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Full Set 1 Product Information

Posted on 3rd November, 2020 at 10:00am CST
Before we get into the actual product info, we'd like to mention that when one of our staff members went to the official site,, they were redirected to As you can see for yourself, this page does not exist yet so all you'll get is a 404 error, and we've been unable to replicate this, but the redirect happening makes it seem like the English site is starting to be set up!

With that said, let's get into the news! Product Info for all 4 of the products in the 1st Release have been listed on a new article on the official site. This includes not just the rarity breakdowns for each product, MSRPs, and descriptions, but even the pullrates of each rarity!

Booster Pack Specifications

Gate Ruler Booster Pack "1st Set - Earth & Another World Alliance Formed!"

133 card types + ?
1 pack is 5 cards for 250 yen (excluding tax)
1 box includes 36 packs
1 case includes 12 boxes

Amount of each rarity in 1 box per rarity

★...63 types...124 per box
★★...24 types...36 per box
★★★...17 types...11 per box (increased from 9 to 11 after the retailer briefing session) (with Uber Rares)
★★★★...17 types...8 per box (increased from 6 to 8 after the retailer briefing session) (with Uber Rares)
★★★★L (Legend)...6 types...1 per box (+ 1 box topper)

SEC...? types
Ruler...6 types (3 types of Rulers each with 2 different illustrations)...3 per box

About Rarity

The rarity is represented by the number of ★.

The more ★ you have, the rarer the card is.

In the 1st booster pack, there are 5 stages from ★ to ★★★★L.

About Uber Rare

There is a special version of ★★★★ called Uber Rares. (UR is put in the card collection number)

It is classified as a SEC on the packaging.

Its very nice to see a full breakdown of the per box pullrate from the official site! Its something I can't remember being done before, especially not at a game's launch. To help parse what each rarity is in other games, before the ★ system was used, the rarities were described as C, R, RR, RRR, and SCR. So ★ are Common, ★★ are Rare, ★★★ are Double Rare, ★★★★ are Triple Rare, and ★★★★L are Secret Rare.

Breaking down the number of each rarity in a box, we can also figure out how packs are broken down. I'll skip the boring math and just tell you the results. ★ comes at 4 copies in a pack, and ★★ comes at 1 copy in a pack. When you pull a ★★★, ★★★★, ★★★★L it replaces a ★. The same likely applies to Uber Rares. Rulers are a bit of an oddity, however, because they don't slot in quite right. Rulers have been mentioned previously to have a pullrate similar to Rare, so perhaps the Rulers are actually a part of the ★★ cards, but are listed separately because they have a fixed pullrate? That makes the most sense to me.

Also one oddity to mention is that Uber Rares are mentioned to be ★★★★, yet in the ★★★ breakdown Uber Rares are mentioned?

With 6 ★★★★L in the set, that means 1 color will get 2 Legends, and the others will get 1. We already know of 2 Legends for Volnar (Magvarius and Blaster Vortex) so that seems to be the one. Its also possible that Exvaders won't get any Legends in this 1st set, which would allow 2 colors to get 2 Legends. It definitely seems that Exvaders have less cards overall than the other 4 colors in this set, seeing as White Bone Princess, a ★★★★, is card number 123 but the total number of card types is 133.

Lastly, the pullrates mean you'll get 4 copies of every Legend in a case, which is absolutely plenty, especially when talking about a card type that is limited to 1 copy. ★★★★ will come at 5 copies on average, with 9 extras. ★★★ will come at 7 copies on average, with 13 extras.

High Rarity Pack

Gate Ruler High Rarity Pack "1st Set - Earth & Another World Alliance Formed!"

1 pack is 13 cards for 2400 yen (excluding tax)
1 box includes 10 packs
1 case is 5 boxes (1 ★★★★ alternate art, special processing promo card included (1 type of a card from the normal booster pack))

All 167 card types (All parallel foil versions of cards from the Booster Pack & 2 Starter Decks)
★...63 types + 34 types = 97 types (the 34 types are the cards included in the 2 Starter Decks)
★★...24 types
★★★...17 types (full art version)
★★★★...17 types (Parallel Frame full art version)
★★★★L...6 types (Uber Rare version)
Rulers...6 types


Special pack with all cards foiled, each pack has 1 or more ★★★★ and 3 or more ★★★.

In addition, all cards have different specifications than the versions in the booster pack.

★, ★★, and Starter Deck cards get a foil version
★★★, ★★★★, and ★★★★L have full art versions, parallel frame versions, and Uber Rare versions respectively

Its an "Official Original Pack" that is the only place you can get all cards in these specifications.

(Since its just parallel versions, there's no problem in playing with normal cards)

Parallel Frame

In the high rarity pack, ★★★ get full art versions, while ★★★★ and above get the Parallel Frame.

Small change in the product from what we previously knew, it is now 5 boxes per case rather than 12, so the 12 was probably just an error in the presentation. With this new information, High Rarity cases are 120,000 yen (about $1150 USD) and Normal cases are 108,000 yen (about $1030 USD), so not that big of a gap between them.

I'm also a big fan of the Starter Deck cards being available elsewhere. I like Starter Decks getting new and exciting cards, and its understandable to not include them in the main Booster Pack to prevent redundancy and pulls that feel bad, but its nice to still have them available outside of the sealed Starter Decks.

About the Starter Deck

Starter Deck "Youkai & Giant Robo"

1 deck is 1500 yen (excluding tax)
51 cards included

A deck where beginners can enjoy high power beatdown and robot combination. "Youkai & Giant Robo" is a mixed color deck with Yomajin Front & Wonderverse.

It is a deck that includes the choices of tactics, flashy reversals, and deadly combos within the simple style of "play and attack".

Its a Starter Deck that beginners can use immediately, and even advanced players can enjoy.

Starter Deck "Demon Dragon Summoning"

1 deck is 1500 yen (excluding tax)
54 cards included

A combo deck for intermediate TCG players. "Demon Dragon Summoning" is a mixed color deck with Volnar and ATLAS.

This is a deck for intermediate players that summons dragons with Abyss Symphonia to destroy the opponent's field.

Oddly, Starter Deck 2 is listed for 54 cards? Maybe that's a mistake, but otherwise, got no clue what those extra 3 cards might be. Beyond that, its all re-confirmation of known information.

About the Prerelease (Pre-sale event)

In addition to the normal release date on December 26th, a pre-sale event will be held on December 12th at select card shops.

Please note that while there is a minimum order amount for the pre-release, the amount being produced for it is restricted, so if there is a large number of orders, the product will be allocated accordingly.

Users who want to check "where are the new products being sold?" will be able to find a list of the prerelease sales on the official website, so players will be able to gather from the beginning.

If you are an active store, please apply for the prerelease.

Future Product Releases

In Spring 2021, the 2nd set of Booster Packs and Starter Decks will be released!

We already knew Set 2 was due for mid-March thanks to a tweet we translated in yesterday's article, the more Starter Deck(s) being released alongside it is new information. Though it makes sense, we've got a lot of color combinations to go through, and it makes sense to introduce Rulers in this way. I could see there being 2 new Rulers each set (until they're all released) and 2 new Starter Decks featuring those Rulers alongside them. In this case, it seems these would be the Starter Decks for Vanquisher and Wizard.