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Release Date Coming Soon

Posted on 18th October, 2020 at 3:44am CST
Ikeda has made a post on the Japanese Gate Ruler Facebook group, talking about the briefing session for stores that will be taking place very soon, on October 20th!

Finally, the public announcement of product release dates will begin.

First, at 3 PM (JST) on October 20th there will be a briefing session for the sellers who will bring Gate Ruler to the market.

Alongside this, Gate Ruler's release date will be announced to the public.

The contents of the briefing session will only be available to the participants, but I want to post photo coverage of the event.


A brief reminder that this will be the release date for the Japanese version. While the original plan was for the English release to be completely simultaneous, in a recent interview, Ikeda said the English release would be within 1-2 months of the Japanese release. It was not stated why there is now a gap, but its probably safe to assume its production issues related to COVID-19. Regardless, with that time frame we can still get a good idea of what the English release dates will be when we get the Japanese Release Dates in a couple days.

As a side note to this, Ikeda also posted more information on a previously shown dragon unit, revealing it to actually be from ATLAS.

Guibel of Wales
Level 3 Unit from ATLAS (Old World League)

Due to the swaying connections between dimensions, Youkai have appeared in Japan while beings of legend have appeared in Europe.

"People were amazed and awestruck. Ah, the dragon from the story has appeared."
