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Chimerala, the Dragonblood Princess

Illustrated by lack



Card Type:

Level 1 Unit


Warrior, Dungeon


ATK: 4 / HP: 2 / STK: 2


"Inherited Memories" - Resource: Choose up to 1 Martial Skill event in your graveyard. You may play it by paying its cost with resources. If you do, put that event on the bottom of your deck instead of your graveyard after it resolves. (You do not need to pay any resources for level 0 events.) (An ability with Resource can only be used if you have resources.)

A hybrid of various monsters, Chimerala is the keeper of the middle floors of Melror's dungeon. She is well liked by the dungeon's inhabitants, perhaps even more than Melror himself. (2021GB02-008) Thoughtful and level-headed, Chimerala commands the respect of the dungeon's monsters, even though she's merely 16 years old. (2021GB02-URM01) Named by Mayunoma Nuritate
