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Lady of the Grail

Illustrated by すらなき



Card Type:

Level 2 Unit


Cosmic Relic


ATK: 4 / HP: 4 / STK: 1


■ When you are directly attacked, you may normal summon this from your hand into your defense zone. (You still pay its cost. Your summon cap is ignored during your opponent's turn.)
"Goddess's Ulra-Super-Duper Blessing": Reduce all damage you take by 1.

"Heddie Headhunter, thou dost seek the Grail, but at what cost?" "Grail? You mean the Cosmic Grail is somewhere on this ship!?" "W-What!? How did you--ahem, I know not of what thou speak of." (2021GB02-092) The Galactic Grail is cleverly camouflaged as the engine section of the spaceship Velocto. Residing within its chambers is a goddess and two swords of great power. (2021GB02-UR16)
