Cosmic Wächter
WonderverseCard Type:
Level 4 UnitStats:
ATK: 5 / HP: 7 / STK: 3Ability
■ You may normal summon this card from your hand by paying 2 resources. If you do, when this enters play, deal 2 damage to you.
■ "Transformation" - Turn 1 - Standard Action: Choose 1 of the following:
- Put all cards in your hand to the bottom of your deck and draw 2 cards.
- Choose 2 cards from your opponent's graveyard and put them on top of their deck in any order.
■ "Tornado" - Turn 1 - Instant Action: Choose 2 allied units or 2 enemy units. If they are in the same column, exchange the positions of units in the front and back rows of that column.
■ "Absolute Defense" - Instant Action: [Put this into the graveyard.] The next damage that gets dealt to you becomes 0 damage instead.