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Starship Captain Ed



Card Type:

Level 4 Unit


Future Folk


ATK: 2 / HP: 1 / STK: 2

CNT Ability

Use this card's ability.


Discount: If you're playing this from your hand, you may [Discard 1 card from your hand.] to instead pay a cost of 2 to play this.
"Disintegrator Gun": Choose 1 enemy unit and deal 5 damage to it.
"Space Archaeology" - Turn 1 - Standard Action: [DR3] Choose 1 Wonderverse event in your graveyard and play it without paying its cost. Then remove that card from the game instead of putting it into your graveyard after it resolves.

With the Velocto completely immobilized by the Black Antlion, Ed ventured out on his trusty space cycle to fight for his ship's freedom.
