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New Reveals! Beast's Boss Card, 2 Exvaders!

Posted on 30th November, 2020 at 8:01am CST
The first of today's influencer reveals comes from Hadano Tokia's youtube video, a new Yomajin Front unit, "Winter General, Mikage"!

Winter General, Mikage
Card Number: 2020GB01-069 ★★★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): Apparition, Warrior
ATK: 2
HP: 1
STK: 1
Effect: [CNT] Use this card's [OD] effect.
[OD] "Freezing Crush" Choose 1 enemy unit in a defensive zone, and destroy it.
Flavor Text: The Yomajin Front and the youkai do not have a formal contract, but are connected by old-fashioned traditions and people. Because of that, she is a yuki-onna who is the boss of the northern youkai. I need someone like her.
Setting (beginning) and Name by Nemesis.

A very powerful [OD] effect! Even if limited to a unit in a defensive zone, hard removal on such a low cost card is incredibly good! Targeting that specifically is great for aggressive play too, and being a Level 1 Apparition, its a target for yesterday's "Tenrou the Ushi-oni", and doing so allows you to put it into your defensive zone to not have to worry about its low stats, and focus on the stats of your other Apparition units!

Also, while talking about Apparition, a quick apology. The Wonderverse cards with the Mystery attribute were actually Apparition cards. These have now all been updated in the Revealed Cards article. Since one of these cards was "Absolute Explosion! Space Mimic" from the Demo Deck, the proxy in the print sheet has been updated as well. Regardless, with this, it is now clear that Apparition is designed for Yomajin Front-Wonderverse. That said, we haven't yet seen any notable Wonderverse Apparitions, just some standard Level 0 vanillas.

The next two cards come from this TCG Blog Life article! Its two Exvader cards, the Event "Destiny Sword" and the Unit "Deboweler"

Destiny Sword
Card Number: 2020GB01-124 ★★★
Faction: Exvader
Card Type: Event
Level: 3
Attribute(s): History
Effect: [CNT] Play this.
Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and play it at any time)
■ Choose 1 enemy unit, and destroy it.
Flavor Text: From the day this place was struck by the challenge from another world...It will never return to the way it was.

We've known for awhile that this is probably what Destiny Sword would be. It was described as similar to Duel Master's Terror Pit, so as soon as we saw the hidden effect vesion, it was safe to assume that this was what it would be. Regardless, the confirmation is nice, as its a very powerful effect, and keeps our evaluation of "Liar Moon" from yesterday's article valid.

Card Number: 2020GB01-126 ★
Faction: Exvaders
Card Type: Unit
Level: 1
Attribute(s): DWM
Attack: 2
HP: 2
Strike: 1
Effect: ■ "Collective Lifeform" If there are three or more <Exvaders> in your cemetery, this gets ATK+2 and STK+2.
Flavor Text: Neither Volnar nor the ARK have had any communication with the Exvaders. Everyone who has read their hearts has gone mad.

Now this one is new! While even with the buff it does only reach 1 point above standard Level 1 stats, but the stat allocation is incredibly good. 3 STK on a Level 1 is incredibly good. Effects like this and "Liar Moon" heavily encourages building mono-faction, or at least heavily towards Exvaders, which is really cool as it fits the flavor of Exvaders really well, while also letting Exvaders cards be as dangerous and scary as the lore says they should be!

Personally, I'm going to be trying to combine Exvaders with either Volnar or ATLAS, whichever one gets the higher quality portion of Darkness's cemetery set-up package.

On to Ikeda's reveals! First up, we have the boss card of Beast, Wonderverse's "Tiger of Id", as promised!

Tiger of Id
Card Number: 2020GB01-095 ★★★★
Faction: Wonderverse
Card Type: Unit
Level: 3
Attribute(s): Beast
ATK: 7
HP: 5
STK: 2
Effect: [CNT] Put this into your cemetery.
■ "Tiger, Tiger" If another «Beast» is on your field, your opponent cannot activate [CNT] from this unit's damage.
Flavor Text: The air responds to your fear. You are the devil.

Ba-ban! Finally revealed! This is the boss card of the Beast deck! Tiger of Id!
So! The Beast deck not only boasts large stats, but also has the ability to stop your opponent's comeback!

The scariest thing for advanced players is the buzz around the Beast deck for beginners!

Volnar will be in Beast decks because it definitely wants "Forest of Killers". You can pair that with Wonderverse to include "Tiger of Id", but there are also many good vanilla Beasts in Yomajin Front, so Volnar & Yomajin Front is also viable!

There is more than one correct answer. Each person is able to build according to their playstyle!

(Source: 1 2)

Tiger of Id lives up to the hype for sure! Its statline is solid for a Level 3, especially considering it will be buffed further by "Forest of Killers". The moment you see its [CNT], you can tell its going to be a really powerful card. It stops [CNT] entirely, even the default heal function, so it is a devastatingly powerful card!

Next up, Ikeda revealed 2 new Yomajin Front Events, "Purification Rite" and "All Things Must Die".

Purification Rite
Card Number: 2020GB01-092 ★
Faction: Yomajin Front
Card Type: Event
Level: 0
Atribute(s): Magic
Effect: [CNT] You may choose 1 ally unit, and put it in a defensive zone.
Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
■ All ally units get HP+2 until end of turn.
Flavor Text: "I think that magic and spiritual techniques are manifested by belief. Its not because its correct. I'm certain that the laws of physics in the world have changed to respond to human thoughts.
That's Koga's ability as Gate Ruler, right?"

New public reveal! "Purification Rite". It looks excellent.

The playstyle of Yomajin Front is:
  • Few direct removal or damage effects, but lots of combat tricks.
  • Specializes in defense.
  • Good at breaking the center line.
  • Backrow removal.


  • A decent enough combat trick, but compared to "Do-or-die Defense Battle" buffing a single target by 3 HP, or the next card "All Things Must Die", I'm not sure if it feels good enough to spend [CNT] slots on. However, its [CNT] effect is very interesting and potentially really powerful.

    All Things Must Die
    Card Number: 2020GB01-077 ★★
    Faction: Yomajin Front
    Card Type: Event
    Level: 1
    Attribute(s): Combat Technique
    Effect: [CNT] Put this in the cemetery.
    Use Timing: Immediate (Set this, and you may play it at any time)
    ■ Choose 1 ally unit, and it gets ATK+2, HP+2, and [Counterattack] until end of turn.
    Flavor Text: Impermanence. Or at least the body ends.

    New card reveal! Its an Event festival for the Yomajin Front! "All Things Must Die".

    A combat trick that is typical of Yomajin Front. Defeat the enemy unit who attacked with a Counterattack! It can also be used on your defensive zone units!


    Now this is a powerful combat trick! At the cost of being nerfed by a "do nothing" [CNT], "All Things Must Die" takes the effect of "Desperate" and adds [Counterattack] on top! We don't have reminder text of [Counterattack] yet, but it seems to be very similar to how it was in Buddyfight. In Buddyfight, Counterattack would allow a monster who survived an attack to destroy an attacking monster with less defense than its power. Assumedly, here, [Counterattack] would allow a unit who survives to deal ATK damage to one of its attackers!

    When combined with [Soulguard], like with Gashadokuro who is known to have the keyword, you can easily get multiple destructions out of [Counterattack], or even just ensure you'll get at least one, since even if your opponent wins combat, [Soulguard] allows you to survive and [Counterattack]! Could also combine with the Obstacle cards, "Sakura no Sei" and "Kamigakari", so when your opponent tries to clear them with a low ATK unit to minimize Obstacle's damage, you can use "All Things Must Die" to allow your unit to survive, likely destroy the attacker, and force your opponent to activate Obstacle again!
    Edited by HunterSerge on 1st December, 2020 at 5:19pm CST