Neko Shrine Master
Illustrated by 桂福蔵
Yomajin FrontCard Type:
Level 2 UnitStats:
ATK: 3 / HP: 2 / STK: 0Ability
Choose 1 unit with Familiar in your graveyard. You may special summon it.
Search for 1 unit of level 2 or less in your deck and special summon it. At the end of turn, destroy that unit.
■ "Tonko Divination" - Turn 1 - Standard Action: Choose 1 allied unit. Until the end of turn, it gains +1 level. Then, you may discard 1 card from your hand. If you do, use any on the discarded card.
Genesis Summoning: Materials - This and 1 or more {Supernatural or Mage} units.
You may special summon 1 non-legendary {Supernatural, Deity, or Demon Lord} unit from your deck with a level equal to or less than the combined level of the materials.
■ "Invocation of the Wrathful Kami" - Turn 1 - Standard Action: Remove any number of {Incantation or Magic} cards from your graveyard. Special summon 1 {Demon Lord or Deity} unit from your deck with a level equal to or less than the number of cards removed from the game in this way minus 2.