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ATLAS Art & Wonderverse mechanic

Posted on 5th September, 2020 at 8:32pm CST
A new revised artwork of Hellkong, with a new name too! You can check out Hellkong's previous art still in our art gallery.

"New Gate Ruler illustration release.
Sergeant Major of the Army, Buster Kong (the name is long)

It is a modified version of the unit previously known as Hellkong. We removed its leather jacket so it would look more in line with the rest of Wild Force.

While some may have preferred the old design, this is a popular trend with young people." (Source)

Next up is Dimensional Navigation Ship, ARK! This has previously been mentioned in ATLAS lore, but this art implies there will be a card that is just the ARK itself! This is what Ikeda said in the tweet about it:

"Dimensional Navigation Ship, ARK.

An Avenger's Ark where the inhabitants of the worlds destroyed by the Exvaders gather. They pursue the Exvaders, appear over the Atlantic Ocean, and offer to join forces with ATLAS.

It is also the base of the Wild Force. It is an elliptical shape with a diameter of approximately 500 km. The residential district is underground, with a population of about 100 million." (Source)

[div]Lastly, in a recent livestream, Ikeda talked about the kind of effect a previously shown unit from Wonderverse, named Invasion Emperor, will have. It was said he will have the ability to take control of your opponent's unit, in reference to the "Super Galaxy Charisma Wave" ability it had in the manga Invasion Emperor originates from that would allow him to prostrate those who seek power. (Source)

Thanks to the Japanese fansite,, for making us aware of this piece of information we would have otherwise missed!
Edited by HunterSerge on 11th September, 2020 at 8:34pm CST