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Rey Gargora, Bane of Sorcerers

Illustrated by クルヒン



Card Type:

Level 4 Unit


Beast, Fire, Demon Lord, Darkness


ATK: 5 / HP: 3 / STK: 1


Discount: If you're playing this from your hand, you may [Put 1 card from your hand on the bottom of your deck.] to instead pay a cost of 2 to play this.
Add the top card of your deck underneath this as a charge.
Double Attack, Charge Shield
"Abyssal Roar": [DR4: Beast or Darkness] Your opponent chooses 1 of their set cards. Put the rest of their other set cards into the graveyard.
■ While you have another Beast card in play, your opponent cannot special summon.

Also known as the Mage Eater, its presence alone disrupts spells and unravels enchantments.
