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Honoikazuchi's effect & New Art

Posted on 1st September, 2020 at 10:55am CST
Ikeda has posted images of test prints of Gate Ruler cards. One is of Omen Butterfly, which we already know and you can see the translation of here. In adition, the card effect of "Dragon-type Prototype Battle Weapon "Honoikazuchi"", who we had previously been shown the artwork of, was shown, the translation of which is below. Based on its collection code, it will be a part of the free Demo Deck.

Dragon-type Prototype Battle Weapon "Honoikazuchi" (TD01-013)
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Race(s): Military, Dragon
Attack: 5
HP: 4
Strike: 2
Effect: "Automatic Attack System Blaze" When this card attacks, choose 1 or more units on your opponent's field, and distribute 3 damage among them. (For example, if you attack the center line and this effect destroys the opponent's defending unit, this card will attack the opponent directly.)

From Honoikazuchi's effect we can confirm what was already suspected, that Gate Ruler is adopting Buddyfight's Left-Center-Right system for Unit/Monster zones, where the Center zone being occupied protects the player from being attacked. While still unconfirmed, it is likely that this also means that the Ruler will be unable to attack while you have a Unit in the Center.

Also, the reminder text on this card's effect is very important to note, as this is a major departure from how this worked in Buddyfight. In Buddyfight, if you attacked the unit on the center, and it was destroyed by a card effect before the battle concluded, the attack would whiff. However Honoikazuchi tells us that if the same thing happened in Gate Ruler, the attack would instead redirect to attack the opposing player directly.

Lastly, to get ahead of any confusion from those who did not play Buddyfight, "Automatic Attack System Blaze" is not a keyword, but a unique ability name, primarily meant to give flavor to the card, but also utilized when making an effect a hard once per turn (that is, making it so no matter how many copies of the card you play that turn, the ability can only be used once in a turn) by referencing the ability name.

Below are translations of some tweets Ikeda made pertaining to this reveal.

"Gate Ruler's test print has arrived! Thank you for the continued support.

I got out of Buddyfight in 2015, determined to make a new took 5 years to get there.

Also, the back is super cool, but I can't show you just yet!" (Source)

"The reason is, of course, there is a logo on the back that is still private...

If you know Buddyfight, you will understand! "It feels good to touch, and you can't understand unless you touch it" This time, again, because it is prepared on the back!

I want you to not only see it, but touch it first! So for now the back is private." (Source)

"Anyways, I made the frame consciously to make the illustration bigger.

The text box style is "when the amount of text increases, the size of text box increases vertically, starting from the bottom".

Its much easier to have text boxes with a fixed size, but I made the decision to do the troublesome thing so that I could show illustrations as much as possible for cards with less text!" (Source)

Next up, let's talk about the new illustration Ikeda recently showed! Below is a translation of Ikeda's tweet regarding this art.

"New illustration.

Black Kappa, Genkuro
"Should I have a cucumber meal, or catch and eat people..."

I thought there could be more variety in card illustrations, so in Buddyfight I used oil paintings and Japanese paintings. This time I used sumi-e. We would appreciate your feedback." (Source)