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3 New Demo Deck Reveals!

Posted on 25th November, 2020 at 8:44pm CST
Gate Ruler's rules and demo deck will be revealed tomorrow! In the meantime, a few more cards from the free trial deck have been revealed, thanks this official tweet that showed off the print sheets. Additional thank you to this blog post from Super Solenoid for transcribing much of the text.

Godam Keeper, Gerson
Card Number: 2020TD01-003
Faction: ATLAS
Level: 2
Card Type: Unit
Attribute(s): Awakened Being, Military
Attack: 4
HP: 4
Strike: 2
Effect: [TD] "One-Man Army" Select 1 enemy unit and deal 1 damage to it. ([TD] is an ability that activates when a unit enters play from hand)

The first new card we saw, a new ATLAS unit! Honestly, it doesn't seem terribly impressive, since very few units have low enough HP to be removed by this, but it could be used to weaken a just out of range unit enough to be taken out by an attack. Its also just generally nice to have more cards with effects in the demo deck, as demo decks of some games are sometimes too vanilla to communicate the game's appeal. This card in particular has an interesting dichotomy, where depending on whether you're using World Master α or World Master β, it will vary between being a vanilla or having an effect.

World Master α 2020
Card Number: 2020TD01-L1
Card Type: Ruler
Life: 11
Attack: 3
Strike: 3
Effect: [Game Preparation] (unreadable) none, (unreadable) energy
[Start of your turn] Drive 2 times.
[Rule] The costs of your cards are considered paid. You cannot have a hand.
Flavor Text: Please refer to the QR code for the Play and Deck Construction rules of this Ruler.

World Master β 2020
Card Number: 2020TD02-L2
Card Type: Ruler
Life: 9
Attack: 3
Strike: 3
Effect: [Game Preparation] 2 cards in hand, 3 cards in energy
[Start of your turn] Choose 2 of your energy and activate them, draw 2
[Rule] Summon Right 2 (During your turn, you can normal summon twice per turn)
Flavor Text: Please refer to the QR code for the Play and Deck Construction rules of this Ruler.

The Rulers of the demo deck! World Master α's Game Preparation isn't completely readable, but its safe to assume it starts you with 0 hand and 0 energy, given the beta version of this Ruler's text we saw, its own Rule, and gameplay we have previously seen with this Ruler with no cards in Energy.

On the other hand β completely confirms our suspicions of the World Masters being weakened versions of the main 2 Rulers of Set 1 (Apprentice and Knight), with β's effects being identical to Knight and losing 2 points in its stats (in Life, in his case). As discussed in our previous article, we learned Apprentice has 12 Life and 4 Attack, so α also is losing 2 stat points. This makes it seem likely that Apprentice's effects are identical to α, so it wouldn't get any Energy at all. In that case, I suppose we must have mistranslated Ikeda's older statement about Apprentice and Energy. Our apologies.

One last point of interest, is α making the costs of your cards treated as paid. Two explanations for this come to mind:

  • Option 1: Drive does not make cards free at all, and the cost must still be paid. Apprentice and World Master α then become exceptions to future Drive Rulers, in that their Rule allows them to ignore costs.
  • Option 2: When Events are Driven, they are Set on your field, but when you activate them their cost must normally be paid, and Apprentice allows you to ignore this and play your Driven Events for free.

    Of the two, we think Option 2 is more likely.

    Energy card

    On the subject of Energy, we also saw what the Energy card itself looks like! Confirming they have no effects of their own, and are simply token cards. Though of course there's nothing preventing future Rulers from changing this.

    On this new order form for the Gate Ruler sleeves, we've learned that the sleeve manufacturer is Movic. This company handles the sleeves for Cygames (Granblue Fantasy, and Shadowverse), as well as the Fire Emblem Cipher sleeves, among various other anime properties! Speaking from experience with their sleeves, they are very high quality.

    Of course, my livestream will be at 9 PM on Friday Night (Translator's Note: this would be 7 AM on Friday in Eastern time)! Its a special Gate Ruler feature! After the rules have been published, I can talk about anything! Abilities of cards such as "Malevolus Prime" will be revealed for the first time! Other topics such as "What kind of idea led to you making Gate Ruler" will also be discussed!

    We will also accept questions from everyone. Please reply to this tweet!

    (Sources: 1 2)

    This should be announced. The first floor of the Card Kingdom Akihabara Station Square Store will become a "Gate Ruler Station" for a month starting on November 27th.

    Its not a place to sell Gate Ruler, but a facility for support, such as the distribution of free trial decks.

    Please make use of it. I will appear there on occasion.


    I want the game to be sold at other stores, so this will just be a support center. All the cards will be on display starting on December 12th. You can see the fabled Uber Rare!


    [quote]Its strange. Since we received three times the orders we expected, I thought I would feel at ease and relax, but the opposite is true.
    On the contrary, I feel sorry that because of the sales there isn't enough product for stores.
    Because I have high expectations, I feel I need to give something back to the customer.
    I'm not allowed to rest.
