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Dai-Jinki, the Three Regalions Combined

Illustrated by kakotomirai


Yomajin Front

Card Type:

Level 0 Unit


Divine Relic, Military, Robotic


ATK: 7 / HP: 6 / STK: 2


Forced Reveal
"Failed Fusion": As this enters play, if it's not entering play through the effect of a "Regalia Fusion" ability, instead put this on the bottom of its owners' deck.
■ This is not affected by any of your opponent's effects.
Double Attack, Defender

By synchronizing the engines of these three experimental vehicles, they can combine into a single, god-like war machine. (2021GB02-060, GPR-6) Just like the thick clouds above the land of Izumo, the metal god is vast, impenetrable, and unbreakable. (2021GB02-UR12)
