Aras, Wings of Light
VolnarCard Type:
Level 3 UnitStats:
ATK: 5 / HP: 5 / STK: 2Ability
Fusion Summoning - Standard Action: [Pay 1 resource and put 2 {Warrior, Light or Poetica} cards from your damage those underneath this as charges.] Special summon this from your hand and deal 3 damage to you.
■ "Embrace" - Turn 1 - Standard Action: Discard all cards from your hand. If you do, draw 2 cards.
■ While this is anywhere besides a hand or while in play, treat it as being level 2.
■ "Wings Above The Battlefield" - Standard Action: [Put 1 of this card's charges to the bottom of its owner's deck.] Choose one from the following.
- During this turn allied units can attack while in the back row.
- This gains +2 ATK until the end of turn.