GB02-090) "Goldizer, my dear brother! How have you been?" "Sorry, have we met before?" (2021GB02-UR14)
