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Official Teaser Site Launch!

Posted on 1st October, 2020 at 11:51pm CST
Today we have two batches of news; the launch of the official teaser site, and an interview that Ikeda did on a Japanese blog! First up, we'll translate the information on the Gate Ruler teaser site, which you can see for yourself here:

Three years have passed since the invasion of the mysterious enemy "Exvaders".

Earth is preparing a force that can counter the Exvaders.

Mankind is not alone.

Youkai, and people out of myths and stories have also been exposed to the violence of the Exvaders.

Beings from other worlds fight side by side with us. Those who control them are the "Gate Rulers".

Using cards as a medium, they create out of nothing as "fledgling creation gods".

That is you.

The rules you choose.

The destiny you choose.

Be "individual". Then connect the world!

Game Guide
Gate Ruler is a game made for those who say "I want to be excited to see my friends' new cards like in those days!".

With the "Ruler system" which allows you to choose your favorite rules, even if your friend is a beginner who has never touched a TCG or an experienced TCG enthusiast, you can enjoy it together.

In Gate Ruler, letting a new friend join at the table will be very easy!

  • Briefing Session for stores and distributors
    Tuesday, October 20th at 3 PM

  • Official Presentation
    Thursday, December 10th at 6 PM, there will be a live broadcast.
    The announcement date and product specifications will be announced here!

    Look forward to it!

    What is a Ruler?
    Its simple, but let's introduce the Ruler System that is a feature of this game.

    With the Ruler System, choose your favorite rules and play with others.

    Of course, it is possible to play against a different Ruler than your own.

    "Apprentice: A dynamic and exciting Ruler with a strong element of luck."

    "Knight: Strict cost control and proper play are required."

    For example, in a match between these two Rulers, casual and experienced TCG fans can have similar winrates. (There are 5 types of Rulers in the 1st set. They each feel like a completely different game)

    Against complete beginners, veterans can "struggle".

    After all, the game is only interesting if you can struggle and demonstrate your skill.

    Veterans can't unilaterally defeat beginners, but if veterans use Rulers meant for advanced players against each other you can also create a high level battle of skill.

    You can choose to enjoy it however you like, whether it be casual fun or a tough battle.

    And you can easily play together with others who choose to enjoy the game in a different way.

    A complete beginner to card games can easily join your playgroup.

    Thanks to that unexpected game development, even in your first match with a stranger, you will be able to laugh together after only 5 minutes.

    The world of this game is always full of excitement and laughter.

    The world of card games that was fun at that time.
    The future of card games that I dreamed of at that time.

    That's now happening here.

    Gate Ruler.

    Please wait for the presentation on December 10th.

    We will continue to post information through the following accounts, so please follow us.

  • Of note its mentioned here that there are 5 Rulers from the start. Its unknown if that includes the free Trial Deck Ruler. In a previous article, we talked about there being 12 Rulers confirmed because of the numbers Ikeda provided with the 3 Rulers he talked about. However its now apparent those are not actually linked to release order and instead represent the number in the alphabet of the Ruler's first letter.

    Next up, the interview that Ikeda took part in, which you can read the original version of here.

    Good evening everyone!

    I'm Aoyama, the Geragera communication manager.

    Today is big news for the blog!

    We succeeded in getting an independent interview with manager Ikeda, who is a central figure in the development of Gate Ruler.

    This time, manager Ikeda answers three questions.

    Question 1) What is Gate Ruler's number 1 weapon as a TCG?

    The last question asks about the "charm of Gate Ruler", but I think it is the "fun of the game".

    However I will talk about that in more detail later, because the word "weapon" has a more commercial meaning, so let's talk about Gate Ruler as a product here.

    To put it bluntly, in the midst of coronavirus it has become very difficult for major manufacturers to spread a new TCG with conventional methods.

    TV, magazines, or celebrities.

    "How to use a large budget to force the customer to look at your product"

    That can't be used right now.

    So most manufacturers are cautious about big projects.

    "However, it is at this time that TCG players will support new movement within the TCG industry, which will blow away the depressing atmosphere" is what I thought.

    And this timing of "the big players cannot move" is also a great opportunity for new manufacturers like us.

    If you compare it to Gundam, "Now that the Minovsky particles are widespread and conventional weaponry cannot be used, guerilla warfare becomes effective", it may be similar to that.

    I have a long history of working as a consultant for manufacturers. Before Buddyfight, I was involved in the production of several TCGs, and was responsible for coming up with ideas for their promotion, management, and direction.

    In that process, occasionally I would appeal for things like "The power of influencers from ordinary people such as Youtubers, bloggers, and recently VTubers is definitely increasing. Their enthusiasm is genuine and even ordinary TCG fans have the ability to promote on Twitter. Shouldn't we get their help?" and "There are excellent creators in the general public. Why not make an open call for illustrations, stories, readings of flavor texts, etc. Why not officially incorporate excellent derivative works?"

    However, the idea within major manufacturers is "Having expectations of non-professional ordinary people is not something a common sense manufacturer does, and word of mouth does not have that much power. It can't possibly beat a commercial that costs money", and there were even some who said "Most of the otaku are consumers who only complain and aren't able to create anything, so you shouldn't expect anything from them".

    That "common sense" might be the right way of thinking, but I thought the idea of a manufacturer who does not trust the general public and will not compromise is too old fashioned.

    Its also true that people looking from above are uncomfortable doing business with otaku.

    Therefore, with Gate Ruler, I wanted to break through that "wall of common sense" and join hands with people who are enthusiastic about spreading TCGs even in places where "common sense manufacturers" will not.

    Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe otaku are just consumers and not able to create things with manufacturers.

    But if I'm right, that will be Gate Ruler's weapon.

    Plus, we cannot forget the existence of the card shop that supports the TCG boom.

    Gate Ruler officially approves of the sale of singles cards as the manufacturer and rather would like to support it.

    After all, its only a card shop if it makes a profit from the sale of singles.

    What specifically we will do will begin to become clear in November.

    I would like to ask all of you readers to help me.

    After all, Gate Ruler is "a TCG for the TCG generation who have good memories of TCG".

    As someone who has stayed with TCGs for so long, I believe in the power of everyone's enthusiasm.

    Question 2) Gate Ruler is attracting a lot of overseas attention, but do you have any plans or desires to hold events that transcend borders such as international competitions and world competitions? Also, do you have any plans or desires to hold large events in Japan such as national competitions?

    First of all, domestic events.

    We would like to hold a Grand Prix relatively shortly after release.

    In this era, we have to reduce the number of participants in order to avoid the Three Cs.

    However, we already have a large venue that can accommodate 1500 people, so we would like to start with a capacity of 500 people.

    I think 500 people is large enough for a TCG that has just begun.

    However, if that isn't large enough, we will try to hold another large event shortly after.

    The Chinese version will be released around the same time as Japan, and the English version will release 1 to 2 months later.

    After all, right now we must be careful about travel between nations.

    Therefore, I think it would be interesting to hold tournaments in each country to select representatives from each country, and hold the world competition through remote play.

    In addition, Gate Ruler has been found to be very suitable for playing in VR, and influencers are already practicing in VR.

    We're also planning a remote tournament using this.

    Finally, when it comes to competitions in other card games, only the "winners" are highlighted, but in Gate Ruler we would like to give awards to more than just the winners of the tournament.

    We are planning a system that rewards "entertainment duelists" and "#1 deckbuilders" similarly to the tournament winners.

    Its an effort to create value for more things other than strength.

    Please look forward to it.

    Question 4) Finally, tell us what Ikeda thinks the charm of Gate Ruler is

    It may be a trivial answer, but I think its really interesting as a game.

    As you all know, I've played many different TCGs.

    I made Buddyfight after learning the fun of many different TCGs.

    "To be honest, its so fun I'm not sure I even made it. Did I do it by accident?" is what I thought, and rather than bragging about it I was scared.

    Because of that I thought, "You can't make a game that exceeds Buddyfight" is something I thought, but Gate Ruler has easily exceeded it.

    I think Buddyfight was certainly fun, but the fun of Gate Ruler is extraordinary.

    This is not just my subjective opinion, but what most people who have played it have said.

    You have to play it for yourself to see that it is not a boast.

    Like with Buddyfight, I think that this fun is, to a large extent, created by accident.

    I can't take credit for it.

    It is a collection of the fun from many games that came together by chance.

    It can be said that the world setting and game balance was created by me and my friends.

    However, I think its a gift for the TCG generation, as the essence of its fun was created by the history of Japanese card games.

    Please check it out.

    "I want to enjoy TCG like this"
    I think the ideal I was dreaming of is here!