Alice, the True Awakening
ATLASCard Type:
Level 3 UnitStats:
ATK: 5 / HP: 5 / STK: 3Notes: This is a variant box topper of Volume 7 JP.
■ During your opponent's turn, you may normal summon {A7} units from your hand as an instant action. (These do not count for your summon cap, but you must still pay their costs.)
■ This cannot be placed in a defense zone.
■ "A7 Full House" - Standard Action: [DR 7: A7, Ascendant or Psychic] Allied {Alice and A7} gain +1 STK until end of turn.
■ "Psychic Formation" - Turn 1 - Instant Action: Put 1 other allied exhausted {Alice or Ascendant} unit to the bottom of your deck and draw 1 card. Then, you may normal summon 1 {A7 or Ascendant} unit from your hand without spending your summon cap. (You still pay the cost.)